Salut, a folosit cineva sau stie ceva despre QUAKER State Horsepower 5W-40 Full Synthetic ? Cica ar fi fabricat in America si ar apartine de Shell... "Quaker State Q-Horsepower 5W-40 is Shell Ultra Helix rebranded for the U.S. market. Shell Oil Products U.S. (SOPUS) owns Quaker State and Pennzoil. Shell is the "economy" oil of the three, with QS in the middle and Pennzoil on top." Aprobari si Specificatii: API SN/SL, CF. Mercedes Benz 229.5, 229.3, BMW LL-01, VW 505.00, 502.00. ACEA A3, B3, B4, C3 Ma tot zapaceste un prieten care detine 2 BMW-uri (330i e46 231cai si un 320d e46 150cai) la care foloseste uleiul asta de cativa ani cu rezultate foarte bune... (zice el... ). ps: momentan folosesc in masina personala (e39 520i M54B22) Liqui Moly TopTec 4100 5W-40 de care sunt destul de multumit.