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Everything posted by InSidE

  1. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Faruri led nu se merita, insa nbt da, jantele la vara ca acum e iarna.. ma mai gandesc cu tv
  2. 250€ pentru cel normal 300€ pentru cel cu HUD ( Head Up Display )
  3. InSidE

    F10 525d

    De la sursa mea, dar pretul e irelevant, a fost un pret special pt mine
  4. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Inca nu pot s-o vand ca nu am gasit harman... restu sunt deja cumparate ) Ar mai trebui si niste jante pe 19" :frantics: Mai pot adauga si TV... Si niste faruri led :frantics: :frantics: :frantics:
  5. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Da pai dupa ce o fac full, o s-o pun la vanzare.. )) Apropo am luat si butonul pentru volan cu incalzire.. acu astept sa-mi gasesc volan :getlost: )))
  6. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Emulator - 150e Antena bluetooth - 20e touch ecu - 50e Conversie ZGW - 50e Manopera - 100e USB Cotiera 6FL - 70e Cablu video - 30E Da, debia astept sa-l montez Preturile de mai sus pot varia, de exemplu din ce mi-a zis neo, doar ZGW meu merge resoftat, ZGW-01 si MID nu merg resoftate , deci alt ZGW + alt cost. Cablu video este comandat din china, cel original este mai scump. Eu tot la el fac montajul
  7. InSidE

    F10 525d

    In jur de 700 euro Urmatorul upgrade sper sa fie Harman Kardon de pe LCI , asteptarea asta ma omoara )
  8. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Da , astept sa pun si NBT cica se schimba grafica
  9. InSidE

    F10 525d

    S-a rezolvat cu bordul, se pare ca si in al 2-lea chip era VIN-ul scurt http://s14.postimg.org/ldyz0lj99/20151115_130551.jpg http://s14.postimg.org/96v8j1dbx/20151115_130557.jpg http://s14.postimg.org/ihby0bdfh/20151115_130602.jpg http://s14.postimg.org/rb2uhf0e5/20151115_130604.jpg http://s14.postimg.org/ge1isndml/20151115_130612.jpg Si ma pregatesc pentru urmatorul upgrade NBT http://s10.postimg.org/nsammrad1/20151115_132313.jpg
  10. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Lista de contacte , Lista de melodii
  11. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Pai nu am facut nici o codare nimic, e vorba de informatiile care le trimite bordul la HUD
  12. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Nu cred 6wa am avut eu si nu apareau, cand am pus 6wb s-a schimbat
  13. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Un teaser si cu 6wb, din pacate nu pot sa il codez ca nu am sters km ca nu am programator universal sa vedem de unde fac rost ca din china dureaza 1 luna pana ajunge.. este functional doar kilometraju, turatiile nu merg si am o gramada de erori din cauza optiunilor masinii dinainte.. http://s10.postimg.org/7lwd641yd/20151111_133306.jpg Am observat o imbunatatire la HUD, imi apare pe HUD si melodiile, si contactele din telefon
  14. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Se pune alt vin in combox si se adauga optiunile de internet si se sterge bmw assist
  15. InSidE

    F10 525d

    Activare internet http://s10.postimg.org/m32s7shd1/20151110_230900.jpg http://s10.postimg.org/nguf33gmd/20151110_231003.jpg Maine sper sa montez si bordul 6wb
  16. daca e cineva interesat pot aduce volanul asta la 430euro cu padele http://s16.postimg.org/yltnyxqfl/image_cb509436e6d7bbbb5f774a2344c33d236bd7367d54.jpg http://s16.postimg.org/rhbupwj69/image_eafe9dcd5943784dec356cbd172425794319acbd93.jpg
  17. 250€ pentru cel normal 300€ pentru cel cu HUD ( Head Up Display )
  18. In addition, the 2014 BMW 5 Series offers customers a new rear-seat entertainment system with tablet-style displays, a Harman Kardon Surround Sound system and a new version of the ambient light option with a facility which allows the interior lighting to be alternated in tone between orange and white. Classic F10, the 677 option was Hifi Professional which was an unbranded 16 speaker system with basic Dirac processing. (The high-end B&O option has higher-end Dirac processing). LCI F10, the 688 option is branded as Harman Kardon. The US site makes no mention about Dirac processing and BMW NA is unable to answer the question of whether or not Diract processing is included. The international brochure says that the Harman Kardon sound setup has Dirac processing. With the July/August 704 M-Sport Suspension story, I'm going to assume that Dirac processing is limited to the EU models. Harman has good technology also, AuraVox. There are 7x 26mm tweeters. 3 in front, 2 in the rear door, 2 in the rear shelf. These are Harman's Metal Matrix. There are 7x 100mm woofers to go with the tweeters. I haven't taken delivery of my car yet, but I believe these are Alumaprene. Harman doesn't say what this is other than to say that it's better than woven aramide (kevlar). There are 2x 217mm subwoofers under the front seats. These probably go down to 60Hz only. The amp is a Class D amp which is rated at 600W but I don't know what the breakdown is. Since it's class D and they claim a lower wattage for the lower-end BMW's, it's probably a legitimate rating.
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