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Everything posted by InSidE

  1. Deocamdata nu am unitate pentru CIC e90. Am doar monitor si buton. Daca fac rost o sa anunt aici. Pot aduce si CIC pentru E60, daca este cineva interesat.
  2. Nu vand doar covrigul. Volanul fara airbag la 200 euro, este model 2013, arata ca nou. Si niste poze cu volanul M de E60 http://s26.postimg.org/w2osbb48l/20140208_215258.jpg http://s26.postimg.org/b38ojt2k5/20140208_215306.jpg http://s26.postimg.org/pq9n1h16d/20140208_215313.jpg http://s26.postimg.org/xt7tcslrp/20140208_215336.jpg http://s26.postimg.org/op9ecck6t/20140208_215354.jpg
  3. Mergi pe Style 351M, dau foarte bine cu pachet M
  4. ai pm am un volan de e60 M
  5. Nici una din cele 2 nu are M-pack
  6. Destul de mult. Depinde si la ce pret iei plansa de bord, insa nu se merita.
  7. Navigatia s-a vandut. Mai am de vanzare un display CIC ( 200€ ) si un buton CIC ( 100€ ) Se poate comanda o unitate sa fie pachet.
  8. Pai asa ar trebui sa fie normal, 5ani sau 100.000km. Dai un telefon si vezi.
  9. Pai e simplu sa iti dai seama, inchide masina si vezi daca se mai conecteaza telefonul prin bluetooth la ea. LE: Defapt daca o mai detecteaza bluetooth, ca de conectat banuiesc ca nu se conecteaza daca nu ai contactul pus.
  10. Nu te lua dupa ce zice BMW. Tot ei recomanda sa nu schimbi uleiul la cutia automata ca e lifetime.
  11. Cam putini poate vrei sa zici, sunt totusi 9 ani
  12. Vezi ca s-a pus un link mai devreme aici: http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?30479-why-does-bmw-suggest-0w40-or-5w40-motor-oil&p=249064#post249064 The bottom line is this. The lower the first number is for engine oils, the better it is for your engine in order to reduce initial start up engine wear. And it has been proven in independent studies that approximately 90% of engine wear occurs at the time you initially crank a cold engine! And a cold engine is defined as an engine that hasn't been cranked in a few hours...even though it may be sitting in the hot sun on a 120 degree day! Most all car makers are now recommending 5W-** or 0W-** engine oils for their car's engines. You will see more and more oil makers producing 0W-** engine oils soon. They just need to educate the buying public why 0W-** engines oils are better regardless of climate. Better yet, they need to change the way they grade engine oils (and "gear" oils too) so it makes more sense to the average car owner...
  13. Volanul e de LCI, padele de e90 sunt diferite. Nu merg adaugate padele la un volan normal. Se prind in spatele volanului, si trebuie sa ai de unde sa le prinzi + spatiu.
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