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Everything posted by patrutalex

  1. SUBIECT INCHIS ! DEVIEM DE LA CARLY pe google gasesti codari f10 esys cate vrei in pdf
  2. Imposibil ! Sigur ai versiunea next pe masina ? Pune o poza cu versiunea navigatii tale
  3. Stick formatat ntfs ! Pune la radacina folderele 1 2 3 4 5
  4. Ultima harta ii 2018 http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/182399-bmw-road-map-europe-professional-ccc-2018/page__pid__2446018__st__40#entry2446018
  5. Carly for BMW Full 28.02 https://mega.nz/#!Afo0nIRD!CQf4IOpc0Y3MYg1K7tPfMnDETDjS6g4pd9Ny8PzEuOE
  6. https://mega.nz/#F!LxAx3aYJ Key : !vx-g_bVWJTPt1bTAkS9aOg DVD 1 Western Europe: Andorra, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Vatican City. DVD2 Eastern Europe: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Poland, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Vatican City.
  7. Doamne fereste ! primul post al tau dar si prost ! citeste inainte ! cum sa faci pe cd o arhiva de 32 de gb ? ai cautat pe google de curios next 2018-1 cu ce ii compatibil ? bafta !
  8. Pasi de instalare ncs si etc ! 1.- INSTALL THE CORE SOFTWARE FROM THE FOLDER 1-BMW STANDARD TOOLS 2.12 2.- CONNECT THE USB=>OBD CABLE TO THE COMPUTER, IF WINDOWS ASK FOR A DRIVER, TELL THAT THE DRIVER ARE IN THE 2-CABLE DRIVER CDM 2.08.28 FOLDER 3.- COPY ALL THE CONTENT OF THE FOLDER 3-UPDATE TO C: AND OVERRIDE ALL 4.- COPY THE FOLDER 4-BMW CODING SHORCUTS TO YOUR DESKTOP 5.- PUT THE UPDATED DATEN FOR YOUR CAR, I RECOMEND TO USE THE BMW CODING TOOL INSIDE THE BMW CODING SHORCUTS FOLDER FOR UPDATE THE DATEN FILES(OPEN THE PROGRAM, CHOOSE "SELECT SP-SOURCE" AND LATER SELECT "UPDATE SP-DATEN" Setari port: Now change the transmit and receive settings in the drop down boxes to 2048 for both transmit and receive Now change the latency setting from 16 to 1 Fisierele obd.ini, comdlg32.ocx si MSCOMCTL.ocx se copiaza in folderele: C:\Windows, C:\System32, C:\System si C:\SysWOW64. Fisierul obd.ini se copiaza si in C:\Ediabas\bin\ Pe urma se deschide Command Prompt ca si admin si se introduc urmatoarele comenzi: regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx regsvr32.exe MSCOMCTL.ocx Fisierele comdlg32.ocx si MSCOMCTL.ocx trebuie sa fie copiate si lanaga executabilul de la BMW Coding.
  9. bmwhat si carly ii acelas lucru ! bmwhat s-a numit inainte apoi s-a redenumit carly
  10. Acuma nu inteleg ceva Vad ca apare old version si new version ii magazin play la carly Care ii schema ?
  11. si ista nu ii pt codare !!!! ii pentru diagnoza sau programare module -update soft Programe codare E - ncs-carly Programe codare F -esys-aicoder-carly Pentru diagnoza normal ca cea mai buna ii dedicata ista d ! Carly for BMW Full 27.83 http://ul.to/vfwlccnuor https://mega.nz/#!XJpFlAZS!Pf5ZgxiW_wAsZVvSWLvgxohlFI0zI7e4MPsdP2yvsAk
  12. Peste 40 masini facute cu carly original pe E si F Gen video in miscare , welcome light ceata , viteza digitala bord , inchidere oglinzi , inversare start stop semafor , etc Sau afisare senzori parcare vertical ,orizontal Cu ncs dureaza enorm 0 probleme !!!! Recomand - plus orice s-ar intampla are backup salvat ! Acuma nu vreau sa compar esys cu carly sau etc Carly isi face treaba ! Rapid si eficient !
  13. Centura pusa , usa sofer deschisa sa nu intre masina in sleep mode
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