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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by wind-3er

  1. vreo clema, motorasul, sinele....mai mult ca sigur trebuie desfacuta
  2. ai navigatie pe ea, incalzire in scaune, statie, etc....consumatori mari/multi? ce batarie ai ? ce amperaj are ?
  3. frumoasa, bv pt alegere. mai multe poze !
  4. minim necesar : -clima -trapa -scauna incalzite -navi mare
  5. ms de -1....deja e tipic pt tine te deranjeaza daca ii cumpar produsul pus la vanzare cu 900 lei ? in conditiile in care tu ai vandut ieri cu 500 lei acelasi tip de produs ?
  6. ce va mai place sa va vaicariti ....... parca avem ierni ca in Rusia, Norvegia, suedia, etc..... auzi topic, cum se conduce un 320d iarna....sa-ti dau un e36 la iarna ! ( si fara abs )
  7. da, poti. de schimbat...o rama adaptoare probabil.
  8. dotarile asta la 10k...sa le mai astepte 1-2 ani. sau sa caute in Ger mda.
  9. voi mai repede cu -1 la postarea lui. ia si cauta , cu 10.000 iti gasesti ce vrei. la ce ierni avem noi.....wow...zici ca suntem in norvegia. era un e90 frumusel la vanzare pe forum la 10000
  10. )))....e normal sa fie presiune..... cat despre desurubarea busonului de la radiator cand e cald...scrie si pe el a nu se deschide cand e cald.... daca vrei sa te arzi/oparesti bine ....apucate de desfacut ! desi mai e o posibilitate...busunul sa nu fie bun.
  11. Tocmai asta e idea , sa nu simti ! DSC nu e tot una cu ASC !: The DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) is BMW's electronic stability control system. It controls the suspension with the help of three other single programs – ABS (Anti-lock Brake System), ASC + T (Automatic Stability Control + Traction) and CBC (Cornering Break Control). The system was firstly introduced back in 1997 offered on BMW 740i/L and 750i/L. Nowadays, all BMWs come with DSC III as standard including DTC (Dynamic Traction Control). The DTC allows more wheel slip meaning a more dynamic driving style with higher wheel traction including DSC controlling stability. In other words, the DTC will allow you to drive more aggressively without suiciding yourself. The DSC system is very complex and interesting. It constantly checks vehicle speed, steering angle, wheel rotation, lateral and transverse acceleration, brake pressure and yaw to register imminent instability when cornering, especially on slippery conditions like snow and rain. When instability moment is registered, the DSC intervenes via the engine management system. It reduces drive torque and activates each wheel brake individually to keep the car stable. Everything this happens within milliseconds, so do not think you don't need this system. So, the DSC uses ASC+T to cut the engine power and, if this is insufficient to maintain traction, it also uses ABS to apply braking power wherever it is needed. The DSC uses a lot of sensors to work properly. First, it monitors the steering angle sensor to detect the driver's chosen path. After that it uses lateral- acceleration to define the forces, which must be transmitted to the road by the tires. The rate-of-turn sensor defines the car's degree of rotary movement and the brake-pressure sensor define the longitudinal forces acting between tires and road surface under braking. If something went wrong while driving and the car begin to oversteer or to understeer, the DSC can counter the situation by applying brakes. All electronic and hydraulic systems are very rapid and precise, so the driver can hardly feel them. While ASC + T analyzes the longitudinal forces occurring in straight-ahead operation, DSC additionally registers and analyses lateral dynamic forces. When cornering at high speeds, DSC counters unstable vehicle states such as oversteering or understeering The DSC feature can provide maximum stability when cornering. With DSC there is a significant reduction in the risk of skidding. The DTC (Dynamic Traction Control) is a sub-function of the DSC system. Besides offering sports-style driving, it provides a small amount of wheel spin improving traction, especially on deep snow, slush or loose terrain. In some occasions more slip generates better better traction and more thrust. The DTC alloys sports-style driving and even permits controlled drifts. Still, the driver retains complete control over the vehicle in every situation and the Dynamic Stability Control's stabilising measures remain active even when the DTC is activated. When you start the car and you are in normal driving mode, the DSC is active. One short push on the DSC button: the DTC is enabled and DSC restricted. One long push on the DSC button: DSC and DTC off.
  12. http://www.bmwclub.r...-pe-un-bmw-e36/ http://www.bmwclub.r...766-asc-pe-e36/ http://forum.4tuning...sc-bmw-e36.html "DePinde de care asc vrei sa montezi ca sunt vreo 2 tipuri,asc simplu si asc+t,dacă montezi asc simplu iti trebuie buton pompa de asc si senzorii de ABS de la roti,dacă montezi asc+t iti trebuie pompa de asc,calculatorul de asc,butonul,senzorii,clapeta care taie gazul si cam atât in alta ordine de idei mai bn cauti o instalație completa inclusiv cu module si pompa si ai terminat tigania" "E de foarte mare folos ASC-ul...Te duci dracu si cu si fara ASC.Daca mergi cu viteza constanta si virezi masina va derapa stanga-dreapta dupa cum vrea. ASC-ul doar iti taie gazul cand accelerezi si sesizeaza prin intermediul senzorilor de ABS o diferenta de viteza intre rotile de pe spate. Daca vrei cu adevarat sa faci ceva inteligent pune DSC (valabil pentru E46/E39).Altfel doar va faceti de treaba ca sa mai puneti un buton in consola." http://www.pieseauto...abs-asc-bmw.htm
  13. km ? garniura de chiulasa arsa ? ( da/nu) ? ulei folosit ?
  14. N42B20A - 175co2 in brig - 175co2 in CIV...in iul 2015
  15. 5. pentru piele - crema DOINA...8-9 ron...foarte multumit !
  16. ...nu e vorba sa faci cum iti spun eu sau altii. vezi si tu ca fiecare postare reprezinta punctul de vederea al fiecarui detinator de bmw. tu intrun final o sa-ti cumperi ce vrei , in functie de ce ai in cap, de ce iti place, de ce masini gasesti si de buget. bine ar fi sa te plimbi cu fiecare model in parte sa vezi pe pielea ta cum sunt, nu din auzite. e doar un punct de vedere.
  17. all season pe fara si pe spate .....ceva ok pt iarna !
  18. mda.....chiar sunt curios de ce are comsumul asta enorm ( daca era vreun 3.000 benzina mai ziceam)
  19. 1.cu cine ai vorbit e treaba ta. "vesnicul consum de ulei" are si el cauze ( ca nu sunt schimbate de proprietari niste garnituri- romanul : lasa ca merge) asa se duce vorba intre "cunoscatori". 2. nu cred ca iti ajung 4000 pt ce vrei tu. 3. daca ti se pare asa simplu...incearca tu. o sa vezi pe pielea ta. poate e greu poate nu.
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