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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by Mishoo

  1. http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/index.php?showtopic=65883 conform listei de la RAR e euro3
  2. ptr e46 318i http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?mo...hg=51&fg=20 piesa 5 costa in jur de 180lei OEM
  3. la mine a fost nevoie sa inlocuiesc piesa 5 http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?mo...hg=41&fg=40 a costat in jur de 100lei
  4. banuiesc ca in acele tari exista si autostrazi si se justifica legea cu confiscatul
  5. oh nu....ei vor sa ne arda tot pe noi. http://www.gandul.info/news/guvernul-insis...-legala-4966645 :)
  6. ete asta: http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/index.php?act...st&id=69632
  7. http://www.e46fanatics.com/how-tos/interio..._sedan_trim.php
  8. pai tocmai plasticul(prinderea) ala care tine plumbul se rupe, iar in DIY iti arata cum se fixeaza plumbul pe suportul de plastic cu ajutorul a 2 soricei.
  9. http://www.impee.co.uk/windowregulator_repair.htm
  10. Part 11611438404 (Adjuster unit) was found on the following E46 vehicles: E46 316Ci Coupe, M43, Europe (BL51) : Intake manifold system E46 316i 1.6 Sedan, M43, Europe (ER51) : Intake manifold system E46 316i 1.6 Sedan, M43, Europe (AL51) : Intake manifold system E46 318Ci Coupe, M43, Europe (BL31) : Intake manifold system E46 318Ci Coupe, M43, Europe, RHD (BL32) : Intake manifold system E46 318i Sedan, M43, Europe (AN91) : Intake manifold system E46 318i Sedan, M43, Europe (AL31) : Intake manifold system E46 318i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD (AN92) : Intake manifold system E46 318i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD (AL32) : Intake manifold system E46 318i Touring, M43, Europe (AP31) : Intake manifold system E46 318i Touring, M43, Europe, RHD (AP32) : Intake manifold system
  11. http://fisierulmeu.ro/5513BJBYQ2PM/BMW3SeriesE36-pdf.html
  12. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?mo...hg=41&fg=60 piesa 19 TRUNK LID GRIP
  13. Disc won't eject? BMW Navigation systems tend to not want to eject if you've inserted a disc it didn't like (whether it be burned incorrectly or bad media). To get it to eject, with the car on, press and hold the eject button for ~3 minutes. Release it and immediately press-and-release it again. The disc should now eject.
  14. adica scrie si tu exact cat vrei pe ele.
  15. Mishoo

    ce piesa e

    vreo 350 lei OEM LE. vad ca esti din Cluj, ia legatura cu userul grozadan pentru piese originale
  16. atunci e cam 4 ani de la data scrisa pe bidon
  17. Eticheta din spate se poate desface/dezlipi din coltul dreapta jos. Vei vedea cateva date/instructiuni, precum si termenul de valabilitate.
  18. http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/index.php?showforum=72
  19. sau asa: http://www.paginata.com/lavolan/recomandat...eriorul-masinii Instructiuni: 1.Acestea metoda poate fi aplicata numai pe tesaturi sau materiale din vinil. 2.Pune un cub de gheata intr-o punga din plastic. 3.Aplica punga pe guma, lasand-o un timp pentru a ingheta. 4.Racaie usor guma cu un cutit fara tais. Atentie: •Nu aplicati aceasta metoda pentru materiale din piele.
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