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  1. Am ales cuvintele "Absorbtie lumina" si nu auto/self dimming pentru a descrie mai clar functionalitatea si pentru ca practic asta se intampla. Explicam si tehnic daca se cere, adica: How does it work In order for the dimming mirror to be effective, something must tell it when its time to act. Dimming mirrors used in the automotive industry are fitted with sensors to detect the intensity of the light. Usually, there are two sensors, one pointed to the front and the other to the rear. The interior mirror's sensors and electronics control the dimming of both interior and exterior mirrors. The sensors, when active, are constantly looking for low ambient light. Poor lighting tells the sensors you are driving at night and they begin looking for a glare source which may impair your vision. When they detect a change in light intensity, they trigger an electrical charge to be applied to the glass through a low-voltage power supply. The electricity travels through an electrochromic gel in between the two electrically conductive coated pieces of glass which make up the mirror. As a result, the mirror darkens proportionally to the light detected by the sensors. When the glare is no longer detected, they revert to their idle status. -- De asta costa 4600 lei 2 bucati.
  2. Nu ma supar fireste, dar nu vad ce te-a distrat. Poate ma lamuresti Si toate astea de mai sus plus altele nespuse, ar fi trebuit sa le intuiesc si sa le postez ad portas? Ma gandesc ca atunci cand vrei detalii specifice pui si intrebari specifice, fireste functie de interes. N-am trantit-o, nu-s din Herculane, si pe bune ca n-am inteles relevanta intrebarii cu datoriile firmei
  3. BMW Premium Selection la cumparare, doar service BMW in tara, ce te mai intereseaza? Da.
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