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  1. Pana acum (in 4 luni de cand am E70 X5 3.0D), am avut o singura problema: senzorii PDC pe spate, care au fost schimbati (gratuit, fiind in garantie) la Constanta. In rest, X5-ul e super OK!
  2. Ai dreptate Cristi! Nu stiu cum e un X5 fara adaptive drive, dar dupa 6000 km facuti cu X5-ul meu 3.0D cu adaptive drive, eu zic ca merita banii. Cand apas butonul sport de langa schimbator, suspensiile se intaresc si masina nu se mai inclina aproape deloc in virajele luate cu viteza. In rest, CONFORT!!!
  3. S-o stapanesti sanatos! Poate reusesc s-o vad zilele astea ... Ma bucur pentru tine! Felicitari!
  4. cjean

    My X3

    Superba masina! S-o stapanesti sanatos!
  5. cjean

    deci x5 2007 :D

    Felicitari! Sa stapanesti sanatos X5-ul! Asteptam sa bagi poze si sa ne spui cam cat ai dat pe masina ... Cristos a inviat! Sarbatori fericite!
  6. Auto Motor Sport - Mercedes ML & BMW X5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqMhSrT9olw...related&search= Car and Driver Comparison http://www.caranddriver.com/comparisons/12669
  7. Super! E frumoasa foc! Sa o stapanesti sanatos!
  8. E adevarata faza ca trebuie sa dai 1000 euro pentru a te inscrie pe lista de asteptare??? :blink: S-ar putea ca noul X5 dotat cu kitul aero sa faca cuceriri si printre cei care ii critica estetica (deocamdata, pana vor vedea unul "pe viu")! http://www.x5world.com/members/lemansx5/E70-accs-cover.jpg http://www.x5world.com/members/lemansx5/E70-accs-page3.jpg http://www.x5world.com/members/lemansx5/E70-accs-page4.jpg http://www.x5world.com/members/lemansx5/E70-accs-page5.jpg
  9. http://www.automobilismo.it/edisport/autom...81?OpenDocument http://www.x5world.com/x5-e70-forum/18632-...ss-release.html E tareeeee!!! Imi place! Sa vedem la ce preturi va fi bagat in martie 2007 la noi!?
  10. cjean

    Noul X5

    Spy Shots http://www.autocarmagazine.com//Car/BMW/X5/1256610630.jpg http://www.autocarmagazine.com//Car/BMW/X5/12566106352.jpg http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/1918/76ww.png http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/8930/669jl.png
  11. cjean

    Noutati X3

    BMW X3 Facelift Undisguised http://www.worldcarfans.com/spyphotos.cfm/...lift-spy-photos More BMW X3 Facelift Spy Photos http://www.worldcarfans.com/spyphotos.cfm/...lift-spy-photos :blink:
  12. cjean

    Noul X5

    Spyshots: New BMW X5 spotted-Part one http://www.autospies.com/article/index.asp...2&categoryId=12 Spyshots: New BMW X5 spotted-Part two http://www.autospies.com/article/index.asp...3&categoryId=12 Greu de spus cum va arata X5 ...
  13. cjean

    Noul X5

    Asa va arata noul BMW X5 in Australia? ... :blink: http://www.worldcarfans.com/news.cfm/count...grade-australia Iar in USA noul X5 va apare in 2008? ... :) http://www.autospies.com/article/index.asp...64&categoryId=1 Hehehe :) ... inseamna ca mai avem de asteptat!
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