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Vand set becuri OSRAM Cool Blue Intense D1S
Bala replied to C_o_s_m_i_n's topic in Vanzari piese si accesorii BMW
Inchis la cerere. (s-au vandut) -
vand amortizoare fata M3 e46 , stare foarte buna
Bala replied to george_geo1010's topic in Vanzari piese si accesorii BMW
Ok. -
Pai nu e bine. Ficare DVD are detalii putine in celalalte zone si multe detalii pe zona lui.
Ai pus DVD-ul care trebuie? Parca pentru acolo trebuie DVD-ul 2.
Eu folosesc harta 2013 si e Ok prin Romania. Nu am mai folosit si celalalte DVD-uri pe afara pt ca nu am mai iesit prin Vest cu ea in ultimul an.
de ce ? eu am schimbat termostatul pentru ca se incalzea greu. Nu facea alte figuri.
Si la mine jucau. Dupa scurt timp au inceput sa se murdareasca de ulei furtunele. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu tot acolo ajungea. Le-am inlocuit si gata. Stau acum destul de rigide iar motorul este curat. @Hila, Sa-ti traiasca !
vand amortizoare fata M3 e46 , stare foarte buna
Bala replied to george_geo1010's topic in Vanzari piese si accesorii BMW
Ba da conteaza foarte mult. Pentru ca daca sunt aceleasi, cumparatorul si-a luat o teapa. Cat despre Scufi, e OK ce face el. Teparii nu ar trebui sa posteze pe acest forum. P.S. Nu Scufi te-a suspendat ci eu pentru ca nu ai respectat regulamentul. -
vand amortizoare fata M3 e46 , stare foarte buna
Bala replied to george_geo1010's topic in Vanzari piese si accesorii BMW
Nu. Nu se inchide. Deci, sunt sau nu aceleasi amortizoare. Daca da, cum explici "km dati inapoi" ? @Scufi - poti baga la user review o descriere a situatiei. -
Nu vad nimic depasit in a sta langa mecanic sau sa te uiti la el cum lucreaza. Doar nu o face in curul gol... Chiar si la reprezentanta daca stau dupa masina, ma duc si ma uit la ei cum lucreaza pentru ca sunt curios. De multe ori stiam ca trebuie facut ceva anume la ea, am cautat eu sa vad cum se face insa am decis ca e mai bine sa merg la service. Acolo nu am vrut decat sa ma uit sa vad daca intelesem binedin ce citisem. Daca nu am timp, o las fara probleme la service si o iau cand e gata lucrarea. Asta cu degradant este o prostie. Te poti uita la ei si printr-un geam. NU stai sa-i suflii in ceafa iar motivele pot fi si cele de mai sus.
Domnilor, daca nu vreti sa ajutati, macar nu mai postati. 1. Nu ajuta pe nimeni 7236 postari pe un topic fara a stoarce gram de informatie utila. 2. Multe informatii se gasesc greu. Daca nu sunt postate "la timp"poate nu exista sau nu a fost vazut topicul de cineva care poate sau vrea sa ajute. Nu insistati cu postari gen UP pentru ca se ajunge in sitatia 1.
sunt vreo 3-4 useri carora li s-a rupt lantul si inca vreo 5 care l-au schimbat pentru zgomot. Toti acestia proprietari. Exista si chestionar pe topicul original. Nu vad rostul a inca unui topic pe aceiasi tema. Cine chiar este curios sa citeasca despre lant, nu are decat. Concluzii oricum nu se pot trage decat bazat pe pareri pentru ca oficial nu exista nimic concret. Doar liste de piese care se schimba in permanenta si cam atat. Sunt multe forumuri pe afara, filmulete, articole care arata ca este o problema cu acest lant. Inclusiv astfel de liste cu zeci sau sute de useri. Degeaba se face o lista cu 10-15 useri cu probleme la distributie. Problema daca apare nu poate fi ocolita si e mai bine ca viitorii/actualii proprietari sa stie ca li se poate intampla si lor. Macar sa stea geana pe motor si al sau zgomot.
Marime jante bulgaria
Bala replied to RebeccaVladut's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
+1 @mvpaul -
Navteq VDO Dayton / BMW Europa 2011 / 2012
Bala replied to Marlbor0's topic in Audio/Video/Navigatie/Electronica auto
Poate citesti si regulamentul. Mai ales punctul 1. -
Bolturile se inlocuiesc pentru ca asa recomanda BMW. Daca demontezi suruburi de la motor, trebuie sa pui altele noi pentru ca la strangere acestea se deformeaza. Garnituri inlocuiesti pentru ca se demonteza parti din motor si e normal sa pui noi. Toatea astea nu tin de distributia in sine ci depind mai mult de service daca le inlocuiesc sau nu. In mod normal ar trebui inlocuite.
Pfoai. Bai nene... Ce intelg eu din asta: Deci schimbarea din decembrie a fost OK. Insa nu au piesele disponibile. Asa ca se folosesc alte piese iar prin toamna vor fi din nou schimbari Se vad in poze si modificarile de la patine. (Merci Bimmer-Service) http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/6006/20130306134826.jpg http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/4417/20130306134912.jpg
Puma 43863106-08. 43863106-08.pdf Nu inteleg de ce este 08. Dupa codul pieselor inlocuite este mai noua decat 09. Idem si daca ne luam dupa data aparitiei. PuMA Measure 43863106-08 Topic N47, N47S, N47T, grinding noises in the engine, timing chain scrapes Release Date (dd.mm.yy) 04:02:13 Status Released Organization DE, car Affected vehicles E-series E60 E61 E81 E82 E83 E84 E87 E88 E90 E91 E92 E93 F10 F11 F20 F25 F30 F31 Engine N47 N47S N47DK0 N47T Body Production period (from / to) (Dd.mm.yy) / Comment Production time Feedback (in case of To measure) (dd.mm.yy) Complaint Scraping, abrading engine noise from about 1500 1/min or idling, which in the interior perceptible. The noise can be easily heard on the transmission housing or the oil pan be. Cause Sharpness of the chain wheels, or the timing chain is not uniform over the Guide rails. Measure Please note that changes to the part numbers in version 8 and before repair is necessarily ensure the availability of the parts! Changes in version 8: The released version 7 part numbers of the lower chain guide / slide rails 8573158 and 8573159 are currently not available as planned. The availability of further optimized parts is scheduled for the 3rd quarter is expected 2013th If there are any remnants of the part numbers 8572499 and 8572500 (damped chain guide and-span rail below) is required, this can still be used for repairs. Repairs already done with 8,572,499 and 8,572,500 are technically in order. 3 cases are distinguished as follows: Case 1: For motors N47, N47DK0, N47S, production period 01.03.2007 to 05.01.2009. In the case of a customer complaint, the following components are to be replaced: - 11 21 7 803 479 interchange crankshaft with bearing shells. Note: Only crankshafts with production date after the 5th First 2009 only! PuMA Page 1 of 4The production date stamped on the crankshaft sprocket. (See Appendix, page 1) Meaning of the numbers: - The first two digits represent the production line. - The following six digits are: year (two digits), month, day. - The last 5 digits identify the item number of the crankshaft. The investment in the illustration on page 1 crankshaft is therefore 21 Been made October 2009. - 11 41 7 797 896 for the drive chain of the oil pump. - 11 31 8 506 652 timing chain below. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump. - 11 27 7 800 523 gear (intermediate for the balance shafts). - 11 27 7 802 575 gear (balance shaft drive). - 11 27 7 802 576 gear (balance shaft drive). - 11 31 8 510 014 timing chain top. - 11 31 7 797 899 for timing chain guide rail above. - 13 52 7 797 904 for timing chain guide rail below. - 13 52 7 797 903 for timing chain tensioning rail below. Note: Only use guide rails without stiffening ribs! (See appendix, page 2 +3) Note: Adjust the idler for the balance shafts under repair instructions! If the intermediate gear and the balancer shafts are set sufficiently, the motor, despite new crankshaft etc. produce sounds! See Repair Manual 11 21 500 "replace crankshaft." Note: For vehicles which are already in a previous repair the crankshaft was renewed: These vehicles treated as described under "Case 2". Case 2: For motors N47, N47DK0, N47S, N47T production period from 05.01.2009 - 01.03.2011 In case of customer complaint, replace the following components: - 11 31 8 506 652 timing chain below. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump. - 11 31 8 510 014 timing chain top. - 11 31 7 797 899 for timing chain guide rail above. - 13 52 7 797 904 for timing chain guide rail below. - 13 52 7 797 903 for timing chain tensioning rail below. Note: The screw connection of the intermediate for the balance shafts no longer needs to be solved be! Note: Only use guide rails without stiffening ribs! (See appendix, page 2 +3) Note: For vehicles which are already part of a repair guide rails without Installed stiffening ribs and replaced both timing chains were: treat these vehicles as "Case 3" described. Case 3: PuMA Page 2 of 4For engines N47T production period from 01.03.2011 and already made repairs Guide rails without stiffening ribs: These vehicles can not be repaired again! Acoustics is instantaneous series stand! There is no risk of a timing chain breakage. The replacement of the engine because of this complaint is not allowed! Note: Because other parts of tests are currently no acoustically improved chain guide and Clamps available! Copyright Ë 2002-2013 BMW AG, Munich (Germany). All rights reserved. Google translate. :flowers:
abs si esp aprinse in bord
Bala replied to catavalcea's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria X
Trebuie sa mergi la service pt o diagnoza. -
Cu lantul nou (mai gros) si cu eliminarea demontarii motorului de pe masina e clar. La anul voi schimba si eu distributia (desi nu am zgomot inca) Estimez ca voi avea pe la 100-110 k km pe atunci. Pana atunci stau geana sa vad piesele astea noi cum se comporta pe masini si cate variante vor mai apare pana atunci.