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Nu m-am prins... Sigur nu ii era adresata lui George postarea de mai sus?
Si eu bag de la OMV si in general de la aceleasi statii.
De unde cumperi motorina??? O scoti singur cu galeata dintr-un put? Asta cu 5000km este o mare exagerare. Eu l-am schimbat la 70k km pentru ca asa recomanda BMW (tot la a 3-a revizie). Masina nu avea nicio problema.
PuMA measure 43863106-09 No measurement Theme 43863106-09 N47, N47S, N47T, grinding noise in the engine, the timing chain scrapes Validation date (dd / mm / yy) Current Status Affiliate Validated 14/12/12 FR, VP Vehicles involved Series E Motor Body E60 E61 E81 E82 E83 N47 N47S N47DKO N47T E84 E87 E88 E90 E91 E92 E93 F10 F11 F20 F25 F30 F31 Production period (beyond) Comment period Return info (all cases (Dd / mrn / yy) production until) (dd / mnn / yy) / Complaint Engine noise and friction scraping type from 1500 rev / min, perceptible in the cockpit. The noise is noticeable on the gearbox housing or the oil pan. Cause Sharp edges of the sprockets or the chain does not move regularly on the slides. Important measure: before starting the repair, ensure the availability of essential items! It is necessary to distinguish between three cases: case 1: for motors N47, N47DKO, N47S, production period from 01.03.2007 to 05.01.2009. In case of customer complaint, replace the following components: - 11 21 7 803 479 replacement crankshaft with bearing shells. Note: Use crankshafts produced after 5. 1. 2009! The production date stamped on the crankshaft sprocket (see Appendix, page 1.) Meaning of numbers - The first two digits indicate the production line. - The six digits indicate the year (two digits), month, and day. - The last five digits are the serial number of the crankshaft. The crankshaft shown on page 1 of the Annex has been made October 21, 2009. - 11 41 7 797 896 chain drive of the oil pump. - 11 31 8 506 652 chain below. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket drive the oil pump. - 11 27 7 800 523 gear (intermediate gear for balancing shafts). - 11 27 7 802 575 pinion (drive shaft balancing). - 11 27 7 802 576 pinion (drive shaft balancing). - 11 31 8 510 014 upper chain. - 11 31 7 797 899 guide rail for upper timing chain. - 13 52 8 573 158 guide rail for timing chain lower - 13 52 8 573 159 rail for timing chain tensioner below. Note: the lower chain, use only the rails and tensioners guidageamortis! (See Appendix, page 2) For greater supply chain, use only the rail without reinforcements! (See Appendix, page 3) Note: according tune and repair instructions for the idler lesarbres balancing! If the idler gear and balancer shafts are set incorrectly, the engine can produce a crankshaft with nine bruitsmême, etc.. View manual repair 11 21 500 "replacement of the crankshaft." Note: On vehicles on which the crankshaft has been replaced under uneréparation previous: treat these vehicles as described in "case 2". Case 2: for motors N47, N47DKO, N47S, N47T period from production of 05.01.2009 - 01.03.2011 In case of customer complaint, replace the following parts: - 11 31 8 506 652 chain below. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the oil pump. - 11 31 8 510 014 upper chain. - 11 31 7 797 899 guide rail for upper timing chain. - 13 52 8 573 158 guide rail for lower chain. - 13 52 8 573 159 rail for timing chain tensioner below. Note: it is not necessary to loosen the bolt on the idler for the arbresd'équilibrage Note: the lower chain, use only the rails and tensioners guidageamortis l (see Appendix, page 2) For greater supply chain, use only the rail without reinforcements! (See Appendix, page 3) Note: On vehicles having already been under repair track without reinforcements and surlesquels both chains have been replaced: treat these vehicles as indicated inparagraph "Case 3). Case 3: For N47T engine part products from 01.03.2011 and engines already repaired with rails deguidage without reinforcements. In case of customer complaint, replace the following parts: - 11 31 8 506 652 chain below. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the oil pump. - 11 31 8 510 014 upper chain. - 13 52 8 573 158 guide rail for lower chain. - 13 52 8 573 159 rail for timing chain tensioner below. Note: The theoretical version after repair is shown on page 4 of the Annex. http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/399269_377884818967982_552690220_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/31576_377884945634636_1942732287_n.jpg SURSA ================ Se poate vedea ca lista componentelor pentru care este recomandata inlocuirea devine tot mai mare... L.E. Multumiri Google Translate
PuMA measure 43863106-04 No measurement Theme 43863106-04 N47, N47S, N47T, grinding noise in the engine, the timing chain scrapes Date validation (jjlmmlaa) Current Status Affiliate 28.02.12 Validated FR. VP Vehicles involved Series E Motor Body E60 E61 E81 E82 E83 N47 N47S N47DKO N47T E84 E87 E88 E90 E91 E92 E93 F10 F11 F25 Production period (from / to) Comment period _infos Return (all cases (Jjlmmlaa) production until) (dd / mm / yy) / 03.01.11 Complaint Engine noise and friction scraping type from 1500 rev / min, perceptible in the cockpit. The noise is noticeable on the gearbox housing or the oil pan. Cause Sharp edges of the sprockets or the distribution channel does not move regularly on the slides. Measure It is necessary to distinguish two cases enter: case 1: for motors N47, N47DKO, N47S, production period from 01.03.2007 to 05.01.2009. In case of customer complaint, replace the following parts: (See Appendix, Figures 1-7) - 11 21 7803479 replacement crankshaft with bearings. Note: Use crankshafts produced after 5. 1. 2009 l The production date stamped on the crankshaft sprocket (see Appendix, page 2.) Numbers mean: - The first two digits indicate the production line. - The six digits indicate the year (two digits), month, and day. - The five checkered figures correspond to the serial number of the crankshaft. The crankshaft shown on page 2 of the Annex has been made October 21, 2009. - 11 41 7 797 896 chain drive of the oil pump. - 11 31 8 506 652 chain below. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the oil pump. - 11 27 7 800 523 gear (intermediate gear for balancing shafts). - 11 27 7 802 575 pinion (drive shaft balancing). - 11 27 7 802 576 pinion (drive shaft balancing). - 11 31 8 510 014 upper chain. - 11 31 7 797 899 slide / slide for superior supply chain. - 13 52 7 797 904 slide / slides to the lower chain. Note: according tune and repair instructions for the idler balance shafts! If the idler gear and balancer shafts are set incorrectly, the engine can produce sounds even with a nine crankshaft, etc.. the See the manual repair 11 21 500 "replacement of the crankshaft." Note 1 of the vehicles on which the crankshaft has already been replaced in a previous repair: treating these vehicles as described in "case 2". Case 2: for motors N47, N47DKO, N47S, N47T production period of 05.01.2009 to 01 .03,2011 In case of customer complaint, replace the following parts: (See Appendix, Figures 8 to 10) - 11 31 8 506 652 chain down. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the oil pump. - 11 31 8 510 014 upper chain. - 11 31 7 797 899 slide / slide for superior supply chain. - 13 52 7 797 904 slide / slide for chain lower Note: it is not necessary to loosen the bolt on the idler gear for trees balancing the Note: Since March 2011, there are new tracks. These slides have no reinforcement bars. (See Appendix, pages 7 and 10.) The running surface of the rails is very flat. The chain moves well on regular slides. Part numbers have not changed. Note: When repairing, make sure that there are more than runners without side bars! (See Appendix, Fig. 7 and 10.) Warning: do not repair a second time vehicles produced after 03/2011 and vehicles on which all current measures have already been implemented in the acoustic level corresponds to the situation of the series There is no risk of break the chain! replacement engine for this reason is not allowed! ========================== Vad ca sunt luate in calcul si masini care au beneficiat deja de o reparatie a distributiei.
La N47 este doar un termostat, cel de la pompa de apa. La EGR nu exista termostat. Cosmin, ce inseamna ca nu ai obsercat diferente majore? Inseamna ca mici au fost... Care? La mine pe langa incalzirea mai greoaie, are momente in care ajunge la 89 de grade si sta acolo insa se intampla ca in urmatoarea zi sa nu mai treaca de 80. Din ce am citit in TIS, la orice interventie la sistemul de racire se schimba si antigelul. Asta ar fi un al doilea motiv sa fac schimbarea pentru ca masina are 5 ani acum. Daca as fi fost la tara si afara temperaturi decente, as fi inlocuit eu termostatul insa e prea frig
Peste o saptamana am programare la BMW pentru inlocuit termostatul. Tot mai greu urca apa. Am mers in oras si jumate de ora iar temperatura era pe la 80 de grade. Interesant este ca nu il inlocuiesc direct. Mai intai verifica masina desi le-am explicat ce si cum face... Sper sa nu gaseasca balarii. P.S. se vor uita si la distributie sa vada daca este OK.
7. Initiatorul topicului poate da un singur UP la 7 zile de la ultima sa postare. Nu se admit UP-uri date mai repede de 7 zile de la ultima postare sau UP-uri date de catre alta persoana decat initiatorul topicului. Exceptia UP-ul la 7 zile va fi permis doar atunci cand initiatorul doreste sa scada 10% din pret. Daca se da UP inainte de cele 7 zile topicul va fi inchis 10 zile. Sunt considerate UP-uri si actualizarile de stocuri, noi produse, sau postarea de poze in intervalul celor 7 zile. Din acest motiv, topicurile trebuie sa contina cat mai multe informatii inca de la deschiderea lor.
Userul se numeste neo_andersson
Inseamna ca nu e de la flanse daca tot mai bate ceva. La masina noua nu bate nimic si sunt aceleasi flanse deci nu e de la constructie/proiectare.
Am rasturnat stopul si au iesit.
Se incinge oricum sau doar cand apar unele probleme de contact? Eu le-am dat pe ambele stopuri jos si nu am observat nimic anormal la mufe. Le-am dat jos pentru ca imi intra fel de fel de gaze in ele si ma enerveaza sa le tot vad acolo. Elemente topite nu am observat. Ce-i drept, nici nu am cautat atent asa ceva.
Nu e greu. Foloseste-o. In scurt timp te vei obisnui cu ea
Nicio masina nu tine vesnic. Se mai strica una,alta...
Unde se poate gasi exact tipul de antigel? TIS ? Ma gandesc sa-l inlocuiesc si eu. De bagat voi baga doar original.
S-a mai discutat: http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/39601-discuri-perforate-vs-discuri-normale http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/4910-discuri-de-frana-perforate
A raspuns colegul mai sus. O cautare pe forum ar fi raspuns la intrebare fara sa mai fie nevoie de un nou topic http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/92140-probleme-pornire-la-rece-318d-e46-2003/ http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/44277-problema-la-pornire-la-rece/ etc.
Sa-i faci film cand arde. Evident, sa-l pui si aici pe forum
... si mai rau pentru planeta.
palcute frana 320d
Bala replied to Slick_era's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari comune mai multor modele BMW
Nu poti circula cu masina fara probleme cand ai becuri aprinse in bord, mai ales cand este aprins ceva legat de frana iar cauza nu o cunoaste nimeni. !!! VA ROG SA NU MAI DATI ASTFEL DE SFATURI !!!!!! @Slick_era - mai mergi si la alte service-uri. Afla mai intai exact de la ce este problema.