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Everything posted by rikmh

  1. Cred ca ai facut ce spune mai jos... The service function 'Adaptation exhaust-gas recirculation valve' must be run if the EGR valve was renewed. The service function must be run before renewing the EGR valve. Execution of the service function deletes the adaptation value. After installation of the new EGR valve, the new value is learned and stored in the DDE. For the new value to be learned, the engine must run for about 10 s (idle is sufficient). The following operating procedure must be used: Run engine at idle speed. Reset adaptation with service function. Switch off the ignition and allow the vehicle to go to sleep (neutral values are saved). Replace the exhaust-gas recirculation valve if necessary. Start the vehicle and run it for at least 15 seconds (adaptation of new values has taken place). Switch off the ignition and allow the vehicle to go to sleep (newly adapted values are saved). Note: The newly learned value is permanently stored in after-run mode; for this, the vehicle must first enter rest state. Only a permanently stored adaptation value has an effect on the read out of the position of the AGR valve in the corresponding procedure.
  2. Par a fi ok setarile. Singurul lucru care imi mai trece prin cap e legat de cablu. INPA functioneaza corect? Identifica toate modulele? Daca e inainte de 2008 fabricata ar trebui sa ai cablu cu switch sau sa suntezi pinul 7 si 8
  3. Verifica latenta portului com la care este conectat cablul K-DCAN, trebuie sa fie 1 ms
  4. Loader-ul de ISTA-P care il ai instalat nu merge cu K+DCAN si ENET. Doar ICOM. Cauta versiunea 6.1
  5. Nu cred ca este nimic defect. Si la mine , tot motor N47 imi arata in ISTA-D o temperatura de -40. Cred ca de fapt este o valoare calculata ca diferenta intre doua valori, una de intrare si alta de iesire... oricum nu am gasit nici o eroare niciodata legata de acea valoare.
  6. trebuie sa cauti un service unde au detector de freon, sa verifice sub bord acolo unde intra conductele in vaporizator
  7. Pentru E46 cred ca iti trebuie cablu cu comutator, sau desfa mufa de la asta si sunteaza pinul 7 cu 8 If you are going to diagnose BMW vehicle models made before year 2005, you will almost certainly need to bridge pins 7 & 8 together, as these cars used a dual K-line data output (KKL).
  8. Senzorul de placute nu ar genera aceste erori. Mai degraba cel de ABS are probleme, nu mai "citeste" corect viteza de rotatie a roti/rotilor.
  9. Primary circuit: In the DSC hydraulic control unit, air bubbles can adhere to the edges and valves, and these cannot be removed by rinsing with the brake fluid change unit. The vibrations that occur during ventilation with the diagnosis system loosen the air bubbles. Secondary circuit: Under normal conditions (DSC does not intervene), the secondary circuit of the DSC hydraulic control unit is closed, so that the air it contains cannot escape when rinsing with the brake fluid change unit. When bleeding with the diagnosis system, the return pump and the exhaust and high-pressure switching valves are activated during rinsing so that the secondary circuit is also bled. After the exchange and repair of the following components, bleeding must be done with the diagnosis system: - Hydraulic unit - Master Brake Cylinder - Components or connection lines that are located between the hydraulic unit and tandem brake master cylinder Operations: For the DSC8, the operations 3 ... 7 must be performed in the order rear right, rear left, front right and front left. For the DSC Mk60 the operations are specified explicitly in the test module. Connect the brake fluid-change unit and switch on (the filling pressure must not exceed 2 bar) Fully rinse the brake system Attach the bleeder container to the vent valve Open vent valve Start bleeding with the diagnosis system with open vent valve After completing the bleeding, operate the brake pedal 5 times to the limit position; bubble-free brake fluid must escape Close vent valve Remove the brake fluid change unit Note: A second person is required for this task
  10. Nu e dracul chiar asa de negru, CAS-ul cred ca e in "Programing abort". WinKFP il poate aduce la viata dar iti trebuie sursa neaparat, dureaza cam 10-15 minute.
  11. Daca ai aer conditionat varianta 534 Automatic Air Conditioning si e pus pe "auto" poti sa dai la maxim cat vrei. Pana nu creste temperatura motorului va sufla incet doar spre geam sa nu condenseze pe acesta.
  12. Eu zic ca nu are nimic electromotorul. Deconecteaza IBS-ul si incearca sa pornesti. Ar trebui sa "invarta" demarorul. E o problema veche
  13. 4E1E Swirl flap position sensor signal faulty 4A79 CAN bus Error in data transfer
  14. Trebuie sa faci intai o diagnoza si sa verifici cei doi senzori fata/spate de nivelare
  15. Underfloor coating WHEELARCH TRIM
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