Full coverage:
Andorra, Belgium, Germany, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Niederlande, Norwegen, Sterreich, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slowakische Republik, Slovenia, Spain , Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republik, Hungary, State of Vatican.
Only main road network:
Albania, Russia, Bosnien and Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Mazedonien, Moldawien, Montenegro, Romania, Serbian, Turkey and Ukraine.
Full coverage:
Belgien, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Lettland, Litauen, Luxembourg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Sterreich, Poland, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republik, Hungary, Vatykan State , Russia.
Only main road network:
Albanien, Andorra, Bosnien and Herzegowina, France, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Ireland, Mazedonien, Moldawien, Monaco, Montenegro, Portugal and Spain.
Plattform: BMW Navigationssystem Business (SA 606) "EntryNav", BMW Navigation (SA6UN) and BMW Navigation Plus (SA6UP)
Supported languages
Russian, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
* The map data is split into two parts or two USB sticks respectively (Europe West and Europe East). The map data for Western Europe includes the main road network of Eastern Europe. The map data for Eastern Europe includes the main road network of Western Europe. For detailed navigation, the corresponding map data must be imported into the vehicle before transferring to a different region.
Salut, nu apare Romania enumerata la acoperire completa harta Est (Bulgaria -Da) dar pt. cea de Vest este trecuta la partial , doar drumurile pricipale (ca toate vecinele ei mai putin Ungaria). Chiar daca nu apare la descriere Est, harta. pt. Romania are acoperire completa pe varianta Est. Nu poti avea ambele harti in acelasi timp, le au impartit in doua tocmai pt. ca ocupa prea mult.