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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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Everything posted by bitz

  1. Eu zic sa incerci alta marca de ulei , 10w60 e pentru masini mai puternice in general. Cati km are masina?
  2. Eu am mers si fara deflector si tot e misto , in locurile din spate e cam deranj insa la viteze peste 60kmh , oricum senzatia de cabrio e unica...
  3. Pentru ca nu iese , sa o faci din euro 3 in euro 4 nu e asa usor.
  4. Motor mai mare -cuplu mai mare - volant mai mare... .
  5. Lasa VIN-ul aici , ca mai intra pe aici si poate il vede.
  6. Era masina ta? Vad ca aia zic ca a fost scurt la pompa de benzina...
  7. Dai 20 mil , faci testul si nu iese bine , merita? Cam asta e intrebarea..
  8. Se poate face si la noi la RAR un test dinamic si daca ai noxele de euro 4 iti trece euro 4 , costa vreo 20 mil parca testul.
  9. La banii aia cam asta gasesti , unul impecabil e mult mai scump . Ar mai fi astea : http://www.autovit.ro/bmw-320-C23140628.html http://www.autovit.ro/bmw-323-C23273100.html
  10. Am o presimtire ca omul cauta ceva cam la jumate din pretul celor din linkuri.
  11. Cred ca gasesti o mie de informatii pe forum despre 525d , da si tu un search.
  12. Nu e vorba de diesel vs benzina , dar astea dublumasice cad in draci si de obicei le gasesti pe diesel din cauza cuplului mare dezvoltat si de la turatie mica.
  13. Volant dublu masa , bucuria diesel-arilor . Mai pot fi si tampoanele sau un injector , dar astea se pot verifica , volantul nu.
  14. Fata de 520i e mai ok pentru ca benzinarul trebuie sa il tii numai in turatii , are cuplul maxim sus de tot , la depasiri trebuie sa dai inferioara , chiar 2 trepte mai jos ca sa nu ai emotii. Asta ori iti place , ori te enerveaza la culme ... :frantics:
  15. Da , hai ca am gasit si eu unu cu euro 4 pe un 525iA , ciudat...stiam ca nu exista. http://s18.postimage.org/pxc6uor8p/fahrzeugschein.jpg
  16. The new N53 comes in two displacements – 2.5 litres and 3.0 litres. One major difference with the N52 is that it comes with High Pressure Injection, which is basically direct injection. But the N53 does not have Valvetronic because there is not enough space in the cylinder head to implement both direct injection and Valvetronic. The mid-range engine is the N53B30U0 which can produce 218 horses at 6,100rpm, and 270Nm of torque between 2,400 to 4,200rpm which is rather low by 3.0 litre standards, but the “U0″ 3.0 litre engine is detuned (used in ’25i’ products) and meant to compete with competitor products of a lower displacement/power output. The ‘proper’ 3.0 litre engine is the N53B30O0 which does the full 272 horses at 6,700rpm and 320Nm of torque from 2,750rpm to 3,000rpm. Uite aici niste discutii de pe forum-uri germane http://www.e60-forum.de/thread.php?threadid=4887&sid= Tradus cu google : All 525i Drivers interesting, the more power bissi want;-) I by accident when browsing the net on the company DS-Motorsport encountered, and this winter promises tuning the 525i an output of 280HP So in advance ... I speak here of the N53B30 Since you can get out with a sucker on the Chipen usually only healthy 10-15hp, I was wondering how something goes. Ask me this has been for my purchase ... What was cut back, what's the difference between a 525i and 530i LCI? Engine block and head are all the same, so I decided once the work done and printed out all the parts from two units of the ETK. Compared (So were about 200 pages ...) All the part numbers and lo and behold .... Throttle, rails, high-pressure pump, DME, suction, LIMA .... all the same The only difference is the intake manifold and maybe even the DISA VE ... Here I come to the numbers on the ETK not ran .... or they were not published with intent ... Item 2 +3 is missing Is or would be so easy ... Other map another bridge and the car is better than a 530i series? Question time tonight, the price for the 60 hp. Si aici : http://www.e60-forum.de/thread.php?threadid=16557&sid=87e7e1d3bf24441c52fb053c4e8dfb75
  17. Da e o mare prostie , daca nu era ditamai hardughia de E60 mai ziceam.
  18. Fa si tu un topic separat ca aici e vorba de altceva ... arata bine masina aia dar parca as merge pe automata pe E60 cu motorizarea aia.
  19. bitz

    Noul M5

    A aparut si pe strazile din Constanta , l-am prins parcat in fata unui restaurant : http://s7.postimage.org/jgt7lhkor/12_006.jpg
  20. Ai grija mare ce cumperi , nu cred ca exista M5 cu care sa se fi mers omeneste , cel putin nu in bani putini. Citeste si topicul asta si spor la cautari : http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/82056-despre-m5-ul-meu-si-automobile-bavariaa-sad-story/
  21. bitz

    2011 525xd

    In realitate e foarte greu sa scoti datele date de producator , 0-100 dat de ei e cel mai bun posibil de masina aia , in conditii de aderenta foarte buna , inclinatie zero a pistei , clima foarte buna etc.. Ca si la consum , una sunt datele , alta e realitatea...plus ce zici tu de etajarea cutiei diferita , 0-100 e asa un etalon care multi il iau in considerare dar in real life e 90% degeaba. Mult mai mult conteaza 80-120kmh de exemplu...
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