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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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Everything posted by florin83

  1. nici mie nu-mi revin. adica vin mai greu, da nu ma deranjeaza ca nu le folosesc :blink: (in oras, afara le pu mereu )
  2. am si eu o intrebare! de ce vrei sa schimbi centurile?
  3. si vezi sa ai la tine un scaunel din ala pliabil sa ai pe ce sa stai cand o sa-ti zic pretu :blink:
  4. nu sunt pe tel mai.. :) oricum mi-am luat pda, de acum nu mai intru de pe tel.. decat pe messenger ca de pe pda e mai greu sa scrii :blink: sunt pe linux.. si am un word cam ciudat. kword se cheama :)
  5. ar trebui sa fie poze in documentul asta? :blink:
  6. nu sunt scheme.. decat poveste :) cum adica explodate? :blink: linkul
  7. Parca nu exista 535d 4x4.. :blink: decat 530xd, care nu e bi-turbo..
  8. ma contraziceam mai demult cu cineva care afirma ca se potrivesc rotile.. :blink: ce inseamna brake lining? am vazut ieri la intalnire eroarea asta pe bordul masinii unui membru :)
  9. eu nu inteleg asta.. zicea sa pui ulei in diferentiale si apoi do not require any service
  10. Two "limited-slip" Ferguson-type viscous couplings are fitted on the 325iX. These are filled with silicone and are not computer controlled. The one behind the transmission splits torque front to rear (nominally 37/63%). A series of plates with holes and slots turn in the silicone fluid. Some plates are attached to the front axle driveshaft and some are attached to the rear axle driveshaft. Normally the plates turn at the same rate without relative motion. The silicone becomes very viscous as soon as it is heated by friction and shear caused by differences between the motion of the plates. This tends to lock the driveshafts. If the rear wheels and driveshaft are slipping and turning faster than the front, friction between the plates increases, slippage is reduced, the rear wheel spin is reduced and the power from the input shaft is transferred to the front. Side View -The drive system add only 145lb. to the vehicle and is very reliable. The viscous couplings are sealed permanently and require no maintenace. The only additonal maintenance items required are changes of 1) the front differential oil (GL-5 90 weight, same as the rear) and 2) the transfer case fluid which is ATF. All drivetrain fluids should be changed at "Inspeciton II", nominally at 30K miles. The front wheels always have some torque transmitted to them. BMW choose a ratio of 37/63% front to rear because this corresponds to the weight distribution on each axle under full acceleration. This avoids the problem typical of front wheel drive vehicles in which the front wheels spin under acceleration due to weight transfer to the rear. Road and Track (April '88) states that "The net effect of the center differential is to act as a power-management system, transferring engine torque away from the end that is slipping and to the end with greater grip; as much as 90 percent of the torque may be shifted to the front or rear as required. This is done actively, quickly and without the occupants of the car ever being aware of it." In it's stock form, the iX understeers slightly more than most BMWs. It is 0.4 seconds slower than an ordinary E30 from 0 to 60, and 0.3 seconds slower in the quarter mile. The rear axle ratio is changed slightly (3.91 vs.3.73:1) to minimize the effect of the added weight on acceleration. Car and Driver specifically notes that on dry surfaces, the iX stops 13 ft. shorter than an 325is, probably due to wider stock tires (205s vs. 195s). -The basic technique used to drive the iX quickly is to "point and shoot". :blink:
  11. asta e reconditionare? e mai mult un proiect ambitios... bafta si daca iti iese sa ma dai si pe mine o tura..:) eu intru usor ca-s mai subtirel :blink:
  12. florin83

    Seria 3 E30

    Daca domnul Ionut someaza, uite ca fac eu update la lista.. 1.Nick 2.Dan 3.(cine pana mea?!?) 4.316i 5.Alex323 6.Florin83 7.Luk 8.Til 9.Adioprisan 10.Strem 11.Cris_Tm 12.E30Feghea 13.E30PST 14.E30WRC 15.Vladenko 16.George324TD 17.Marci324TD 18.Iulika0069 19.VE 20.Trueblood 21.E30Cabrio 22.RZV 23.Kiphtea69 24.UWE 25.Cristache 26.Body. 27.GTR 28.Valichelu 29.Ionut cool.gif 30.Butcky 31.Wxw 32.Cristic 33. Bebe 34. Da_Joint 35. Dimanche 36. Azeea 37. Bucataru 38. KNS 39. Saplacan 40. ALEX-----JAF
  13. rollbar? :blink: aha.. da ce vrei sa faci cu ea de-i pui rollcage? O pui de testul elanului? :)
  14. cred ca la astea se refera wlf.. si eu sunt curios cum sut vopsite. am un prieten cu un E46 compact care le are din aluminiu (sau e imitatie? :blink: ) si sunt f frumoase.
  15. da.. si se vede ca n-am autoblocant :blink:
  16. probabil ca si a mea le-ar face mai lungi daca i-as da drumul la ambreiaj de la 6000 de ture. Astea sunt facute pe la ~4000
  17. Se pare ca mai grav da cu spatele.. :blink: astea din prim plan sunt urmele de la rotile din spate..
  18. :blink: Racere, mai calmeaza-te.. nu vezi ca o faci praf? :)
  19. 250 cu audi S6 :) Eu eram in dreapta :blink:
  20. florin83

    Seria 3 E30

    da tu chiar nu stii de gluma? :blink:
  21. cele din fata se aud mai tare.. Ieri am vazut urmele.. cele din spate parca erau mai lungi (~1m)
  22. florin83

    Seria 3 E30

    vazusem si eu da am zis sa-l las pe el sa o descrie :blink:
  23. florin83

    Noul x5?

    M-am convins si eu ca exista masina aia..:blink: Am vazut azi dimineata in targ..
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