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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by ///MPower_5er

  1. UPDATE: If you place a new transmitter into service (either a replacement or an additional transmitter), it must be initialized: 1 Enter the vehicle and close the doors. 2 Turn the ignition key briefly (max. 5 seconds) to position 1 in the steering lock and then turn it back to position 0. Remove the key. 3 Press button 1 (refer to the illustration) and hold it. Maintain pressure on button 1 while rapidly pressing button 2 three times in succession within a period of 10 seconds. 463de028 4 Release button 1. 5 The central locking system activates and releases all lock mechanisms in rapid succession to indicate that the initialization procedure has been successfully completed. If the central locking system does not react, you must repeat the initialization procedure. If you possess additional transmitters for your vehicle (up to a maximum of four units), you must now initialize these as well. Be sure that no more than 30 seconds is allowed to elapse between the individual initialization procedures. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each of the transmitters when doing this. The central locking system will confirm every initialization procedure as described in step 5. In the event of a system malfunction, please contact your BMW center. You can also obtain replacement transmitters here
  2. de la un baiat aici in craiova care se ocupa cu asa ceva, lumina e putin putin mai slaba, dar se vade normal
  3. salut, asta e masina ta ? :)
  4. merci man, am resolvato,dar nu merge decat pentru o cheie Remote Key Re-Initialise - If a key fails to operate remotely, it will have to be re-initialised (all keys in sequence at the same time) - Get in and “close all doors” - Turn ignition on & off quickly (no more than 5 seconds) to start the process. Next action must take place within 30 seconds - First key - hold down button #2 (unlock) while striking button #1 (lock) three times. Release button #2. Confirmed by door lock operation. - Repeat for second key within 30 seconds of first. - After last key then cycle the ignition on/off to finalise the process (not necessary to start the engine. Both keys should now have new "randomly selected" security "code words" - asigned by the car's system. Those codes will be continuously incremented within the new sequence each time you hit a button. It is when they get out of sequence with the car that they loose the capability to be recognised and you then have to do this again. That occurs when you take longer than 1 minute changing the battery, or if you hit buttons more often the 1000 times when it is out of range of the car. __________________
  5. salut, am si eu o problema si sper sa ma ajute cineva.. am pus masina la service pentru ca sa schimb supensiile, si a ramas masina la ei 6 zile :) , si dupa aceea am vrut sa iau masina de acolo dar a murit bateria, si cheia era in contact tot timpul.. si acuma nu mai merge telecomanda de la cheie !!!! stie cineva care e problema sau o solutie.. multumesc anticipat
  6. prea frumoasa masina :) sa o stapanesti sanatos
  7. e39 din fabrica fata jurid si spate textar,, realoem, dar nu am gasit jurid
  8. merci, nu am nimic cromat pe masina, si nu cred ca arata bine sa fie doar grilele cromate
  9. hii all, here she is after some cosmetics, i hope u will like it :twoup:
  10. am cumparat textar, am vazut ca textar e un producator pentru bmw, merci :twoup:
  11. salutare, am cumparat discuri de frana brembo max pentru bmw e39, dar am vazut multe firme de placute..mintex, textar, bosch...etc. si nu stiu de care sa iau. :twoup: poate sa ma ajute cineva sa aleg ? merci
  12. da, asta e codul.. schwarz II 688/9, (jet black 2) mersi
  13. salutare tuturor, vreau sa stiu daca numarul asta ( SCHWARZ II 688/9 ) se refera la codul culorii exterioare, pe care l-am gasit sub capota pe partea stanga. mersi attached: BMW colors codes list
  14. mutumesc mult, we go back to: self-leveling xenon hedlights... horizintal and vertical :twoup:
  15. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?mo...hg=31&fg=05 level sensor !! nu am auzit niciodata de atoadaptve asa cu simal galben fata ca masina e american system :twoup:
  16. AUTOLEVELING iseamna ca pozitia farurilur se misca automat vertical sau orizontal in fonctie de curba sau daca este greutate in masina...
  17. nu sunt de acord cu tine, STRAZILE sunt distruse, si handling pentru E39 !!! asta nu e masina de curse sau asa ceva, are suficente sisteme pentru handling si stabilitate...
  18. multumesc mult, cred ca 17" e suficient pentru strazile noastre :twoup: eu as vrea 19"
  19. salut, o sa fac poze pentru interior diseara :twoup:
  20. 525D, 163 bhp. an 2002...
  21. Cu filtru cu tot intra cam 7.7-7.8l.Cel putin eu atat pun,pana la nivelul jojei la naxim am schimbat ulei acum o saptamana , 7L dupa castrol :blink: , nivelul pana la minim, si am pus inca 350ml. pana la mijlocul nivelului
  22. numai speria omul chiar asa :) cand cade turbo iti da uleiul pe evacuare si gata,o iei tractata de acolo :blink: la mine nu se pierde nici macar un ml. de ulei, si am schimbat galerie de admisie ca afost sparta si am vazut niste ulei acolo care e normal (nu e mult).. dupa aceste pareri cred ca scuate putin aer de pe unde va eu cred de la intercooler... trebuie sa verific
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