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Everything posted by ///MPower_5er

  1. s-au vandut: - o caseta de directie (cea cu 80 Tkm.) - Shift Box (schimbatorul pt. cutia sport) ** Mai aduag: - Paket M complet: bara fata completa, praguri laterale M, bara spate completa si praguri de interior M, culoare A08 Siblergrau, 850 euro - Volan M complet pt. seria 5 si seria 6 fara semne de uzura sau zgariaturi...etc. M steering wheel, 600 euro - roti de iarna Styling 134 Trapezoid-Styling folosite doar un sezon (iarna 2010-2011) fara zgariaturi de borduri sau alte defecte.., merg si pe e39 si multe piese de e60, suspensia M si stock, piese motor, piese de caroserie, senzori de parcare, module....etc. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1903.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1905.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1906.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/MLenkrad.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/E60Winterrader.jpg
  2. salut, am eu ceasuri de bord pt. benzina cu display mare-High (an 2003)dar nu are geam, daca vrei poti sa iei geamul de la al tau!
  3. vezi ca colegul ELF are una completa la pret foarte bun bafta!
  4. 300 euro bara spate completa (Originala) bara fata gasesti pe ebay.de 200-300 euro
  5. mai adaug: - Short Shifter pt. e39, e46, e36, e30... folosit numai pt. proba - 140 lei - Perdeluta spate - 250 lei - Inele de bord (titan) originale - 130 lei - Panou comanda (Central Switch) incalizre scaune, PDC, DSC - 140 lei - Panou climatronic e39(FaceLift), e53..fara butoane rupte - 350 lei - Panou comanda (Central Switch) incalzire, PDC, DSC, Perdeluta - 170 lei - Perdeluta spate cu plansa si panou (inclz., PDC, DSC, Perdeluta) - 600 lei - Galarie de evacuare (e39, e60, X5, e46...) 700 lei http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1875.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1885.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1706.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/Galeriadeevacuare.jpg
  6. @Soryn14: iti dau schimbatorul din poza complet la 300 lei transport inclus! http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1857.jpg @Nicu25: poze cu oglinzile: http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1851.jpg Update: pretul oglinzilor scade la 400 euro + o oglinda de interior (retrovizoare) BONUS electrochrom cu sensor! mai adaug o bara spate de M Pkt. completa, 350 euro (poze la cerere)
  7. maine iti spun pretul salut, maine fac poze la ambele setrui si iti dau si codurile de pe ele
  8. te intereseaza maneta completa cu mecanismul sau doar schimbatorul? volan complet nu am, doar covrigul! o zi buna
  9. Vand pt. e60 din 2008: - Caseta de directie - 05/06/2008 80.000km - Caseta de directie - 04/06/2008 64.000km pret: 400 euro bucata, merg pe e60 e61 e63 e64 LCI - Volan sport (doar covrigul cu mufe si suport de airbag), piela impecabila, pret: 120 euro - Turbina pt. e60 LCI 525d din 2009, 500 euro - Set oglinzi pt. e60 LCI incalzite si electorchrom - 300 euro - Set oglinzi pt. e60 LCI incalzite, electrochrom si rapatabile elctric - 450 euro http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1804.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1803.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1817.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1808.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1806.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1836.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1842.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1821.jpg sunt si foarte multe piese de E60 LCI si de E39
  10. Transport inclus pt.: -suspensia -caseta de directie -scutol de motor -cauciucurile
  11. O zi insorita http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1766.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1772.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1780.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1774.jpg
  12. asta e un Touring de nota 10/10 S-o stapanesti sanatos
  13. imi pare rau pt. ce ai patit, cel mai important ca tu esti bine bara se rezolva nu e nimic
  14. a mai primit Kit ambreiaj Sachs X TEND si HID super slim kit pt. faza lunga http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/iPhone.png http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1683.jpg
  15. salut, ID-ul meu: bimmer_e39@yahoo.com o seara placuta
  16. Jantele sunt replici (MAM9, Alpina Classic Style), Alpina classic au valve ascunse sub capace! sunt jante de calitate si pretul este bun bafta la vanzare
  17. poti si mai mult, dar aceasta este aprobarea TĂV
  18. Coborarea in conformitate de certificat TĂV de piese: 25-65 mm
  19. - Suspensia reglabila SuperSport Black Evolution SU83BM07 Tech. details, noua cu certificat TĂV si granantie - 450 euro - Jante BBS RSII 25th. anniversary 2 pieces 18", RSII 700 8.5jx18" ET22 si 701 10jx18" ET25, cu inele de 74.1 sau 72.6 mm, merg pe e34, e39, e38 si e60 sedan si touring, au niste zgariaturi de burduri, pe marginile de protectie (sunt demontabile), jantele nu bat, nu sunt lovite, strambe, sudat sau alte probleme. 700 euro sau schimb cu styling 66 17" 8 si 9j cu anvelope de iarna sau fara + dif. - Caseta de directie (fara servo)pt. e39 L6 in stare perfecta (folosita in Germania), luata de pe un 525d 11/2001 - 250 eruo - scut motor - 250 lei E39: Details on E39 E39 520d Touring, Europe E39 520d Sedan, Europe E39 525d Touring, Europe E39 525d Sedan, Europe E39 530d Touring, Europe E39 530d Sedan, Europe - 2 cauciucuri de vara Dunlop SP Sport 01 noi, 245/40/18" RFT DOT5008 - 300 euro http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/iPhone930-1.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/iPhone932.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/081120102254.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/bbs1.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/e34BBSRSII.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/7erbbsrsii.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1662.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1680.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/IMG_1682.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab199/bimmer_e39/iPhone640.jpg P.S: transportul este discutabil! pt. detalii, ori aici ori pe msngr.: bimmer_e39@yahoo.com
  20. sunt nu cred ca e umflat scutul si aparatoarile, poate o mai las putin din spate
  21. masina a venit din fabrica cu suspensia M pkt., am schimbat-o cu Supersport dar nu reglabila
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