automata sau manuala, daca are ulei in ea nu saparge nu cred ca ai spart un dif. ca a avut ulei veche nu se sparge dif. pt. ca are ulei veche -NO WAY-, se poate sparge daca nu are ulei asta ce inseamna Life Time: the D4 ATF designation is not the same as BMW's MTF-LT-1. according to technical bulletin 230192000, all "replacement" manual transmissions from 9/97 use MTF-LT-1. There should be a yellow sticker near the filler that says "Lifetime Oil MTF-LT-1." According to Ron Stygar, MTF-LT-1 costs in the neighborhood of $xxx... $xxx....for transmission fluid. (btw they don't elaborate on what "replacement" transmission means.) if you are just topping it off, BMW recommends using their (expensive) MTL-LT-1, because if you top it off with plain old D4, you void the "lifetime" property of the oil already in there. however, if you are doing a flush, you have to replace the whole quantity, then you have a clean slate as to whether you want to go the MTL-LT-1 route, or the D4 ATF route. but here's the catch. if you flushed it, you've just basically designated it as non-lifetime, otherwise it wouldn't have been flushed in the first place. in that case, it will do no harm to refill it with D4-ATF. it will then require flushing every 60k miles or so, however.