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senzor temperatura E46 NFL


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salutare,am si eu o problema,am avut masina lovita in parte stanga fata si dupa aia....aia de la service nu stiu ce au facut k nu mi-au mai pus sezorul de temperatura,Acum imi indica -40 grade...si cum vine vara o sa am nevoie de clima...as dori sa imi pun senzorul...dar m'am uitat si nu mai gasesc nimik acolo nici macar firele care veneau la senzor...in cazul asta ma poate ajuta cineva cu vreo schema ceva ..adik sa stiu de unde vin firele pentru senzor...poate aia la service le-au intrerupt pe undeva...va multumesc!
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nimeni nu ma poate ajuta?sa stiu si eu unde sa caut firele...am inteles k vin pe langa tunelul de aer de pe partea stanga...dak cineva are vreo idee sa imi zica ...multumesc!


Sunt doua fire, unul albastru cu dunga maro si unul albastru cu dunga rosie. La mine ( e46 320nFL ) veneau impreuna cu firele de la claxon. De la far coboara firele catre proiectorul de ceata, senzor temperatura si claxon, nu le poti rata.


Edited by ngl
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Sunt doua fire, unul albastru cu dunga maro si unul albastru cu dunga rosie. La mine ( e46 320nFL ) veneau impreuna cu firele de la claxon. De la far coboara firele catre proiectorul de ceata, senzor temperatura si claxon, nu le poti rata.


mersi mult...le-am gasit si am rezolvat problema..mersi!

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pt makai, scuze

si la mine lipseste senzorul si imi indica -40º, dar clima merge, cu observatia ca pe la picioare si parbriz baga cald indiferent de temperatura pe care o aleg. mai multe nu stiu sa-ti spun

Edited by seba_seby
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nu ma refeream dak baga ventilatorul , si la mine merege clima dar nu baga aer conditionat adika nu raceste si ma gandesc dak nu din cauza la senzorul acela nu declanseaza compresoru , asta am intrebat, ventilatorul mere si la mine tot,in afara k nu baga rece
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nu ma refeream dak baga ventilatorul , si la mine merege clima dar nu baga aer conditionat adika nu raceste si ma gandesc dak nu din cauza la senzorul acela nu declanseaza compresoru , asta am intrebat, ventilatorul mere si la mine tot,in afara k nu baga rece

nu are nici o treaba AC-ul cu senzorul de temp. exterioada

verifica instalatia de climatizare

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The integrated automatic heating and air conditioning system has various interfaces available for the purpose of receiving and sending information on temperature control, compressor operation, rear window heater and the relevant fan stage.


Body bus

The following signals are transmitted from and to the instrument cluster via the Body bus:


  • Speed signal
  • Engine speed
  • Coolant temperature
  • Outside temperature
  • Terminal 15
  • Terminal 61
  • Terminal 58g (locator lighting)
  • Terminal 50 (starter)
  • Compressor load moment
  • Diagnosis


The following signals are transmitted from and to the engine electronics via the CAN bus:


  2. Engine speed via CAN
  3. Request for air-conditioning compressor
  4. Temperature control

Temperature control


The required temperature in the passenger compartment (setpoint temperature ) is set by means of a rocker switch on the operating panel and shown in the display. The interior, heat exchanger, evaporator, outside and coolant temperatures are evaluated for the purpose of temperature control together with the driving speed and engine speed signals.


Heater operation is based on the reheat principle. The air is cooled down by the evaporator and then heated up again to the required temperature by the heat exchanger. The temperature of the heat exchanger is controlled by a clocked water valve. In this way, the control unit calculates the valve opening times dependent on the above-specified input variables. The valve opening times are 0 ms at max. COLD and 3600 ms at max. WARM.


A mechanical mixing air adjuster makes it possible to influence the outlet temperature at the ventilation nozzles. The temperature can be changed within the range from evaporator temperature to heat exchanger temperature.

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  • 7 months later...

eu nu am senzorul dar functioneaza clima,cum instalez senzorul imi zice careva???? :pardon:

sa reinviem putin acest topic: am cam aceeasi problema, imi arata -40 F (Faraday banuiesc) dar clima automata imi functioneaza. Stie careva daca se transforma in grade celsius daca descopar ce-i cu senzorul respectiv sau se poate modifica din F in C ?

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  • 1 month later...
ai navigatie mica? daca da,sigur se poate transforma din meniul computerului de bord, cal putin la mine asa e. eu aveam navigatie mica si in meniu puteam schimba din mile in km si invers, si parca si temperatura din F in grade celsius. nu mai retin exact de unde, ca am renuntat la navigatia mica demult si am pus in locul ei un cd-mp3 aftermarket.
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ai navigatie mica? daca da,sigur se poate transforma din meniul computerului de bord, cal putin la mine asa e. eu aveam navigatie mica si in meniu puteam schimba din mile in km si invers, si parca si temperatura din F in grade celsius. nu mai retin exact de unde, ca am renuntat la navigatia mica demult si am pus in locul ei un cd-mp3 aftermarket.

intre timp am rezolvat :) , merci

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