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scad turatiile si moare motorul...:(


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am si eu o problema cu e46 318i an 2000 ... de cateva zile sa inbolnavit saracu, merg linistit pe drum si cand sa ma apropii de semafor calc pedala de ambreiaj si usor cea de frana.. ca sa ma trezesc ca moare motorul :shok: , n-am realizat pe moment dar a inceput sa se repete destul de des si am observat ca scad turatiile sub 500 pana in punctul in care moare motorul, nu tot timpul dar de cateva ori pe zi.. se intampla... iar cand nu moare motorul am fluctuatii mari la turatii intre 3-400 si 1100 aprox... repet nu tot timpul... am fost azi cu ea la test si mi-a dat 2 erori P0325 si P0330..


P0325 - Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 or single sensor)

P0330 - Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2)


Iata si explicatia:


A knock sensor tells the engine computer when one or more of your engine's cylinders are "knocking", that is, exploding the air/fuel mixture in a way that delivers less power and can be damaging to the engine if prolonged. The computer uses this information to tune the engine so that it doesn't knock. If your knock sensor wasn't operating properly, so that it was always indicating a knock, the engine computer's response may have been to change the ignition timing on your engine. Knock sensors generally bolt into or thread into the engine block. This P0330 code may show up intermittently or the Service Engine light may be lit constantly. Other knock sensor related DTC codes include P0325.




A code P0325 or P0330 most likely means one or more of the following has happened:


The knock sensor is faulty and needs to be replaced

There is a wiring short/fault in the knock sensor circuit


acum de unde sa incep.. la service mi-a spus mecanicul ca sunt ``infundate`` injectoarele... (ciudat... nu cred si cu siguranta sper sa nu fie asa)nu vreau sa ma apuc sa schimb cine sti ce chestii la ea daca nu e neaparat nevoie ..

sa mai intamplat asta cuiva? va rog un sfat o sugestie orice e bine primit , poate stie cineva mai exact care ar putea fi problema si deasemenea rezolvarea... multumesc si sper sa aveti rabdare sa cititi asa topic "scurt"

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Eu la al meu aveam problema asemanatoare dar se intampla doar la unele porniri la cald.

Am fost la tester si a iesit senzorul de turatie axa cu came... e cam 80 de lei si sta intr-un singur surub usor de accesat... la service mi-au luat 30 de lei si cand am vazut ce face mi-am dat in cap.

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