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ba da, daca ai banii, din punctul meu de vedere merita toti banii. pe la un 1500$ cu tot cu navigatie se ridica.

e prea belea CIC-ul. Daca nu beleam intr-o seara jumatate din bani, probabil aveam un CIC de vanzare :)

p.s. fara bmw services si voice commands bla.

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nu. bluetooth merge, hartile merg, navigatia merge si 90% pdc merge (nu imi mai aduc aminte sigur).

toate in 1500$


ce nu merge: sa cumperi de pe okazii sau de pe bmwclub un CIC si sa te astepti dupaia sa mearga sau sa ti le faca cineva. Nu merge 100% Trebuie luat pachet complet de la Patrys sau eu unul am vrut sa iau de pe un site parca ii zicea ceva de genul BMW retrovit bmw retrofit ceva de genu.


p.s. dupa cum ziceam 2 posturi mai sus: fara bmw services si voice commands (voice commands merge fara modding da e prea scump codu)

edit: este un thread pe 5series forum, de vreo 70 pagini, in care Patrys Nelson29 si inca unu, ca personaje principale, trec prin toate problemele retrofitului, inclusiv faza cu panelu de clima LCI wrong trim, controleru lci care nu intra in loc, care se invarte in gol etc.

Edited by flo_sb
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I-am dat mail lui patrick de curiozitate... Deci pretul care l-ai zis tu e aproape dublu.




Please find below our standard pricing for the CIC and other multimedia retrofits.

If you tell me which options you are interested in I will send you a discounted price.


The coding is done remotely so you do not have to come to Poland in order to retrofit the CIC.


1.OEM solution (OEM parts and OEM activation) - 2199Euro/3149USD shipped

What is included:

- CIC (updated to the latest software version, ready for the Combox and the ConnectedDrive)

- CID (screen)

- USB port

- USB cable

- Video cable

- Screen connector

- iDrive controller (the new center console trim is required to install the new controller; the old controller can be used with the CIC)

- CIC trim

- Navigation activation (FSC codes)

- full coding of the CIC

- 2011 map

- DVD-in-motion coding


The kit includes everything you need to retrofit the CIC in your car.


Additional options:

- Voice Control activation - 500Euro/715USD

- Combox Media kit - 500Euro/715USD (Office menu, Bluetooth audio, Album art cover, Internet, etc.; does not support BMW Assist)

- Option 6FL kit - 250Euro/350USD (USB port in the armrest; used for streaming music from the iPod/iPhone or a USB stick)

- Option 6NR ConnectedDrive - 250Euro/350USD or Free if ordered with the CIC, Combox and the 6FL

- USB-OBD coding cable - 130Euro/185USD

- M3 Cluster - 500Euro/715USD



2.OEM/Aftermarket solution (OEM parts and aftermarket activation) - 1899Euro/2699USD shipped

What is included:

- CIC (updated to the latest software version, ready for the Combox and the ConnectedDrive)

- CID (screen)

- USB port

- USB cable

- Video cable

- Screen connector

- iDrive controller (the new center console trim is required to install the new controller; the old controller can be used with the CIC)

- CIC trim

- Navigation and Voice Control activation (aftermarket module)

- full coding of the CIC

- 2011 map

- DVD-in-motion (aftermarket module)


Additional options:

- Combox Media kit - 500Euro/715USD (Office menu, Bluetooth audio, Album art cover, Internet, etc.; does not support BMW Assist)

- Option 6FL kit - 250Euro/350USD (USB port in the armrest; used for streaming music from the iPod/iPhone or a USB stick)

- Option 6NR ConnectedDrive - 250Euro/350USD or Free if ordered with the CIC, Combox and the 6FL

- USB-OBD coding cable - 130Euro/185USD

- M3 Cluster - 500Euro/715USD


The CIC head unit and screen are used parts, but in a very good condition. All other parts are brand new.

The CIC will come precoded and with the latest map loaded, however, additional coding will be required after the parts are installed.

The final coding will be performed remotely over the Internet.

The coding cable can be purchased as an option for the CIC or we can send one of our coding cable to you.

After the coding the cable will have to be returned.

We suggest buying the coding cable, so all next coding sessions (e.g. when there are new features that can be activated or you decide to do another retrofit, which requires coding)

can be performed at your convenience.

For the remote coding you only need a 32-bit Windows laptop and the Internet access for that laptop when it is connected to the car.


What is the difference between the OEM and aftermarket activation of the

Navigation and/or Voice Control?


The OEM activation is 100% software solution based on special activation

codes generated by BMW AG in Munich.

After obtaining the codes they are loaded into the CIC as well as the specific VIN number they were ordered for and the Navigation

and/or Voice Control becomes active.


What does the aftermarket activation mean?

There is an aftermarket module which is installed in a car to tamper the communication between the CIC and the rest of the car.

The module can bypass the VIN verification procedure that CIC performs and therefore activate the Navigation and the Voice Control.


Possible consequences of using the aftermarket activation:

- An aftermarket, non-BMW approved hardware can in theory interfere with other electronic modules in the car and cause unpredictable issues.


- The module we are offering has been tested and confirmed to work, but you are using it on your own risk.


- Using an aftermarket module means that the CIC will have the donor car's VIN stored. When ordering the map update in the future you might

need to order it from us, because BMW might refuse to generate the map update code for the car you do not own.


- If BMW releases a new software update for your car that includes anti-tamper protection the module might not work as expected.


Payment options:

We accept wire transfer, credit card and PayPal payments.

For PayPal and credit card payments there is 3,5% surcharge.



If you have any additional questions do not hesitate to contact us.


Kind regards,


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Eu am zis 1500$ ~. se pare ca au scumpit astia de pe bimmerretrofit la 2100$ cu navi;

2700EUR~ (~+600EUR) iti ia Patrick daca vrei CIC nou, din cate imi aduc aminte.


Si da, mai e si solutia cu aftermarked activation (parca era vreo 200$ pe ebay.com modulul si iti faci rost de CIC de unde vrei tu) dar eu nu m-as baga la aia din simplul motiv ca daca nu ti se invarte roata de la Idrive bine nu are cine sa ti-o faca. Mai sunt si alte inconveniente. Repet, daca vrei sa faci ceva de genul, cel mai bine citesti threadul ala de 70pagini.

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Eu am zis 1500$ ~. se pare ca au scumpit astia de pe bimmerretrofit la 2100$ cu navi;

2700EUR~ (~+600EUR) iti ia Patrick daca vrei CIC nou, din cate imi aduc aminte.


Si da, mai e si solutia cu aftermarked activation (parca era vreo 200$ pe ebay.com modulul si iti faci rost de CIC de unde vrei tu) dar eu nu m-as baga la aia din simplul motiv ca daca nu ti se invarte roata de la Idrive bine nu are cine sa ti-o faca. Mai sunt si alte inconveniente. Repet, daca vrei sa faci ceva de genul, cel mai bine citesti threadul ala de 70pagini.


M-am mai interesat, Patrick nu vinde NAVIGATII NOI, chiar si in mail a zis ca sunt folosite in stare buna. In legatura cu aftermarket activation e cablu care vine plug&play. Nu am inteles care-i faza cu roata de la idrive. Merge si idrive-ul vechi, nu tre sa il pui pe al nou de la cic. Am gasit in UK un pachet complet cu emulator care e plug & play

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cat costa kitul si unde l-ai gasit ?


Ce iti tot zic :) - Patrick iti da pretu la navi SH, daca vrei noua iti poate oferi si asta la aprox ~+600E.

Pentru roata, nu stiu ce problema apare cateodata la upgrade (zic OEM upgrade nu aftermarket) de nu mai are force feedback deloc roata.

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