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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Navteq VDO Dayton / BMW Europa 2011 / 2012

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Pe ce masini se potrivesc CD-urile si cat costa?


Nu costa nimic pt ca le-am gasit si eu pe net si m-am gandit sa le dau mai departe celor care au nevoie de ele si care au alte prioritati de investitie in masina proprie. 8)

Sunt compatibile pe navigatiile high si pro.

Nu am testat pe business!


* BMW: all models up to/alle Modelle bis 09/2002; 5 series up to/ 5er bis 07/2003; 3 series up tp / 3er bis 03/2005; 7 series up to / 7er bis 10/05

* Citroen: C5 with colour screen/ mit Farbdisplay - until/bis 06/2003

* Land Rover: Range Rover up to / bis 08/2004

* MG: ZT up tp / bis 10/2005

* Mini: all models with color screen up to / alle Modelle mit Farbdisplay bis 10/2005

* Nissan: Primastar

* Opel / Vauxhall: Vectra, Omega up to / bis 06/2000

* Peugeot 607 with colour screen up to /mit Farbdisplay bis 09/2004

* Renault: all models with colour screen up to / alle Modelle mit Farbdisplay bis 10/2005 (Laguna I & II up to / bis 02/2005

* Rover: 75 with colour screen up tp /mit Farbdisplay bis 10/2005

* Volkswagen Phaeton

* VDO Dayton: CarIn, MS3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 series / Serien

* CD70 / DVD 90



# 1 x CD Benelux 2011/2012

# 1 x CD Central Europe 2011/2012

# 1 x CD East Europe 2011/2012

# 1 x CD France 2011/2012

# 1 x CD Great Britan/Ireland 2011/2012

# 1 x CD Germany 2011/2012

# 1 x CD Italy/Greece 2011/2012

# 1 x CD Scandinavia 2011/2012

# 1 x CD Spain/Portugal 2011/2012

# 1 x CD Major Roads of Western Europe 2011/2012

Edited by Marlbor0
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am incercat pe navi business din 2006,E90 si nu merge..! imi zice "medium cannot be read" ! daca voi reusiti sa ma anuntati si pe mine !


PS: Daca stie cineva cum sa imi fac un dvd de navi ptr modelul de mai sus , da-ti va rog un PM , ca eu am stricat toate cd-urile pana acum si nu merge , aceeasi eroare !

Edited by ady_bv
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