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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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Va rog ajutatima cu sfaturi .


Azi nu am mai putut sa deschid usa pasagerului dreapta fata . Inchiderea centralizata merge , dar daca trag de manerul interior sau de cel exterior , nu se deschide usa.

Am desfacut manerul interior si am tras de cablu , dar acesta nu e rupt si daca trag de el acesta revine . Usa tot nu se deschide . Fata de usa nu o pot da jos pt ca portiera este inchisa .

Am scos borna de la baterie vreo 15 min. pt. a se reseta calculatorul , dar degeaba.


Nu stiu ce sa mai fac .

Va rog ajutati-ma.

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inchiderea a ramas pe blocat,incearca sa deschizi/inchizi de mai multe ori din telecomanda si forteaza putin usa din interior in acelasi timp poate si da drumul

Inchidere centralizata merge. Cand inchid si deschid , butonul coboara si se ridica. Din interior sau exterior nu reusesc sa deschid usa cu ea descuiata.

Nu stiu ce dracu sa-i fac .

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Singura solutie este sa tragi de fata de usa,daca nu stii prinderile decat sa rupi ceva,mai bine te duci la un service specializat..nu o sa coste foarte mult:)

Pai usa se prinde in 2 suruburi si restul capse . un surub este in gura de arisire de pe usa . Deci daca trag , acolo sigur se rupe.


Nu ai catusi de putin loc sa umbli la zavorul ala daca deschizi usa din spate dreapta?

M-am uitat . Vad chederul.

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Stai linistit ca se rezolva fara sa rupi fata de usa, tocmai de aceea te-am intrebat daca ai umblat acolo ca asa am facut eu si am inchis usa si nu se mai deschidea. Din cate tin minte s-a scos trimul sau cum se numeste cel de la geam din exterior al meu este din nichel si cu o sarma mai groasa am introdus-o inspre locul unde se desface. Daca te duci la cineva care se pricepe te rezolva sigur dar poti si tu daca te pricepi cat de cat. Bafta


Atentie mare sa nu se sparga vreun plastic ceva pe acolo (cand tragi de maner sa deschizi usa se trage din interior un cablu (saarma) care este prins intr-un plstic si se poate rupe. La mine s-a rupt dar a fost prins cu niste arici si nu am avut pb pana acum.

Edited by srb_alex
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Stai linistit ca se rezolva fara sa rupi fata de usa, tocmai de aceea te-am intrebat daca ai umblat acolo ca asa am facut eu si am inchis usa si nu se mai deschidea. Din cate tin minte s-a scos trimul sau cum se numeste cel de la geam din exterior al meu este din nichel si cu o sarma mai groasa am introdus-o inspre locul unde se desface. Daca te duci la cineva care se pricepe te rezolva sigur dar poti si tu daca te pricepi cat de cat. Bafta

Maine ma duc in service.

Am un trim interior si unul exterior . Daca deschid geamul de tot cred ca pot sa-l ridic pe cel din interior.

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Erau macelari ? :)

I managed to open a locked door on one of my E39's.


Removing the inner trimm pannel 'intact' - with a closed door - revealed impossible !


The solution I figured out, has the major advantage that

only 'very small' priced components have to destroyed (see infra).





I also removed the passagerseat.

Be carefull not to break the connectors under the seat, when disconnecting

the electric wiring (it holds also different sensors used by the Airbag system).


Then I removed the trim panel off the side aisle (between front & back door).


Through a fairly large opening in the side aisle, which is covered with a removable

plastic capsule, I had access to the "LOCK PLATE (fig. 8 - PartNr 41358164026 - Cost 1.50 USD)

of the LATCH Grabber (fig. 6).


I drilled - by ever rising drill diameters ĂĄnd under an oblique angle - through the lock plate

ĂĄnd both 'Torx-COUNTERSUNK HEAD SCREW's (fig. 5 - PartNr 51218153573 - Cost 0.29 USD)

until they broke off.



Now the door can be opened and you can remove the trim panel of the door,

the air bag, the electric module in the door and part of the sound screen.

Finally, you can remove the door lock (which blocking caused the door jamming).


The root cause of all the trouble revealed to be the seeping in of

water and dust, causing light corrosion of the door lock mechanism and

finally the complete blocking of it.


Lessons learned:

while cleaning the vehicles, less use of high pressure water cleaning

(causing water to seep between window and sealing) and

much more penetrating/teflon oil lubrication of the locks.


Finally: it was not that the hooks of the Bowden cables - both of inside

and of outside handle actuators - were detached

(according to the BMW TIS, this was a frequent issue in the early

versions of the E39).


Remark that, due to the fact that Airbag actuator cables and airbag sensor contacts

(attached under the passenger seat), have to be detached, you will get a permanent

Airbag warning light on your instrument panel.

This can only be undone, by removing the error out of the computer memory

(e.g. I did it by means of Carsoft 6.5 or other Diagnosis System).


Success !

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