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DVD Road Map Europe Professional 2012

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Din ce an e masina? E posibil sa fie o versiune mai veche de soft?


LE: In timp ce vizualizezi harta, ar trebui sa ai acel rand de iconite in stanga, iar a 5-a este acea sageata ce reprezinta modul de vizionare. Cand ajungi la ea apesi butonul si ar trebui sa comute intre stari.

Edited by C_o_s_m_i_n
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Pentru cei care au probleme cu hartile 2011-12, ca sa nu mai existe discutii referitoare la update de soft si alte bazaconii :







CCC CID displays blank map image, or map image is frozen

CCC CID displays message "DVD read error! Please check DVD."

CCC CID displays message "Please Insert Navigation DVD."


INPA shows DVD drive status as media inserted, media unrecognized, temperature normal.

The current 2007 BMW original navigation disc works OK in another BMW CCC system.

A new set of 2011 BMW original navigation discs did not fix the problem.




SI B 65 01 10

Audio, Navigation, Monitors, Alarms, SRS July 2010

Technical Service

This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B65 01 10 dated June 2010


*** designates changes to this revision



CCC - "Please Insert Navigation DVD" Appears on CID



E60, E61 (5 Series) produced from 1/2004 to 8/2008

E63, E64 (6 Series) produced from 1/2004 to 8/2008

E70 (X5) produced from 10/2006 to 9/2009

E71 (X6) produced from 10/2006 to 9/2009

E82, E88 (1 Series) produced from 9/2004 to 8/2008

E90, E91, E92, E93 (3 Series) produced from 3/2005 to 8/2008

All vehicles equipped with SA 609 (CCC Car Communication Computer)



The navigation map DVD cannot be read or detected. The message "Please insert navigation DVD" appears in the CID (Central Information Display). The navigation system is inoperative.



Faulty DVD drive; read error due to hardening of the anti-vibration gel on the read head



- Ensure that the map DVD is not faulty by swapping it with a map DVD known to work.

- Perform a vehicle test using the latest ISTA (Integrated Service Technical Application) diagnostic software. Diagnose any relevant faults that are stored by completing the test plans.

- Perform and complete the test plan "W6590_WAS2-CCC: malfunction" by selecting the fault system "411", "DVD not recognized". Please note the DIAGCODE presented at the end of the test plan. The test plan can be accessed the via the following path:

Select "Function structure\Body\Audio, Video, Telephone, Navigation\Fault patterns\Fault profile 2: Car Communication Computer".

- If the test plan prompts to replace the DVD drive, refer to ISTA Repair Instructions "REP 6583580 Removing and installing/replacing DVD drive for Car Communication Computer".


*** Note: If the DVD drive is replaced, it is not necessary to replace the map DVD or program the vehicle. Please refer to the attachment to this Service Information bulletin, which provides information on the differences when connecting the ribbon cable to the new drive.



Part Number: 65 83 9 241 764

Description: DVD Drive

Quantity: 1"


Am gasit deja lentila de cumparat separat , o sa fac un DIY cand o sa vina si voi avea timp sa o schimb la mine.

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Cand lentila aia e dusa, tipul dvd-ului si viteza de scriere e foarte importanta. Eu am observat diferente si la tipul de writer folosit chiar daca dvd-ul era aceeasi marca.

Atata timp cat 2012 il citeste e clar ca nu e o problema de upgrade al softului masinii."Softul" ala de pe dvd e ceva minor , probabil un fel de cache, dar evident daca il citeste cu eroare , nu merge harta deloc.

Edited by DSF
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asa e, softul masinii nu are importanta, sau daca are e nesemnificativa, insa am folosit acelasi DVD (verbatim) acelasi program de scriere DVD (UltraISO) si aceeasi viteza de scriere (2x parca). Cu toate astea hartile pe 2010 si 2012 merg iar cea pe 2011 nu merge. si nu inteleg de ce
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am mai incercat de la cineva un DVD cu harta pe 2011 dar tot nu mergea. la respectivul mergea dar la mine nu.


inca ceva. atunci cand lentila citeste soft nou nu ar trebui sa apara mesajul in care spune sa scoatem cheia din contact si sa o introducem dupa 5 minute?

Edited by adi_fox07
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Cand lentila aia e dusa, tipul dvd-ului si viteza de scriere e foarte importanta.


daca lentila e dusa la tine,ipotezele discutiei sunt altele...




Atata timp cat 2012 il citeste e clar ca nu e o problema de upgrade al softului masinii.



de unde aceasta certitudine?




poate iso-ul tau de 2011 are ceva probleme...oricum, asa cum am mai spus cea mai mica viteza de scriere nu e cea mai buna de multe ori, este un forum in care e explicata treaba cu relatia dintre inscriptor / disc / calitate.


pai acuma nu mai e lentila?




am mai incercat de la cineva un DVD cu harta pe 2011 dar tot nu mergea. la respectivul mergea dar la mine nu.



trebuie sa faci update ca sa mearga 2011. :)

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