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intrebare DSC


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Functions of DSCIII button.

The DSC button features two functions that can be set by pressing the button for different length of time:


1. Button pressed briefly (< 2.5 s):

Only the yawing moment control of the DSC is deactivated. The ADB and DBC functions remain active.

A higher slip rate is permitted up to 70 km/h for the purpose of improving traction. ASC uses different slip thresholds.

The DSC light is on.


2. Button pressed for longer (>2.5 s):

All ASC (ADB) and DSC (GMR and DBC) control functions are deactivated.

DSC light and general brake warning light (yellow) ON. This mode is mainly intended for roller dynamometers and service purposes.


3. By pressing the button again, the system reverts from the respective function to normal DSC function. It is not possible to ”switch” directly from one function to the other.

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dar pentru nfl?

Depinde de anul fabricatiei.


Obisnuiti-va ca atunci candd puneti o intrebare tehnica, sa furnizati toate detaliile relevante, gen model, motorizare, an fabricatie, samd.

E aiurea sa pui o intrebare fara sa dai un minim de informatii. Si sa se poarte un dialog inutil de genul "da ce masina ai" de fiecare data.

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prima faza se dezactiveaza dtc-ul dupa care daca tii in continuare apasat se dezactiveaza si dsc-ul...


daca apesi dtc, atunci il activezi, nu il dezactivezi. dtc on permite un comportament mai dinamic al masinii, respectiv te lasa sa derapezi un pic. dsc ramane on.

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Nici macar ca gluma nu e OK ce spui.

Fa bine si citeste un pic manualul, sa nu te trezesti cu surprize pe sosea.





Edited by radusky
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daca apesi dtc, atunci il activezi, nu il dezactivezi. dtc on permite un comportament mai dinamic al masinii, respectiv te lasa sa derapezi un pic. dsc ramane on.

Butonul DTC este cam similar celui DSC. Prin apasarea sa, se dezactiveaza DSC-ul!

Se activeaza DTC, dar se dezactiveaza DSC.

Deci poti avea ceva surprize daca te astepti sa nu derapezi.


DTC: Dynamic Traction Control

DTC is an optimised version of DSC for certain road conditions on forward momentum. The dynamic traction control (DTC) provides improved traction with partially reduced driving stability and is thus only recommended for exceptional situations. In the following exceptional situations, it can be useful to activate DTC briefly:

•When 'rocking free' or driving off in deep snow or on loose ground.

•When driving on snow-covered upward inclines, in slush as well as on uncleared roads

•When driving with snow chains.


The function DTC corresponds to that of DSC with a slightly modified control strategy. DTC can be activated by shutting down DSC (DTC button). By means of brake intervention, DTC replicates the function of a conventional differential interlock. It increases the input torque to wheels on a road surface with a higher coefficient of friction.


Advantage: with DTC, greater traction is available. Interventions to stabilise the vehicle (e.g. reduction in the engine output) are carried out slightly later than in the case of DSC. In certain situations, the driver must intervene correctively to stabilise the vehicle.


Oricum, la masinile la care ne referim in acest topic, adica E46, nu exista DTC.

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Butonul DTC este cam similar celui DSC. Prin apasarea sa, se dezactiveaza DSC-ul!

Se activeaza DTC, dar se dezactiveaza DSC.

Deci poti avea ceva surprize daca te astepti sa nu derapezi.


DTC: Dynamic Traction Control

DTC is an optimised version of DSC for certain road conditions on forward momentum. The dynamic traction control (DTC) provides improved traction with partially reduced driving stability and is thus only recommended for exceptional situations. In the following exceptional situations, it can be useful to activate DTC briefly:

When 'rocking free' or driving off in deep snow or on loose ground.

When driving on snow-covered upward inclines, in slush as well as on uncleared roads

When driving with snow chains.


The function DTC corresponds to that of DSC with a slightly modified control strategy. DTC can be activated by shutting down DSC (DTC button). By means of brake intervention, DTC replicates the function of a conventional differential interlock. It increases the input torque to wheels on a road surface with a higher coefficient of friction.


Advantage: with DTC, greater traction is available. Interventions to stabilise the vehicle (e.g. reduction in the engine output) are carried out slightly later than in the case of DSC. In certain situations, the driver must intervene correctively to stabilise the vehicle.


Oricum, la masinile la care ne referim in acest topic, adica E46, nu exista DTC.


esti chiar incapatanat. termina cu telxtele in engleza de nu stiu ce provenienta. crezi daca sunt in engleza trebuie toti sa le creada. cam neinformat poentru un moderator. dtc apasat=dtc on pentru slip si drift minimal la roata....imi pare rau ca nu pot atasa pagina de site oficiala cu textul

Freedom for sports driving.



Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) in the BMW X1.

Off-road driving requires a light touch: slightly increased wheel slip and light drifts are actually a plus in certain situations. Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) does just that: as an adjunct to Dynamic Stability Control, DTC optimises propulsive power and enables a more sporting driving style. The increased tolerance for wheel slip also facilitates initial acceleration on loose surfaces such as sand, gravel or snow. DSC takes a back seat and intervenes only when absolutely necessary. If desired, DSC can be completely deactivated.





si link-ul...pentru necredinciosi...

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esti chiar incapatanat. termina cu telxtele in engleza de nu stiu ce provenienta. crezi daca sunt in engleza trebuie toti sa le creada. cam neinformat poentru un moderator.

Scuteste-ma de limbajul asta, ca nu ne cunoastem ca sa-ti permiti asa ceva.

Daca ai ceva de spus, vorbeste la subiect, fara atacuri la persoana si alte mojicii.

Dupa ce ca spui balarii, mai te dai si rotund.


Ca si moderator imi pot exprima parerea exact ca orice alt user. Un moderator nu trebuie sa fie doctor in masini. Nu stiu de unde pana unde ideea asta.


Ti-am aratat exact ce face butonul DTC, fara sa fabulez ca tine. Am preferat sa pun textul original in engleza din documentatia BMW, ca sa nu fie niciun fel dubiu si sa se fie clara functionarea sa.


Daca nu te descurci cu engleza, exista google translator.

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si pana la urma poate sa ne lamureasca exact cineva ce functii raman activate ?eu pana sa citesc forumu asta nu stiam ca daca tin mai mult apasat pe dsc se mai aprinde inca un bec

ma refer in limba romana...nu stiu ce inseamna ADB...DBC...

Daca ai fi citit ce s-a scris aici pana acum, ai fi aflat macar ca functiile butonului pot fi diferite, in functie de model, motorizare, an fabricatie.


Pe un forum trebuie sa poti prelua informatia asa cum o gasesti. Daca tie ti-e lene sa te informezi de semnificatia unor simple abrevieri, nu vad de ce si-ar pierde timpul altcineva traducandu-ti tie termenii.

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