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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Nu se aprinde becul de la ulei din bord deloc

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The type of oil you use will not affect oil pressure enough to trigger the light. The motor burning off that oil to the point where the level is low WILL. Check the level if you haven't.


2 possibilities here:

-The sensor is bad.

-You actually have seriously low oil pressure.

Assuming this isn't an oil level issue...You need to assume the latter until you can rule out the former. Either replace the sensor ASAP is start troubleshooting. Causes for low oil pressure can be, but are not limited to;


-Your oil pump nut falling off and leaving the sprocket at the end of the shaft with nothing to secure it, thus likely falling on and off the splines randomly

-A bad oil pump.

-Clogged oil passages.


Either replace the sensor and/or get a pressure gauge hooked up to the car before driving it anymore. If you can't buy a pressure gauge and hook it up, take the car to someone who can. It's not worth the risk of driving the car around with your fingers crossed that the motor won't grenade at any second. If you find out the pressure was actually low, you would've already done irreversible damage to to


senzor presiune ulei


piesa 12





Edited by max83
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sper sa fie senzorul, sa nu ai probleme cu presiunea la ulei.


din cate stiu senzorul presiune ulei e la fel, de la 1.6 la M3.


incearca sa il schimbi, e in spatele compartimentului fltrului de ulei, cu motorul rece, sa ai ceva carpe imprejur s-ar putea sa curga putin.



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