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Cumpar pentru E60

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...astept oferte pentru toate piesele :)

paketul m original, pt e 60 e complet (proiectoare, plastice etc..), din cate stiu nu iti mai trebuie nimic altceva , putem verifica daca esti interesat, cat despre oferta din bulgaria, aftermarket din "plastic" facute in china gasesti si pe la noi...

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Hello, I may offer you COMPLETE M-technik package including fully assembled front and rear bumpers (fog lights included) and set of M-tec side skirts. The quality if very good and the are NOT CHINESE, but may in TAIWAN, the quality is much better, we import them from Germany. The price is 730 Euro.



In addition to that I may offer black matte grills and M-technik trunk spoiler for 100 euro both, you will completely trasform your car.


We are situated in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and we may offer cheap, fast and safe shipping to your door.

And you pay only if you like what you are getting, otherwise your may refuse the order - this is for your security.

Edited by ProParts
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Cumpar pentru E60 2004 :

-Bara Fata M

-Bara Spate M

-Praguri M (interior , exterior)

-Stopuri Facelift(complect cu adaptoare)

-Volan M (sau soprt , complect cu airbag)


Astept oferte , Mersi


Salut !





- set stopuri LED & tub CELIS BMW E60 : 180 eur- pentru BMW Seria 5 E60 (sedan) modele intre anii 07/2003-02/2007


- grile crom ' bad boy look' BMW E60 - 55 eur + curierat GRATIS !


- semnalizari LED E60 - 39 eur


- M package for BMW 5er 03-09 e60 - 730 eur



Edited by veyron1000cp
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Salut !





- set stopuri LED & tub CELIS BMW E60 : 180 eur- pentru BMW Seria 5 E60 (sedan) modele intre anii 07/2003-02/2007


- grile crom ' bad boy look' BMW E60 - 55 eur + curierat GRATIS !


- semnalizari LED E60 - 39 eur


- M package for BMW 5er 03-09 e60 - 730 eur




semnalizari LED E60 - 39 eur - astea dau eraoare de bec ars ?




UP! Nu are nimeni un E60 la dezmembrat cu pachet m :) ? Daca e cineva interesat dau si bara fata, spate si praguri + diferenta la schimb cu pachet m.

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Mai am nevoie de


-Praguri M (interior )

-Stopuri Facelift(complect cu adaptoare)

-Volan M (sau soprt , complect cu airbag) sau ofer la schimb volan normal in stare ft buna + 200 Euro


Astept oferte , Mersi



Salut !


Pot sa iti aduc stopuri OEM noi - BMW 5 Series E60 LCI LED Tail lights





Pret 430 eur/set nou


semnalizari LED E60 - 39 eur - astea dau eraoare de bec ars ?



Nu, nu dau eroare de bec ars. Acum sunt la promo : 135 ron /set

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