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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Unde se afla tabloul de sigurante la un E38

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Sper sa te ajute:




There are 2 locations for the fuse boxes, the front which is in the rear right hand side of the engine compartment (in what is called the E-Box), and the rear which is in the right side of the luggage compartment (behind the trim, and above the battery area).


i just bought a 89er 735 and found the cig lighters do not work (no

currency lying on (at?) them). Before asking the seller, i intended to

check the fuses. the manual, as you will know, doesn't say anythig about

the fuses, and at the fuse box near the engine there is a list assigning

function units to fuse numbers. but:


1. in that fuse box i just find some boxes that look more like relais

than fuses. is there some trick to get the fuses discovered from a place

that is not very obvious?


2. same is for the box that resides under the backseat. I see some

(rather eight) fuses, but they are

    a) too few

    :blink: unnumbered


^^ Aici din pacate, nu exista un raspuns.

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