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Revin si eu cu o problema..de cateva zile imi intra greu in viteza..mai ales cand era pe loc masina si mai ales cand era rece..trebuia chiar sa fortez putin sa intre..in mers schimba foarte bine si usor..dar parca cu un mic "carait" din a 1-a in a 2-a.Ieri am suspendat-o si m-am bagat sub ea si surpriza cutia de viteze e plina de ulei toata..adica nu toata ..partea din spate mai cu precadere..acu nu imi pot da seama ca uleiul se intinde..si mai ales ca in mers curentul circula pe sub ea e normal sa se duca inspre spate uleiul..intrebarea mea ar fii pe unde ar putea pierde uleiul din cutie...pe unde vine cardanul in cutie? e un semering banuiesc..dar acolo este singurul loc pe unde poate pierde ulei?? sau mai se poate si prin alta parte..adica nu as vrea sa dau banii degeaba pe piese..un semering dasta am vazut ca e 168 ron OEM..

Edited by Alex4u
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Service Information - Bulletin Number 23 01 99

SUBJECT: Manual Transmission Difficult to Shift -

Diagnostic Tips MODEL: All with Manual Transmission

SITUATION: Transmission may be difficult to shift especially first gear engagement and/or gear shift linkage is binding.

Note: Field observations have indicated that a transmission which is difficult to shift (especially into first gear) is primarily a clutch related problem and only in isolated cases a failure in the transmission itself.


PROCEDURE: Verify the customer complaint: Note: Engage the parking brake and assure that no people or objects are in the vehicle's path.

- Run the engine at idle speed

- Press the clutch pedal to the floor

- From the neutral stick shift position engage first gear If first gear is difficult to engage, hold the stick shift at the resistance point (approximately half of the total stick shift travel) with constant force. Then switch the ignition off with the other hand.


DIAGNOSIS 1: If first gear now engages completely, i.e. the stick shift moves to the end position without any additional pressure applied, there is a problem in the clutch system. Explanation: Because the clutch does not uncouple completely, a residual torque is transmitted to the transmission input shaft when the engine is running. This inhibits the release and meshing of the sliding sleeve, in the transmission, at the end of the synchronization process. Turning the engine off relieves the input shaft of this torque thus simulating a completely uncoupled clutch.


DIAGNOSIS 2: If the stick shift remains at the resistance point, there is a problem in the external gear shift linkage or in the transmission.


CAUSE: DIAGNOSIS 1: Possible causes for a clutch problem as per Diagnosis 1 above are:

- Input shaft taper splines not lubricated properly/grease dried out.

- Clutch disc difficult to move on transmission input shaft.

- Clutch disc wobble.

- Air in the hydraulic system of clutch mechanism.

- Release bearing defective or difficult to move on the guide sleeve.

- Clutch disc or pressure plate broken/worn out.


DIAGNOSIS 2: Possible causes for gear shift linkage binding and/or internal transmission problems as per Diagnosis 2 above:

- External gearshift linkage binding (shift rod joints stiff).

- Stick shift bellows boot incorrectly installed (positioned too high or too low on the stick shift lever).

- Sound deadening between the outer gear shift linkage and the body incorrectly installed and/or distorted.


Possible causes inside of the transmission:

- Faulty synchronization.

- Internal gear shift linkage binding.

- Water in the transmission fluid.


Ulei iti poate pierde pe la #4 sau #13 + #14 (cel mai probabil).

Incearca sa cureti uleiul ala si mai mergi o perioada, poate iti dai seama exact pe unde il pierzi.




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