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Probleme cu e49 320d dupa impact

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Un e46 320d,136 cp, a suferit un impact lateral dreapta-fata si a fost reparat.

Airbag-ul sofer a fost sarit,motorul porneste,merge rotund,cutia automata schimba bine(fara socuri),dar parca nu trage asa cum ar trebui!Am senzatia ca merge putin infranata.

Singurii martori aprinsi in bord sunt de la airbag si de la stopurile de pe spate.Becurile alea (de pe triple si de pe haion)nu se sting nici de ciuda!

Dupa destul de multa bataie de cap,dat jos becurile,curatate soclurile,dat cu spray de contacte,verificat senzorul magnetic de pe pedala,etc...,am ajuns sa studiez wds-ul si sa identific firele care intra in senzorul de pedala.

Asa am aflat de mufa cu 54 pini din spatele blocului de lumini si alocarea tuturor pinilor acesteia.Am dat jos inclusiv siguranta aferenta problemei,am verificat-o,totul ok.

Montez la loc mufa cu 54 de pini,pun siguranta la loc,pornesc motorul,dispare problema;parcurg cativa km,problema reapare.A mai patit cineva asa ceva?


The electronic brake light switch only operates as from terminal R ON.


It has its own voltage supply.


If the brake light switch is OK, it assumes a high-resistance setting when the ignition is switched off, i.e. it sends a signal as if it were operated. If this is not the case, this indicates a short to ground and the messages "brake light defective" as well as "rear right lamp defective" and "rear left lamp defective" are output or indicated in the pictogram in the instrument cluster.


The light switching centre recognises the "operated" status if there is a break in the line. If is recognises the switch interrupted for longer than 10 s as operated, the light switching centre then also makes use of the vehicle acceleration signal. If a conflict is then detected, the above-specified error messages are output.

scuze pentru titlu-din graba am scris e49 in loc de e46

Edited by radupe
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