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Apa In Masina Si In Portbagaj Sub Locul Rezervei


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tu unesti doua lucruri fara legatura ca sa ajungi la o concluzie incorecta. dar da, fie cum zici tu, la seria 5 apa ajunge in portbagaj prin usita de la busonul de combustibil. :)

Nu am de gand sa avem o discutie in contradictoriu total aiurea,asta ar fi pierdere de timp. Am explicat doar de unde aparea apa la mine in portbagaj.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ai mai rezolvat ceva?

La mine e uda doar mocheta de la pasager. Astazi cand am deschis portiera din dreapta a inceput sa curga apa cam 2 minute incontinuu.

Sa fie dezlipita folia din portiera?


Da, trebuie sa desfaci fata de usa si sa lipesti binde de tot protectia aceea din spuma. Ciufulesti cu o surubelnita masticul aceala si in acelasi timp dai cu un pistol de aer cald. Trebuie sa lipesti perfect protectia altfel vei avea dinnou probleme.





Eu am un e46 si de cand mi-au schimbat la service bara pe spate mi se aduna apa in roata de rezerva. Am desfacut tot spatele si tot nu-mi dau seama pe unde intra apa....A mai patit cineva asa ceva?

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Da, am rezolvat intre timp. Am pus un silicon adeziv.

Am scapat de problema.


Ai si tu trapa? Sa nu fie infundate scurgerile.

Sau verifica stopurile:


Check the gaskets on the rear tail lights.

I bet you're on to something because I've noticed moisture in the taillights, but I never realized that this water would be leaking into the trunk. THX

Just found the drain plug after the trunk dried out. It was all corroded but I was able to pull it out (acutally pry it out with a screwdriver). I guess I'll leave it out until I get the water situation fixed and then put a nice new one in.

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Da, am rezolvat intre timp. Am pus un silicon adeziv.

Am scapat de problema.


Ai si tu trapa? Sa nu fie infundate scurgerile.

Sau verifica stopurile:


Check the gaskets on the rear tail lights.

I bet you're on to something because I've noticed moisture in the taillights, but I never realized that this water would be leaking into the trunk. THX

Just found the drain plug after the trunk dried out. It was all corroded but I was able to pull it out (acutally pry it out with a screwdriver). I guess I'll leave it out until I get the water situation fixed and then put a nice new one in.


Eu nu am mai patit nimic, dupa ce am spalat masina, cred ca am desfundat si scurgerile si de atunci e totul in regula.

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