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imi suiera vantul prin masina

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Asa cum am scris in titlu, dupa ce depasesc 100km/ora, incepe sa se auda un suierat dinspre usa din dreapta fata. Devine suparator, pentru ca se accentueaza odata cu cresterea vitezei. Nu e suierat de turbina, pur si simplu se aude ca si cum as merge cu geamul deschis (asa, ca la tren!), e un zgomot ascutit si suparator.

Aveti idee de unde poate fi? A inceput sa se auda fara vreo cauza aparenta, si singurul lucru care ar putea fi in neregula la masina ar fi aparatoarea de noroi de la roata dreapta din fata, care este facuta - iarasi - praf, insa nu cred ca ar putea sa aiba asta vreo legatura.

Si nu-mi cereti sa-l acopar cu muzica pe care-o avem cu toti la e39! :blink:

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Poate fi din chedere. Trebuie reglata usa, probabil nu se inchide bine si nu apasa suficient pe cheder. Verifica sa vezi cum se aliniaza usa cu restul caroseriei. Deobicei de la trantitul usii mai tare, se deplaseaza incuietoarea. Are suruburi cu cap de imbus, din care poti sa reglezi, sa apropii sau sa departezi usa.
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:blink: La Dacie nu-mi intra vantul...intra praful! Ciudat este ca nu se simte nici un curent de aer, doar zgomotul.

Chederele sunt ok. Portiera se inchide bine. Va dati seama ca nu pot controla vizual cand se intampla...ca stau la volan si se intampla la viteze de peste 100 km/ora!

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  • 2 weeks later...

am si eu exact aceeasi problema.

sursa problemei este contraaripa respectiv aparatoarea de noroi, pe care eu am rupt-o in o bordura

daca aparatoarea de noroi e rupta, la mare viteza, aerul ajunge in stalpul de la parbriz, fapt ce creaza suieratul pe care il auzi

solutie 1- contraaripa noua

2 - sigilarea completa a stalpului

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This may sound odd but there is a recognised issue of wind noise - that "seems" to come from around the windshield area.


Problem cab be caused by a missing "jacking block". Look under the body at both ends of the sill - where you are supposed to place the jack when lifting the car. there should be small retangular plastic blocks where the jack goes. these are held onto the body with a part of the block that sticks up into a small hole in the body.


If one or more of those blocks is missing apparently the air russing past the open hole in the body is heard as wind noise around the windshield.



Otherwise be suspecious of the sunroof - close the interior panel and see if the problem changes.


And of course make sure the windows are all the way up. Sometimes when unlocking the passenger doors you accidently activate the opening of the windows - for a fraction of a second. They do not look open but they are down just enough that you get a wind noise.


This can also be caused by a broken or missing "valance." This is the black plastic piece that extends from the front of the front wheel wells to down below the front bumper and links up with the belly pan. If it is broken or missing, at higher speeds air gets up into the windshield pillars and makes a rumbling sound. It's a $40.00 part and an easy DIY install.


sursa : http://www.bmwtips.com

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