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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

martor ulei motor rosu e90


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am si eu nevoie de cateva sfaturi

am un e90 318i din 2009

in timpul mersului i s-a aprins rosu martorul de la presiune ulei motor

am facut un test la reprezentanta si au zis ca este o eroare de moment

am oprit motorul imediat, iar la repornirea de dupa un minut nu a mai aparut

dupa o saptamana aceeasi poveste, s-a aprins rosu, iar la repornire nu s-a mai aprins

uleiul la motor este la nivelul maxim

am parcurs 15.000 km de la ultima schimbare de ulei

masina are 70.000 km

astept cateva pareri, multumesc

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Incearca sa dai search pe google cand ai probleme la masina si cel mai probabil vei gasi multe discutii pe forumurile din SUA.



Oil pressure too low


Engine oil level too low



"the same minimum oil level warning came on for me about twice and ive had my e90 for about 6 months. concered, i took it to the dealer and he said that a few of the e90's had a problem with a oil pressure sensor which was giving a faulty readout, so he took the car for about 3 hours and had that sensor replaced. im not sure if this is eactly whats happening in your car but the symptoms sound the same"

Edited by Adrian M
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