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Monoposturile F1 - sezonul 2012

jon doe

Care este cel mai frumos monopost de Formula 1 - sezonul 2012  

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Nu asta era ideea...


Unii vad formula 1 ca pe un monument de tehnica si ar fi pacat ca unele detalii stiute de cei care urmaresc acest sport sa nu fie scrise aici.


Spre exemplu, acum cativa ani, motorul BMW era considerat cel mai puternic si ajungea la nu stiu cate ture. Acum parca este limitata turatia maxima. De ce l-au limitat? Cum compenseaza astazi aceasta limitare?


...wikipedia avem toti.

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Cam mica cilindreea... :download:


Asta e maxima admisibila.


Citeam chiar acum ce uleiuri folosesc in motoare.


Cam toti isi "prepara" propriile uleiuri. Ma gandeam ca exista unul, doi producatori de uleiuri, fiind uleiuri speciale, dar vad ca aproape fiecare producator de ulei poate ajunge la aceleasi proprietati.


Caterham: Various

Ferrari: Shell Helix Ultra

Sahara Force India: Mobil 1 products

Lotus: Total

Williams: Total

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se pot pune si ceva detalii tehnice: motor (putere, cilindri, cuplu), mase, dimensiuni, limitari date de regulament legate de partea tehnica, solutii tehnice ?


Ar fi intersant :popcorn:

In general, datele ref. la performantele masinii sunt tinute secret de catre echipe.

Totusi, sunt cateva limite / reglementari la care trebuie sa se supuna un monopost de F1 ( greutate minima, dimensiuni, timp de iesire din cockpit in caz incendiu,etc )

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Nu asta era ideea...


Unii vad formula 1 ca pe un monument de tehnica si ar fi pacat ca unele detalii stiute de cei care urmaresc acest sport sa nu fie scrise aici.


Spre exemplu, acum cativa ani, motorul BMW era considerat cel mai puternic si ajungea la nu stiu cate ture. Acum parca este limitata turatia maxima. De ce l-au limitat? Cum compenseaza astazi aceasta limitare?


...wikipedia avem toti.

Nu cred ca era considerat cel mai puternic dar intr-adevar prin 2004 motorul bmw de pe masinile williams era foarte puternic, 2002 2003 2004 mi se pare una din cele mai tari perioade, atunci au fost masinile cele mai puternice/rapide, cam pe atunci au depasit si bariera de 20.000rpm. FIA a limitat motoare la 18.000rpm pt reducerea costurilor in 2009, iar in perioada mai sus amintita bugetele echipelor o luasera razna, ferrari aveau buget anual de 500mil euro.


In ultimii ani din pacate au introdus tot felu de reguli care au omorat depasirile, au incetinit masinile...limitarea turatiei inseamna doar reducerea puterii cu 100-150 cai si nu prea afecteaza cu nimic deoarece masinile de F1 se bazeaza 90% doar pe aerodinamica.


De anul trecut s-au mai schimbat lucrurile in bine cu venirea celor de la pirelli in f1 ca unic furnizor de pneuri, le-au facut mai moi sa tina mai putin ca sa mareasca nr de pitstop-uri si spectacolul. Si au mai introdus un sistem DRS ( drag reducing system ) cand esti la mai putin de o secunda in spatele unei masini pe linia dreapta si pe zona DRS stabilita de FIA, apesi un buton care ridica aripa spate si castigi inca 10 15km/h si il depasesti pe cel din fata, acesta neavand voie sa foloseasca sistemu la randu lui, practic trebuie sa te lasi depasit.


Anul asta o sa fie foarte tare, pentru prima data in istorie o sa fie 6 campioni mondiali la start: Michael Schumacher, kimi raikkonen, fernando alonso, sebastian vettel, lewis hamilton si jenson button.

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Anul asta o sa fie foarte tare, pentru prima data in istorie o sa fie 6 campioni mondiali la start: Michael Schumacher, kimi raikkonen, fernando alonso, sebastian vettel, lewis hamilton si jenson button.

off topic : Imi place ca ai scris numele celui mai mare campion , asa cum trebuie scris. Restul sunt ....doar piloti. :thumbsup:

P.S. Oare cum ar fi daca toti cei 6 campioni ar concura cu masini egale? :hyper:

Edited by jon doe
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off topic : Imi place ca ai scris numele celui mai mare campion , asa cum trebuie scris. Restul sunt ....doar piloti. :thumbsup:

P.S. Oare cum ar fi daca toti cei 6 campioni ar concura cu masini egale? :hyper:

Ar ceva in genu sezonului 1982 cand Keke Rosberg a iesit campion mondial, in sezonul respectiv castigand doar o singura cursa !! :pardon:

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Cateva detalii despre motoarele de Formula 1



For 2006, the engines had to be 90° V8 of 2.4 litres maximum capacity with a 98 mm maximum circular bore, which imply a 39.7 mm minimum stroke. They had to have two circular inlet and exhaust valves per cylinder, be normally aspirated and have a 95 kg (209 lb) minimum weight. The previous year's engines with a rev-limiter were permitted for 2006 and 2007 for teams who unable to acquire a V8 engine, with Scuderia Toro Rosso using a Cosworth V10, after Red Bull's takeover of the former Minardi team did not include the new engines.

Pre-cooling air before it enters the cylinders, injection of any substance other than air and fuel into the cylinders, variable-geometry intake and exhaust systems, variable valve timing were forbidden. Each cylinder could have only one fuel injector and a single plug spark ignition. Separate starting devices were used to start engines in the pits and on the grid. The crankcase and cylinder block had to be made of cast or wrought aluminium alloys. The crankshaft and camshafts had to be made from an iron alloy, pistons from an aluminium alloy and valves from alloys based on iron, nickel, cobalt or titanium. These restrictions were in place to reduce development costs on the engines.


The reduction in capacity was designed to give a power reduction of around 20% from the three litre engines, to reduce the increasing speeds of Formula One cars. However in many cases, performance of the car improved. In 2006 Toyota F1 announced an approximate 740 hp (552 kW) output at 19000 rpm for its new RVX-06 engine, but real figures are of course difficult to obtain.


For 2007 the engine specification was frozen to keep development costs down. The engines which were used in the 2006 Japanese Grand Prix were used for the 2007 and 2008 seasons and they were limited to 19,000 rpm. In 2009 the limit was reduced to 18,000 rpm with each driver allowed to use a maximum of 8 engines over the season. Any driver needing an additional engine is penalised 10 places on the starting grid for the first race the engine is used. This increases the importance of reliability, although the effect is only seen towards the end of the season. Certain design changes intended to improve engine reliability may be carried out with permission from the FIA. This has led to some engine manufacturers, notably Ferrari and Mercedes, exploiting this ability by making design changes which not only improve reliability, but also boost engine power output as a side effect. As the Mercedes engine was proven to be the strongest, re-equalisations of engines were allowed by the FIA to allow other manufacturers to match the power.


2009 saw the exit of Honda from the Formula 1 racing series. The team was acquired by Ross Brawn, creating Brawn GP and the BGP 001. With the absence of the Honda engine, Brawn GP retrofitted the Mercedes engine to the BGP 001 chassis which resulted in a very successful season which saw the newly branded team win both the Constructors' Championship and the Drivers' Championship from more notable contenders, Ferrari, McLaren-Mercedes and Renault.


2010 saw the re-introduction of Cosworth to the grid; who had been absent since the 2006 season. New teams HRT and Virgin Racing along with the established Williams used this engine. The season also saw the withdrawal of the BMW and Toyota engines, as the car companies withdrew from Formula One due to the recession.



The FIA has announced the intention to change the 2.4-litre V8 engines to 1.6 litre V6 turbo engines including energy recovery systems and containing fuel flow restrictions, in order to make Formula One more environmentally aware and to attract more commercial partners for 2014. The engines would also be limited to 15,000 rpm. In addition to the current suppliers, a new company, Propulsion Universelle et Recuperation d'Energie (PURE), has been founded to produce the 2014-specification engines. The new formula is set to reintroduce turbocharged engines, which last appeared in 1988, have their efficiency improved by turbo-compounding and introduce more energy recovery systems - with power to be harvested from the brakes and exhaust gases. The original proposal for four-cylinder turbocharged engines was not welcomed by the racing teams, in particular Ferrari. Adrian Newey stated during the 2011 European Grand Prix that the change to a V6 enables teams to carry the engine as a stressed member, whereas an inline 4 would have required a space frame. A compromise was reached to adopt V6 turbocharged engines instead.

Edited by jon doe
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concurand cu masini egale,in conditii identice si facand abstractie de tactica de la boxe,e greu de spus care dintre astia ar fi cel mai rapid.


nu cred ca vom sti niciodata.

Asa este, nu vom sti niciodata....dar e frumos sa ne imaginam :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ferrari a anuntat ca cel putin in primele 3 curse.....nu vor putea sa lupte ptr victorie. :(

De cand a plecat Schumi si Raikkonen de la ei.....au avut doar masini frumoase, insa nu si victorii. Poate anul asta sa fie altceva. S-a spus in presa ca masina Ferrari 2012 este cea mai evoluata dintre toate masinile din acest an, doar ca nu reuseste echipa de ingineri sa o "inteleaga" pe deplin, si sa o seteze ca atare.

A fost foarte amuzanta ( ptr mine ) faza in care au inceput testele de anul acesta, au fost rapizi, apoi au venit cu o evolutie a pachetului aerodinamic, si......au fost mai lenti.

Italian stuff, right? :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cel mai interesant pentru inceputul de sezon e faptul ca REDBull nu au mai fost stapani pe situatie, s-au pierdut in pluton si e interesant faptul ca in cele 2 curse disputate nu s-a vazut inca monopostul "perfect". Daca in sezoanele trecute exista un favorit incepand cu primele curse anul asta sezonul a debutat amintind oarecum de perioada de dinaintea erei Schumacher.


Eu sper sa vad mai multe etape cu final neanticipat.


Oricum in tot inceputul sezonului pardoxul monoposturilor il vad a fi altul, ca si fan BMW sunt un pic consternat, in perioada colaborarii BMW-Sauber mi-as fi dorit o performanta ca cea din weekend-ul trecut a celor de la SAUBER dar nu a fost sa fie pe timpul colaborarii. Si acum stai sa te intrebi cine era cel cu lipsa de viziune in lumea curselor F1, motoristul sau carosierul?


Tot din punct de verdere al fostei participari BMW in F1, se poate spune ca au esuat lamentabil si asta se vede mai bine acum cand alti motoristi, spre exemplu Renault a scazut participatia in F1 dar face motoare bune bune cumparate de altii. Are o piata solida chiar, cum de altfel si Ferrari. Sunt chestiuni ce tin de financiar dar care pot ajuta aceste nume sa ramana acolo asa cum cei de la BMW nu au stiut sa o faca din pacate.

Edited by ionatan
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. Si acum stai sa te intrebi cine era cel cu lipsa de viziune in lumea curselor F1, motoristul sau carosierul?


mai mult ca sigur cei care se ocupau de sasiu.daca te uiti pe grila vei vedea masini in top care impart aceleasi mototare cu cei din mijlocul plutonului sau chiar din spatele plutonului, ceea ce ma face sa cred ca nu motorul e prima piese care face masina competitiva, de departe

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Datele de la cateva echipe:




Chassis: Composite monocoque structure, designed and built in-house, Carrying the Rrenault V8 engine as fully stressed member

Transmission: S seven-speed gearbox, longitudinally mounted with hydraulic system for power shift and clutch operation. AP racing clutch

Wheels: OZ Racing, Front: 12.0in x 13in diam., Rrear: 13.7in x 13in diam.

Tyres: Pirelli


Front: Aluminium alloy uprights, carbon-composite double wishbone with springs and anti-roll bar, Multimatic dampers

Rear: alloy uprights, double wishbone with springs and anti-roll bar, dampers

Brakes: Brembo calipers, Brembo carbon discs and pads

Electctronics: FIA (MESL) standard control unit

Fuel: Total Group


Renault Engine RS27-2012

Number off cylinders: 8

Capacity: 2400cc

Max rpm: 18,000 rpm

Number off valves: 32

Vee angle: 90 degrees

Power output: not disclosed

Engine constructction: Cylinder block in cast aluminium

Engine management: FIA (MESL) (standard contro unit TAG10B

Oil:Total Group

Weight: FIA minimum weight of 95kg



McLaren MP4-27:



Monocoque McLaren-moulded carbonfibre composite incorporating front and


side impact structures

Front suspension Inboard torsion bar/damper system operated by pushrod and bell


crank with a double wishbone arrangement

Rear suspension Inboard torsion bar/damper system operated by pullrod and bell


crank with a double wishbone arrangement

Electronics McLaren Electronic Systems. Including chassis control, engine


control, data acquisition, dashboard, alternator, sensors, data


analysis and telemetry.

Bodywork Carbon-fibre composite. Separate engine cover, sidepods and


floor. Structural nose with integral front wing


Driver-operated drag reduction system

Tyres Pirelli P Zero

Radio Kenwood

Race wheels Enkei

Brake callipers Akebono

Master cylinders Akebono

Batteries GS Yuasa Corporation

Steering McLaren power-assisted

Instruments McLaren Electronic Systems

Paint solutions AkzoNobel Car Refinishes using Sikkens products



Type Mercedes-Benz FO 108Z

Capacity 2.4 litres

Cylinders 8

Maximum rpm 18,000

Bank angle 90°

Piston bore maximum 98mm

Number of valves 32

Fuel ExxonMobil High Performance Unleaded (5.75% bio fuel)

Spark plugs NGK racing spark plugs specially designed for Formula 1

Lubricants Mobil 1 – combining greater performance, protection and cooling


with increased economy and lower emissions

Weight 95kg (minimum FIA regulation weight)

KERS Hybrid

Type Mercedes-Benz

e-Motor Engine-mounted electrical motor/generator

ESS Integrated energy storage cells and power electronics

Power 60 kW



Gearbox McLaren-moulded carbon-fibre composite


Integral rear impact structure

Gears Seven forward and one reverse

Gear selection McLaren seamless shift, hand-operated

Clutch Carbon/carbon, hand-operated

Lubricants Mobil


Ferrari F2012:



Carbon-fibre and honeycomb composite structure

Gearbox: Ferrari longitudinal gearbox

Differential: Limited-slip differential

Command: Semiautomatic sequential electronically controlled gearbox – quick shift

Number of gears: 7 +Reverse

Brakes: Brembo ventilated carbon-fibre disc brakes

Suspension: Independent suspension, pull-rod activated torsion springs front and rear

Weight with water, lubricant and driver: 640 kg

OZ Wheels (front and rear): 13"



Type: 056

Number of cylinders: 8

Cylinder block in sand cast aluminium: V 90°

Number of valves: 32

Pneumatic distribution

Total displacement: 2398 cm3

Piston bore: 98 mm

Weight: >95 kg

Electronic injection and ignition

Fuel: Shell V-Power

Lubricant: Shell Helix Ultra


Mercedes AMG F1 W103:




Construction: Moulded carbon fibre and honeycomb composite structure

Suspension: Wishbone and pushrod/pullrod activated torsion springs and rockers

Dampers: Penske

Wheels: BBS forged magnesium

Tyres: Pirelli

Brakes: Brembo calipers

Brake discs/pads: Carbon/Carbon

Steering: Power assisted rack and pinion

Steering wheel: Carbon fibre construction

Electronics: FIA standard ECU and FIA homologated electronic and electrical system


Gearbox: Seven speed unit with cast aluminium maincase

Gear selection: Sequential, semi-automatic, hydraulic activation

Clutch: Carbon plate



Overall length: 4800mm

Overall height: 950mm

Overall width: 1800mm



Type: Mercedes-Benz FO108Z

Capacity: 2.4 litres

Cylinders: 8

Maximum rpm: 18,000 (maximum FIA regulation)

Bank angle : 90°

Piston bore : 98mm (maximum FIA regulation)

No of valves: 32

Weight: 95kg (minimum FIA regulation weight)


Lotus E20



Chassis: Moulded carbon fibre and aluminium honeycomb composite monocoque, manufactured by Lotus F1 Team and designed for maximum strength with minimum weight. RS27-2012 V8 engine installed as a fully-stressed member.

Front Suspension: Carbon fibre top and bottom wishbones operate an inboard rocker via a pushrod system. This is connected to a torsion bar and damper units which are mounted inside the front of the monocoque. Aluminium uprights and OZ machined magnesium wheels.

Rear suspension: Carbon fibre top and bottom wishbones with pull rod operated torsion springs and transverse-mounted damper units mounted in the top of the gearbox casing. Aluminium uprights and OZ machined magnesium wheels.

Transmission: Seven-speed semi-automatic titanium gearbox with reverse gear. “Quickshift” system in operation to maximise speed of gearshifts.

Fuel system: Kevlar-reinforced rubber fuel cell by ATL.

Cooling system: Separate oil and water radiators located in the car’s sidepods and cooled using airflow from the car’s forward motion.

Electrical: MES-Microsoft Standard Electronic Control Unit.

Braking system: Carbon discs and pads. Calipers by AP Racing. Master cylinders by AP racing and Brembo.

Cockpit: Removable driver’s seat made of anatomically formed carbon composite, with six-point or eight-point harness seat belt by OMP Racing. Steering wheel integrates gear change, clutch paddles, and rear wing adjuster.

KERS: Motor generator unit driving into front of engine with batteries as an energy store. Motor Generator supplied by Renault Sport F1. Electronic control unit by Magneti-Marelli.



Front track: 1450 mm

Rear track: 1400 mm

Overall Length: 5038 mm

Overall height: 950 mm

Overall width: 1800 mm

Overall weight: 640 kg, with driver, cameras and ballast



Configuration: 2.4l v8

No of cylinders: 8

No of valves: 32

Displacement: 2400 cc

Weight: 95kg

V angle: 90°

Rpm: 18,000



Power output: 750 bhp

Spark plugs: semi surface discharge

Ignition system: high energy inductive

Pistons: aluminium alloy

Engine block: aluminium alloy

Crankshaft: Nitrided alloy steel with tungsten alloy counterweights

Connecting rods: titanium alloy

Throttle system: 8 butterflies




Carbon fibre composite monocoque with Zylon legality side anti-intrusion panels.

Front suspension: Aluminium uprights with carbon fibre composite wishbones, trackrod and pushrod. Inboard chassis mounted torsion springs, dampers and anti-roll bar assembly.

Rear suspensionÂŞ Aluminium uprights with carbon fibre composite wishbones, trackrod and pullrod. Inboard gearbox mounted torsion springs, dampers and anti-roll bar assembly.

Wheel base: 3500mm

Front track: 1480mm

Rear track: 1440mm

Overall height: 950mm

Overall length: 5100mm

Overall weight: 640kg (with driver, by regulations)

Wheels: BBS forged wheels to Sahara Force India specification


Engine supplier: Mercedes AMG High Performance Powertrains V8 2.4litre

KERS: Mercedes AMG High Performance Powertrains

Transmission: McLaren Racing 7-speed, semi-automatic, ‘e-shift’

Lubricants: Mobil 1 products

Spark plugs: NGK

Clutch: AP Racing carbon clutch

Tyres: Pirelli

Brake system: AP Racing

Brake material: Brembo

Dampers: Penske


Sauber C31


Chassis: carbon-fibre monocoque

Front suspension: upper and lower wishbones, inboard springs and dampers (Sachs Race Engineering) actuated by pushrods

Rear suspension: upper and lower wishbones, inboard springs and dampers (Sachs Race Engineering) actuated by pullrods

Brakes: six-piston brake callipers (Brembo), carbon-fibre pads and discs (Brembo)

Transmission: Ferrari 7-speed quick-shift carbon gearbox, longitudinally mounted, carbon-fibre clutch

Chassis electronics: MES

KERS: Ferrari

Steering wheel: Sauber F1 Team

Tyres: Pirelli

Wheels: OZ


Length: 5.195 mm

Width: 1.800 mm

Height: 1.000 mm

Ttrack width, front: 1.495 mm

Track width, rear: 1.410 mm

Weight: 640 kg (incl. driver, tank empty)


Ferrari 056 Motor

Type: naturally aspirated V8, 90° cylinder angle

Engine block: sand-cast aluminium

Valves / valve train: 32 / pneumatic

Displacement: 2,398 ccm

Bore: 98 mm

Weight: >95 kg

Electronic injection and ignition


Williams FW34


Chassis construction: Monocoque construction Laminated from carbon epoxy and honeycomb composite structure, surpassing FIA impact and strength requirements

Front suspension: Carbon fibre double wishbone arrangement, with composite toelink and pushrod activated springs and anti-roll bar

Rear suspension: Double wishbone and pullrod activated springs and anti-roll bar

Transmission: Williams F1 seven speed seamless sequential semi-automatic shift plus reverse gear. Gear selection electro-hydraulically actuated

Clutch: Carbon multi-plate

Dampers: Williams F1

Wheels: RAYS forged magnesium

Tyres: Pirelli, Fronts: 325mm wide, Rears: 375mm wide

Brake system: AP 6 piston callipers all round, carbon discs and pads

Steering: Williams F1 power assisted rack and pinion

Fuel system: ATL Kevlar-reinforced rubber bladder

Electronic systems: FIA SECU standard electronic control unit

Cooling system: Aluminium Oil, Water, KERS, and gearbox radiators Cockpit: Driver six point safety harness with 75mm shoulder straps & HANS system, removable anatomically formed carbon fibre seat covered in Alcantara

Motive power: Renault 2.4L V8, 90° V angle engine, pneumatic valve train. Fuel and lubricants by Total. High energy inductive ignition system. Engine materials include block and pistons in aluminium alloy, crankshaft in Nitrided alloy steel with tungsten alloy counterweights, connecting rods in titanium alloy.


Dimensions & weight

Weight: FIA Minimum

Wheelbase: FIA Maximum

Overall length: 5000mm

Overall height: 950mm

Overall width: 1800mm

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Mi se parea la fel de interesant sportul asta (F1) ca golful. N-am vazut nici o cursa completa in viata mea. La cate restrictii au la motoare , unde e inovarea si noile tehnologii (care sa-si faca loc in productia de automobile clasice ) ? Mai au putin si stabilesc prezervativul offcial al F1, ca sa nu existe diferente de concentrare si libido intre piloti :Devil:
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