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motor 2800


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imi poate spune si mie cineva daca motorul de 2800 din 1998 ,193 de cai, este nikasil sau alusil? ce modificari trebuiesc facute pt schimbarea motorului? in prezent detin un bmw 728 din 1996 iar motorul a inceput sa mearga imprastiat,relantiul oscileaza, la pornire merge intrerupt, odata a pornit foarte greu...in schimb nu se ridica temperatura apei ,decit in limitele normale. e un semn ca acest motor nikasil e pe duca?
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fa o diagnoza, o sa-ti spuna exact de ce nu-ti merge motorul cum trebuie.

bujii, sonde lambda, regulator relanti, furtune coapte, etc.


PS: nu trebuie sa schimbi motorul doar pt ca merge "imprastiat"

am citit pe aici si marea majoritate care au avut aceleasi simptome au constatat ca de vina e blocul nikasil, in acest caz neavand alta soluti decit schimbarea motorului.....un lucru e sigur,motorul meu e nikasil...ce sanse sunt ca astfel de motoare sa fi ajuns la 250 000 km? masina e cumparata de la un prieten din germania,a avuto 10 ani si nu a avut nici cea mai mica problema cu ea...nu intra in calcul proasta intretinere a masinii, il cunosc si stiu cum a avut grija de masina....va multumesc pt sfaturi


in 98 ar trebui sa fie M52B28TU, adica cel dublu vanos.


blocul e alusil, cilindrii erau nikasil pana in 98.



fa o diagnoza la motor :thumbsup:

eu am gasit o masina avariata in germania din 1998,motor 2800,193 de cai....intelesesem ca acel dublu vanos e de 211 cai... sunt cumva motoare diferite? as vrea sa stiu daca acel 2800,193 de cai din 1998, e alusil si daca il pot pune pe masina mea...ce modificari ar trebui facute sau ce presupune inlocuirea acestui motor....multumesc pt informatii

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au fost multe zvonuri legate de acest motor. eu personal am 2.8, nu am avut niciodata probleme cu el si nu am auzit la cineva sa aibe, motorul meu are aprox 290.000 km.

asa stiu si eu de la niste prieteni care au reprezentata bmw in germania, ei zic ca acest motor nu se poate defecta niciodata...dar am citit pe diverse forumuri, altii se pare ca au avut probleme...nu stiu ce sa cred si nu as vrea sa schimb o gramada de sonde,debitmetre...si alte piese ,care m ar costa tot atat cat as lua o masina intreaga cu un motor alusil....

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tocmai ce ti-am spus ca BLOCUL e din aluminiu.

It is only the single VANOS M52 units that were affected (and then not even all of them). The effect of VANOS is to lower the revs at which peak torque is produced.

Steel liners were introduced into production at Week 10 in 1998, i.e. March 1998. Cars built before then will have Nikasil liners; but that is not the same thing as saying that cars sold after then will have steel liners - cars can sit around for a while, and it is the build date that is critical, not the date on which the vehicle is put into service. Contrary to certain information, the engine code change from "S6 3" to "S6 4" did not coincide with the move to steel liners and therefore not all "S6 3" cars are Nikasil. Whilst it is probably safe to assume that any car sold during 1999 or later is safe from the Nikasil issue


The “Nikasil issue” is a serious problem that affects all BMW motor cars with engine blocks with “Nikasil” liners in their alloy block when high sulphur fuel has been used. This is BMW 8-cylinder models with the M60 engine made from approximately 1993 to 1996, and 6-cylinder models with the M52 BMW engine made between 1995 and 1998 (note M52 Nikasil engine never went to the USA). The “Nikasil issue” is extremely serious as the final result is a non-functioning engine. The material “Nikasil” is also known as “Galnikal”. "Nikasil" is a very hard dispersion layer of galvanically (electrolytically) applied Nickel applied to the soft alloy bores to prevent wear. If this hard layer is damaged, excessive bore wear occurs rapidly.


What causes the “Nikasil issue”?


In short, high sulphur fuel. Contrary to popular belief, the BMW “Nikasil issue” does not only affect the USA. It is potentially in existence in all countries, but is a particular problem in the UK and the US. It would appear that Nikasil-lined blocks were not tested with fuels that had a high sulphur content, which was unfortunate because the chemical reaction between the sulphur in the fuel and the nickel lining in the block which damaged the hard nickel lining. Once the lining is damaged, excessive bore wear of the soft underlying alloy occurs very quickly. Some BMW Nikasil engines have failed in as little as 30,000 miles.








Edited by max83
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tocmai ce ti-am spus ca BLOCUL e din aluminiu.

It is only the single VANOS M52 units that were affected (and then not even all of them). The effect of VANOS is to lower the revs at which peak torque is produced.

Steel liners were introduced into production at Week 10 in 1998, i.e. March 1998. Cars built before then will have Nikasil liners; but that is not the same thing as saying that cars sold after then will have steel liners - cars can sit around for a while, and it is the build date that is critical, not the date on which the vehicle is put into service. Contrary to certain information, the engine code change from "S6 3" to "S6 4" did not coincide with the move to steel liners and therefore not all "S6 3" cars are Nikasil. Whilst it is probably safe to assume that any car sold during 1999 or later is safe from the Nikasil issue






nu ,motorul meu nu e dublu vanos. cea pe care am gasito in germania nu stiu daca are dublu vanos, nu am vazut motorul...tot ce stiu e ca e din 1998, de 2800 si 193 de cai....

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eu am gasit o masina avariata in germania din 1998,motor 2800,193 de cai....intelesesem ca acel dublu vanos e de 211 cai... sunt cumva motoare diferite? as vrea sa stiu daca acel 2800,193 de cai din 1998, e alusil si daca il pot pune pe masina mea...ce modificari ar trebui facute sau ce presupune inlocuirea acestui motor....multumesc pt informatii



OOO daaa...fara discutie, ia-l daca e in stare ok. mult mai fiabil, chiar si mai economic.


in mare cred ca putin la instalatia electrica difera (poate ceva senzori in plus la evacuare/serpi ptr dublu vanos), in rest e la fel (suporti motor, cutie ZF etc) dar sa il iei cu toate anexele, calculator, instalatie electrica.


Nu are 211 cp, ci 196, dar e mai fiabil.









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Nu stiu cat de adevarati or fi acei 196 Cp ( 144 kw) pt ca pe cartea mea tehnica erau trecuti 142 kw, M52TU B28 2793 cm3 din 05/'99. facelift-ul a aparut in iulie /august1998


Incearca sa schimbi epuratorul de gaze, nu costa mult 160-180 lei, aceleasi simptome le-am avut si dupa inlocuire a fost perfect.

Simptomele: oscilarea turometrului, motorul mergea neregulat in ralanti, mici explozii(un fel de pacanit in galerie la intervale neregulate)

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