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Problema Angel Eyes E36


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Pana la urma ,cred ca am o problema electrica pe partea respectiva pt ca si stopurile fac figuri,odata se aprind,odata nu,aseara cand am observat angelu inchis ,am oprit si cand am pornit iar s-au aprins apoi au murit de tot,ma duc luni la un electrician
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Citind articolul de mai jos,am verificat blocul de lumini,si intr-adevar de acolo este problema.



0 = Off

1 = Park lights

2 = Park lights and Headlights


Right Hand Taillight

F37 (Engine Bay, 10A) feeds power on Red/Blue wire to pin 11 of the light switch

The switch switches power to the taillight.

The wire to the taillight is on the switch pin 2, and is Grey/Yellow.

If no Check Control fitted, the wire goes direct to the taillight.

If Check Control, it goes via the Check Control module and becomes Grey/Blue/Yellow for one bulb and Grey/Blue/Yellow for the other bulb. (maybe BMW made a mistake with wire colours here?)


Left Hand Taillight

F33 (Engine Bay, 10A) feeds power on Red/White wire to pin 5 of the light switch

The switch switches power to the taillight.

The wire to the taillight is on the switch pin 6, and is Grey/Violet.

If no Check Control fitted, the wire goes direct to the taillight.

If Check Control, it goes via the Check Control module and becomes Grey/Violet/Yellow for one bulb and Grey/Green/Yellow for the other bulb.


Instrument Lights

F37 (Engine Bay, 10A) feeds power on Red/Blue wire to pin 11 of the light switch

The switch switches power to the light dimmer.

The wire to the light dimmer is on the switch pin 1, and is Grey/Black.

This goes to pin 3 of the Light Dimmer

The power leaves the light dimmer on pin 2 and becomes Green/Red

The Green/Red wire then goes to all dash illumination including the instrument cluster, where it becomes pin 2 on the cluster connector.



If you have the right hand taillight fail at the same times as all dash illumination, then suspect F37 and/or the light switch.

Check the fuse carefully, the connectors are firmly seated and clean and tight, and the light switch

If the light switch has failled or has bad connections, replace it with a new one

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