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Upgrade amplificator e39

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Dupa ce am cautat de nebun tutoriale despre cum sa montezi dsp-ul pe masina, citind mai multe pareri, am gasit o solutie mai buna. Adaugarea in paralel a unui amplificator auto.

Motivul pentru care a cazut varianta cu montarea unui dsp este, citez :"What is the actual reason for trying to put in a potentially 7-15 year old amplifier? it has perhaps just 7-10 watts RMS per channel, you must use the 7-15 year old rather rubbish oem paper speakers as they have the correct impedances, you have a whole load of taking apart of your car to fit the specific loom in and the end result isn't anywhere near good quality sound reproduction. The chances are after doing all of this that in a few days, weeks or months the DSP amp goes kaput as it's so old is high as well. There is ZERO actual benefit of trying to wire in a DSP" (epic).

Cea mai buna varianta, testata de altii, ar fi montarea unui amplif (4-6 canale) care sa inlocuiasca 4-6 canale din cele 10 ale amplif-ului original, sau inlocuirea totala cu punerea in crossover a canalelor ramase.

Din ce am citit, montarea amplif-ului a fost facuta pe instalatia originala a masinii, plecand din mufa amplif-ului orig., am cautat un grafic cu legaturile dar nu gasesc nimic.

A mai incercat cineva asa ceva ?!?

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