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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

o sa am banii in curand si sunt nehotarat


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nu ai inteles,a spus 30.000 km/an deci daca nu faci minim 30,35 mii km/an sa nu iti iei diesel ca nu merita una cand auzi un diesel si una e cand auzi un 6 in linie pe benzina :) ,sfatu meu nu iti lua 316 sau 318,ia-ti direct 320i pt ca intre astea 3 diferenta intre consum = 0,sa nu te gandesti ca 316i consuma m-ai putin ca 320 :)


da. intelesesem prea tarziu ca de 30 de mii e vorba... Si ce-i cu vorba aia ca 320 are consumul ca 316? Io asa credeam. Este explicatia ca un motor mai mare produce mai multa putere si atunci nu e nevoie de mai multe rotatii? :blink: hm... sunt echipate cu aceeasi transmisie? la sper sa citesti reply-ul si sa-mi spui de ce e asa...

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da. intelesesem prea tarziu ca de 30 de mii e vorba... Si ce-i cu vorba aia ca 320 are consumul ca 316? Io asa credeam. Este explicatia ca un motor mai mare produce mai multa putere si atunci nu e nevoie de mai multe rotatii? :blink:  hm... sunt echipate cu aceeasi transmisie? la sper sa citesti reply-ul si sa-mi spui de ce e asa...


pai 316 are motor de 1900 cm3,c-am tot aia e,toata lumea stie ca 316,318 si 320i consuma la fel! si daca spui sa faci 10.000 de km pe an da e obligatoriu un 6 in linie pe benzina :) si inca ceva,nu-ti lua fara DSC mai ales ca esti la inceput acum,tentatia e mare,a venit si iarna!

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pai 316 are motor de 1900 cm3,c-am tot aia e,toata lumea stie ca 316,318 si 320i consuma la fel! si daca spui sa faci 10.000 de km pe an da e obligatoriu un 6 in linie pe benzina  :blink: si inca ceva,nu-ti lua fara DSC mai ales ca esti la inceput acum,tentatia e mare,a venit si iarna!


DSC cam de prin 2002 a aparut,nu?sau ma insel?

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pai 316 are motor de 1900 cm3,c-am tot aia e,toata lumea stie ca 316,318 si 320i consuma la fel! si daca spui sa faci 10.000 de km pe an da e obligatoriu un 6 in linie pe benzina  :D si inca ceva,nu-ti lua fara DSC mai ales ca esti la inceput acum,tentatia e mare,a venit si iarna!




adica 316 nu e: "seria 3 cu motor de 1600 cc"??? :D :) :bash:

se vede treaba ca m-am facut de tot de ras, ca io m-am laudat peste tot ca macar atata stiu despre BMW... si culmea ... probabil ca, toti au crezut...

AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! :D

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adica 316 nu e: "seria 3 cu motor de 1600 cc"??? :D  :)  :bash:

se vede treaba ca m-am facut de tot de ras, ca io m-am laudat peste tot ca macar atata stiu despre BMW... si culmea ... probabil ca, toti au crezut...

AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! :D



la e 46 316i are 1895 cmc 105cp

318i are 1895 cmc si vreo 118cp

320i are 6 pistoane 2171cmc si 170cp :D

referitor la consum nu sunt de acord k toate astea 3 consuma la fel... :bash:

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se vede ce mult te pricepi la BMWdaca 316 stiai ca are 1600 te-ai inselat are 1895 si 105 ps


nici nu am afirmat ca as sti... d-aia am si postat pe forumul asta ca sa aflu mai multe. ca sa stiu si sa pot sa aleg... sper ca nu v-ati facut despre mine impresia ca stiu. ca nu e adevarata. ceea ce stiu cu adevarat e ca imi place cum arata BMW-ul si ca vreau sa il mai conduc.

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nimeni nu s-a  nascut invatat toti am invatat pe parcurs.dar sa vi si sa te dai zmeu e cam mult


uite ce e... nimeni nu s-a dat zmeu... daca am jignit pe cineva a fost fara intentie... iar daca ti-am facut o impresie gresita nu fost vina mea.

bat in retragere fiindca nu imi place sa ma folosesc de anoimat si sa aduc injurii si mai sunt aici fiindca sunt aici doar sa aflu lucruri care ma intereseaza.

si mai aduc o adaugare: ca sa se contureze imaginea mea: am furat masina aprintilor din fata blocului, dar nu am ridicat capota decat atunnci cand mi s-a defectat MIE. Interesul meu a fost sa connduc, nu sa fac liste cu ce as vrea sa conduc cand am bani... M-am itins cat mi-a fost plapuma... Soarta face ca patul meu sa se mareasca, deci si plapuma trebuie sa se mareasca... De aici intelegeti ce vreti...

Nu luati declaratia asta ca pe u semnn de slabiciune ca va inselati!

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The 3 Series is BMW's entry-level luxury sedan, now in its fifth generation (E90). The E90 line has been available in the United States and Canada since the 2006 model year. The E90 is currently available in the 318i (detuned 2.0L I4 engine producing 129 hp), 318d (detuned 2.0L I4 diesel producing 122 hp), 320i (with 2.0L I4 producing 150 hp), 320d (with I4 diesel producing 163 hp), 323i (with I6 producing 174 hp), 325i (with a detuned 3.0 L I6 engine producing 215 hp or a 2.5L I6 producing 218 hp), 330d (3.0L I6 producing 231 hp) and the 330i (with a 3.0 L I6 engine producing 255 hp), as well as the AWD-versions of these two models, named 325xi and 330xi. The new BMW 3 Series sedan (E90) and coupĂŠ (E92), both of which have recently been released, carry the 328i, 328xi, 335i, and 335xi badging. There will not be a separate "Ci" designation for coupĂŠs. The 328i will feature a 3.0L I6 with 230 hp and 200 lb-ft while the new 335i will feature BMW's new 3.0L I6 twin turbo motor bolsting 300 hp and 300 lb-ft. Incidentally, these new turbofans are made by Mitsubishi[citation needed]. As 2006 models, the 3 Series coupĂŠ and convertible are only available in the fourth generation E46 body style (with a 2.5 L I6 producing 184 hp for the 325ci/cic and a 3.0 L I6 producing 225 hp for the 330ci/cic) until the fall of 2006, when the new 2007 model year coupĂŠs will be available. Unlike past generations, the 2006/7 3 Series coupĂŠs would have its own internal code of E92. Also available is the all wheel drive Touring (wagon) model. A special edition 320si that is the production version of the 2006 World Touring Car.

A Retractable hard-top cabriolet was also introduced recently, a first for BMW and clearly under the influence of Mercedes' similar mechanism.

• M3: The motorsport division's race-inspired version of the 3 Series. Currently available only in the fourth generation E46 body style and with a 3.2 L engine producing 343 hp. A new revision is expected in 2007 with a 400+ hp V8. The 2007 version is expected to come in the coupĂŠ, cabriolet, sedan and for the first time a touring body style.

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The 3 Series is BMW's entry-level luxury sedan, now in its fifth generation (E90). The E90 line has been available in the United States and Canada since the 2006 model year. The E90 is currently available in the 318i (detuned 2.0L I4 engine producing 129 hp), 318d (detuned 2.0L I4 diesel producing 122 hp), 320i (with 2.0L I4 producing 150 hp), 320d (with I4 diesel producing 163 hp), 323i (with I6 producing 174 hp), 325i (with a detuned 3.0 L I6 engine producing 215 hp or a 2.5L I6 producing 218 hp), 330d (3.0L I6 producing 231 hp) and the 330i (with a 3.0 L I6 engine producing 255 hp), as well as the AWD-versions of these two models, named 325xi and 330xi. The new BMW 3 Series sedan (E90) and coupĂŠ (E92), both of which have recently been released, carry the 328i, 328xi, 335i, and 335xi badging. There will not be a separate "Ci" designation for coupĂŠs. The 328i will feature a 3.0L I6 with 230 hp and 200 lb-ft while the new 335i will feature BMW's new 3.0L I6 twin turbo motor bolsting 300 hp and 300 lb-ft. Incidentally, these new turbofans are made by Mitsubishi[citation needed]. As 2006 models, the 3 Series coupĂŠ and convertible are only available in the fourth generation E46 body style (with a 2.5 L I6 producing 184 hp for the 325ci/cic and a 3.0 L I6 producing 225 hp for the 330ci/cic) until the fall of 2006, when the new 2007 model year coupĂŠs will be available. Unlike past generations, the 2006/7 3 Series coupĂŠs would have its own internal code of E92. Also available is the all wheel drive Touring (wagon) model. A special edition 320si that is the production version of the 2006 World Touring Car.

A Retractable hard-top cabriolet was also introduced recently, a first for BMW and clearly under the influence of Mercedes' similar mechanism.

• M3: The motorsport division's race-inspired version of the 3 Series. Currently available only in the fourth generation E46 body style and with a 3.2 L engine producing 343 hp. A new revision is expected in 2007 with a 400+ hp V8. The 2007 version is expected to come in the coupĂŠ, cabriolet, sedan and for the first time a touring body style.


ok. :) ti/ai facut documentarea...

dar cauta e46,cred k asta te intereseaza pe tine :)

sau poate ai vreo 30k pt e 90 :blink:

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cred ca o sa parasesc calculatorul un moment... mi-e foame si in plus incep si stirile pe TVR international (stiri de acasa :blink:).


noapte buna pentru cazul in care nu mai revin!


pofta mare...si apropo de invatat...toti de aici mai au de invatat...doar ca tu ai putin mai mult :), asa ca nu baga in seama tot ce se scrie si incearca sa obtii ceea ce cauti

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Omul stie bine, dar ceea ce stie e valabil doar pentru E36 (pisicute) si modelele anterioare. De la E46 incolo s-a modificat cilindreea desi codificarea  a ramas aceeasi (316, 318, 320, 325.. etc)



:blink: :) :) :) :D :D



* 1991-1994 316i - 1.6 L M40B18 I4, 102 hp (76 kW)

* 1995-1999 316i - 1.6 L M43B16 I4, 102 hp (76 kW)

* 1991-1999 318i - 1.8 L M40B18 I4, 115 hp (86 kW)

* 1995-2000 318iS/ti - 1.9 L M44B19 I4, 140 hp (104 kW)

* 1991-1995 320 - 2.0 L M50B25 I6, 150 hp (112 kW)

* 1992-1997 M3 - 3.0 L S50B30 I6

* 1993-1997 323 - 2.4 L M50B24 I6

* 1994-1999 320 - 2.0 L M52B20 I6

* 1994-1999 324 - 2.4 L M52B24 I6

* 1991-1995 325 - 2.5 L M52B25 I6

* 1995-2000 328 - 2.8 L M52B28 I6

* 1995-2000 M3 - 3.2 L S50B32 I6

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