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Dezmembrez BMW Touring 325i

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Masina nu se mai dezmembreaza, decat anumite piese si unele exces.


Ce se va vinde:


Motorul si ECU

Scrumiera (pachet fumator)


Ventilator mecanic

Pompa rezervor

LCM-ul (fog light, fata spate, halogen, manual)

Consola centrala cu buton DSC

Ceasuri, contact, cheie

Aparatori noroi

Centuri spate


Daca NUMAI astea sunt piesele, pune pret pentru fiecare.


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  2. Motorul si ECU : 3800 RON
  3. Scrumiera (pachet fumator) : 58,10 RON
  4. Electroventilator : 198,10 RON
  5. Ventilator mecanic : 148,10 RON
  6. Pompa rezervor : 150 RON
  7. LCM-ul (fog light, fata spate, halogen, manual) : 88,10 RON
  8. Consola centrala cu buton DSC : 88,10 RON
  9. Ceasuri, contact, cheie : 300 RON
  10. Aparatori noroi : 50 RON / pereche
  11. Centuri spate : 80 RON / bucata

Edited by Scufi
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