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Cd player bmw business e46


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Sunt curios ce functii mai are acest cd player. Am observat ca pe fundal se vede un BC, ce inseamna? Bluetooth cellphone sau bord computer? Totodata am studiat si am aflata:



To access the service menu in the BMW Business CD:

- turn the radio off, then on again

- press and hold M for 10 seconds

- display will show SN#nnnnnnnn

- press +/- to access settings

- press 1-6 to change settings


Settings I know of are:

SN - serial number

SV - software version

signal strength level

GAL - speed sensitive loudness

DSP - n/a

TP-V - traffic program volume (non-USA feature)

display check

tuner area selection

AF - alternative frequency (non-USA feature)


Cycle power to exit service mode.


Some aren't modifiable - hope that helps.

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Sunt curios ce functii mai are acest cd player. Am observat ca pe fundal se vede un BC, ce inseamna? Bluetooth cellphone sau bord computer? Totodata am studiat si am aflata:



To access the service menu in the BMW Business CD:

- turn the radio off, then on again

- press and hold M for 10 seconds

- display will show SN#nnnnnnnn

- press +/- to access settings

- press 1-6 to change settings


Settings I know of are:

SN - serial number

SV - software version

signal strength level

GAL - speed sensitive loudness

DSP - n/a

TP-V - traffic program volume (non-USA feature)

display check

tuner area selection

AF - alternative frequency (non-USA feature)


Cycle power to exit service mode.


Some aren't modifiable - hope that helps.

poti sa il faci sa auiba auxiliar cu 3 diode.eu am facut si mi-a reusit.acu am ipod pe el prin mufa jack

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eu stiu ca merge si fara diode.

eu am incercar si nu a mers . deci -treb neaparat sa aiba funtia mode .atasez un link in care e descris exact cum se face.in partea de jos o sa gasiti o schema el in care sunt date si diodele sau cum se numesc ele ca nu ma pricep.le-am notat,am fost la un magazin de piese electonice cu listuta .ca idee pt mufa din spatele casetofonului am folosit 2 mufe dintr-un calculator vechi.sunt niste mufe albe sau maro cu gaurele mici.puse una peste alta s-au potrivit f bine.

Pt a functiona treb sa va legati la pini 8(+) 9(+) si 4(-)e bine daca de la pini astia plecat cu fire diferite ca sa nu le incurcati.


si inca un link din care m-am inspirat,eu am pus si acea intrare de jack langa incalzirea dein scaune.daca o demontati aveti loc sa o montati fara prea mari verificari


Edited by SEGA
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