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Mesajul se adreseaza posesorilor de Z3 interesati sa cumpere o husa impermeabila de buna calitate si custom-fit pentru soft-top.

In urma cautarilor pe internet, am ajuns la doua variante, si anume:

1. Z3 Roof Cover, fabricat de Covercraft (SUA), la pretul de $138.95, plus shipping $66;

2. Half Cover BMW Z3, fabricat/comercializat de Buzztopz2011 pe ebay.co.uk (Marea Britanie), la pretul de 45 lire, plus shipping 40 lire.


Fotografiile sunt prezentate in ordinea mentionata.


Desi prima varianta pare mai interesanta, datorita pretului maricel eu optez pentru a doua. Daca mai este cineva interesat sa cumpere, putem reduce costul cu transportul la jumatate. Cine este interesat, sa dea un semnal in zilele care urmeaza.


P.S. Daca are cineva orice alta varianta, sa o posteze pentru cine va mai fi interesat in viitor.



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Am fost plecat ceva timp. Intre timp am renuntat sa cumpar husa, datorita costului prea mare raportat la rarele ocazii in care o folosesc (concediu sau plecari de sfarsit de saptamana). Am optat pentru tratarea regulata a panzei softtopului cu solutie de impermeabilizare, ca sa minimizez uzura lui pe timpul ploilor. In plus evit spalarea prea deasa a panzei, din acelasi motiv. In manual mentioneaza impermeabilizarea panzei la fiecare 3 spalari complete ale masinii.


Pentru Sly: Se poate face si probabil se iese la un pret mai bun. M-am gandit la solutia asta (panza impermeabila de la husa obisnuita, dublata, la interior cu folie de parasolar auto), elastice pe laturi pentru ancorare pe laturi (stergatoare, manere usi, marginea de sus a portbagajului. Mai greu cu croitorul, care sa faca o treaba buna si .. estetica.


Pentru Krebs: este buna si husa completa, normal, insa eu ma tem de eventuale zgarieturi pe caroserie, de aceea as prefera modelul de sus. In plus, o instalezi/dezinstalezi mai repede si usor. As opta pentru husa completa, dar numai "custom-fit".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ai dreptate, este cel mai bun hardtopul, insa eu cred ca numai iarna, daca il scoti la plimbare sau, in cel mai rau caz, daca il tii afara neprotejat nicicum.

[Ok, poate pui si vara hardtopul, dar cand tine o ploaie 3-4 zile si ai masina afara]


Vara insa nu cred ca vrei sa pleci cu hardtopul in concediu/plimbari/serviciu (si sa nu o poti decapota mai deloc). Eu de cazul asta discutam, cand mergi vara cu masina, evident fara hardtop ca sa o poti decapota pe traseu oricand, dar in cazul unei ploi sa ai o solutie pentru protejarea soft-topului (husa sau .. o impermeabilizare mai riguroasa). Este clar ca desi putini o fac, impermeabilizarea "ca la carte" a softotpului este obligatorie, ramanand ca o masura suplimentara de protectie si husa. Eu recunosc ca relativ recent am aflat de chestia cu impermeabilizarea, pana atunci gandindu-ma la husa ca la singura masura.


:offtopic:Acum, oarecum off topic .. cine are hardtop, a avut oare probleme cu etansarea? Din unele discutii am aflat ca nu la toti s-ar etansa perfect hardtopul si se mai strecoara cate 1-2 picaturi. O parere de la posesorii de Z3 cu hardtop ar fi binevenita. :popcorn:

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Am incercat impermeabilizarea soft-topului dar nu am fost multumit, dupa doua spalari se ducea efectul magic si iar trebuia sa stau sa dau cu spray-ul... Pana la urma am renuntat. Am ajuns la concluzia ca vrei nu vrei, la un moment dat peste ceva ani tot va trebui sa dai banii pe un soft-top nou. Din fericire se gasesc pe Ebay destule.


Ai dreptate in privinta hardtop-ului vara, nu prea iti vine sa-l iei in concediu si mai trebuie sa ai si un loc de depozitare unde sa nu pateasca nimic, dar in schimb toamna si iarna este grozav. In afara de aspectele practice iti si schimba look-ul intr-un coupe superb. Apropo, eu am un hardtop la vanzare ;) si pot sa-ti spun ca nu am avut probleme cu etanseizarea. Daca sunt chederele bune si l-ai montat corect nu ai de ce sa-ti faci griji. Pacat ca nu esti din Bucuresti ca ti-l aratam live.

Edited by babanu
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Am incercat impermeabilizarea soft-topului dar nu am fost multumit, dupa doua spalari se ducea efectul magic si iar trebuia sa stau sa dau cu spray-ul...

Apropo, eu am un hardtop la vanzare ;) si pot sa-ti spun ca nu am avut probleme cu etanseizarea. Daca sunt chederele bune si l-ai montat corect nu ai de ce sa-ti faci griji. Pacat ca nu esti din Bucuresti ca ti-l aratam live.


Am câteva drumuri ĂŽn București, poate stabilim o ĂŽntâlnire o data. Referitor la impermeabilizare, și manualul BMW spune cĂŁ la 2-3 spĂŁlĂŁri trebuie refĂŁcutĂŁ, deci ești ĂŽn grafic :)

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Am incercat impermeabilizarea soft-topului dar nu am fost multumit, dupa doua spalari se ducea efectul magic si iar trebuia sa stau sa dau cu spray-ul... Pana la urma am renuntat. Am ajuns la concluzia ca vrei nu vrei, la un moment dat peste ceva ani tot va trebui sa dai banii pe un soft-top nou. Din fericire se gasesc pe Ebay destule.


Ai dreptate in privinta hardtop-ului vara, nu prea iti vine sa-l iei in concediu si mai trebuie sa ai si un loc de depozitare unde sa nu pateasca nimic, dar in schimb toamna si iarna este grozav. In afara de aspectele practice iti si schimba look-ul intr-un coupe superb. Apropo, eu am un hardtop la vanzare ;) si pot sa-ti spun ca nu am avut probleme cu etanseizarea. Daca sunt chederele bune si l-ai montat corect nu ai de ce sa-ti faci griji. Pacat ca nu esti din Bucuresti ca ti-l aratam live.

buna ,scuze ca poate intru cam abrupt in subiect,dar sunt interesat de hard-topul tau(ceva imagini , un pret, alte detalii).?

Mi-am luat recent un z3 din 96 de 1900cmc si as vrea sa te intreb daca ti-a mai ramas ceva documentatie tehnica de la al tau sau unde gasesc si eu macar un owner's manual pt ca eu sunt de moda veche si mai intai citesc cartea si apoi utulizez " agregatul"

cu multumiri anticipate!

Edited by cony071
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Hardtop-ul este la vanzare chair aici pe BMW club: http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/125138-vand-hardtop-z3/page__p__1853969__fromsearch__1#entry1853969

Cat priveste manual din pacate ti-l pot indica doar pe cel de la motoare in 6 pistoane desi este un punct de plecare foarte bun chiar si asa: http://www.bmwz3club.fr/site/doc/manuel_Z3.pdf

Eventual poti salva PDF-ul si daca esti intradevar de moda veche il poti si printa :)


Pune si tu cateva poze cu noua ta achizitie si da mai multe detalii :thumbsup:

Apropo, din ce oras esti?

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Hardtop-ul este la vanzare chair aici pe BMW club: http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/125138-vand-hardtop-z3/page__p__1853969__fromsearch__1#entry1853969

Cat priveste manual din pacate ti-l pot indica doar pe cel de la motoare in 6 pistoane desi este un punct de plecare foarte bun chiar si asa: http://www.bmwz3club.fr/site/doc/manuel_Z3.pdf

Eventual poti salva PDF-ul si daca esti intradevar de moda veche il poti si printa :)


Pune si tu cateva poze cu noua ta achizitie si da mai multe detalii :thumbsup:

Apropo, din ce oras esti?

buna,multumesc! sunt din braila!z3 l-am luat din bucuresti ,s-ar putea sa-l stii!

nu i-am facut poze inca pentru ca l-am luat doar pentru placerea proprie nu pentru a impresiona pe cineva!masina a fost pe mobile pana in noiembrie 2012.am vrut sa-l cumpar pe al lui templar dar nu ne-am inteles la pret!

mi-au trimis pana la urma manualul(dupa cer ti-am scris tie) cei de la bmw grup romania,dar este in germana(limba bomfaier,cum spun eu).Dar am de mai multi ani si motocicleta bmw (F 650) si m-am mai lovit acolo de termeni si mai pricep cateceva.

Ce ma sacaie pe mine sunt intervalele de service si ce anume se executa!

Edited by cony071
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am vrut sa-l cumpar pe al lui templar dar nu ne-am inteles la pret!

1. Te salut si felicitari pentru masina, sper ca te satisface. Banuiesc ca are IPT-ul facut! :) Iar apropo de ITP, dupa plecarea ta, l-am facut a doua zi. A costat foarte mult, aproape 70 de lei! Masina a trecut cu mari emotii, pentru becul de pozitie ars care te-a deranjat atat de mult. M-a costat fenomenala suma de 25 de lei, in service. Cat pe ce sa renunt sa fac ITP-ul. Scuza-ma pentru ironie, dar simteam nevoia :))) Sa nu poti cumpara masina pentru ca nu ai 100 lei sa schimbi un bec si sa faci un ITP a fost ceva original pentru mine.

2. Mai ai inca impresia ca sunt samsar de masini? :) Sau era o tactica sa cumperi la pret cat mai mic? Mai mic de pretul oferit, puteam face direct donatie.


In alta ordine de idei, din partea mea primesti un feedback negativ. Aviz celor care vor avea de a face cu tine.

Acum poti sa fi rautacios si sa spui cat de proasta este masina mea si cat de rau am fost cu tine incat nu am acceptat sa iti platesc si transportul, dupa ce ti-am redus pretul SEMNIFICATIV, ceea ce acum nu as mai face-o.



Ce ma sacaie pe mine sunt intervalele de service si ce anume se executa!

In fine:

Inspectia I 30.000 km

Inspectia II 60.000 km

Schimb de ulei 5000 km sau dupa cum te lasa inima. Eu recomand Mobil 1, 5W30, schimbat la 10.000 km.


De asemenea, inspectia I se face dupa orice perioada mai mare de 3 luni in care masina a stat nefolosita. Cine nu stie ce presupun Inspectiile I si II, pot detalia.



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Inspectia I

Inspectia I este recomandata la fiecare 30.000 km. Intotdeauna se schimba uleiul si filtrul la fiecare 3 luni sau 5.000 km. Mai departe este detaliat ce se inspecteaza la Inspectia I (am si varianta in romana, insa pe alt calculator. Cine nu se descurca, sa spuna si voi posta si traducerea).



1. Change engine oil and filter oil while engine is at normal operation temperature.

2. Check transmission for leaks.

3. Check rear axle for leaks.

4. Check condition, position, and mounting of exhaust system.

5. Visually check fuel tank, lines and connections for leaks.

6. Check power steering system for leaks.

7. Check overall thickness of front and rear disc brake pads.

8. Examine brake disc surface

9. Clean brake pad contact points in calipers

10. Grease wheel center hubs.

11. Check steering for absence of play, condition of suspension track rods, front axle joints, steering linkage, and joint disc.

12. Check front control arm bushings for wear.

13. Check brake and clutch system connectors and lines for leaks, damage and incorrect positioning.

14. Check for free movement of parking brake cables. Adjust parking brake as necessary.

15. Check all tire pressures including spare tire. Correct if necessary.

16. Check condition of tires, tread wear, and pattern. Replace tires and readjust alignment as needed.

Engine Compartment

1. Read out diagnostic system codes using code reader.

2. Check engine cooling system/heater hose connections for leaks.

3. Check coolant level and anti-freeze ratio to water. Add coolant as needed.

4. Check level of brake and clutch fluid in reservoir. Add fluid as needed.

5. Check windshield washer fluid level. Add fluid as needed.

6. Check air conditioning system for operation.

7. Reset service indicator.

Body/Electrical Equipment

1. Check battery electrolyte level and add distilled water if required.

2. Perform battery load test.

3. Check lighting system, i.e. headlights, fog lights, parking, backup, license plate, interior (including map lights), glove box, flashlight, illuminated makeup mirrors, and luggage compartment lights.

4. Check instrument panel and dashboard illumination.

5. Check all warning/indicator lights, check control.

6. Check turn signals, hazard warning flashers, brake lights, horns, and the headlight dimmer/flasher switch.

7. Check wiper and washer systems, wiper blades, and washer jet positions.

8. Check condition and function of safety belts.

9. Oil trunk, hood, and door hinges.

10. Grease hood, trunk and door latches and check operation of all latches.

11. Check central locking system.

12. Replace microfilter in HVAC system

13. Check heater/air conditioner blower, rear window defogger

14. Check rear view mirrors

15. Visually examine the SRS airbag units for torn covers or damage.


Final Inspection

1. Road test with check of brakes, suspension, steering, and clutch/manual transmission or automatic transmission.


Inspectia II

Este mai detaliata, se face in general la service-ul local BMW la aprox. 60.000 km. Se vor inlocui, obligatoriu, piese precum bujiile si toate filtrele.


1. Change engine oil and filter oil while engine is at normal operating temperature.

2. Check transmission for leaks.

3. Check rear axle for leaks.

4. Visually check fuel tank, lines and connections for leaks.

5. Check condition, position, and mounting of exhaust system. Check for leaks.

6. Check power steering system for leaks.

7. Check overall thickness of front and rear disc brake pads.

8. Examine brake disc surfaces.

9. Clean brake pad contact points in calipers.

10. Grease wheel center hubs.

11. Check steering for absence of play, condition of suspension track rods, front axle joints, steering linkage, and joint disc.

12. Check front control arm bushing for wear.

13. Check brake and clutch system connectors and lines for leaks, damage, and incorrect positioning.

14. Check for free movement of the parking brake cables. Adjust parking brake as needed.

15. Check all tire pressures including spare. Correct if needed.

16. Check condition of tires, outer surfaces, tread wear and pattern; In case of uneven tread wear readjust wheel alignment if required.

17. Check thickness of parking brake linings.

18. Check CV boots for tears or damage. Replace if necessary.

Engine Compartment

1. Read out diagnostic system codes using code reader.

2. Check engine cooling system/heater hose connections for leaks.

3. Check coolant level and anti-freeze content level. Add coolant as needed.

4. Check level of brake and clutch fluid in reservoir. Add fluid if needed.

5. Check windshield washer fluid level. Add fluid if needed.

6. Check air conditioner for operation.

7. Reset service indicator

8. Replace spark plugs

9. Replace air filter

Body/Electrical Equipment

1. Check battery electrolyte level and add distilled water if needed.

2. Perform battery load test.

3. Check lighting system, i.e. headlights, fog lights, parking, backup, license plate, interior including map lights, glove box, flashlight, illuminated makeup mirrors, and luggage compartment lights.

4. Check instrument panel and dashboard illumination.

5. Check all warning/indicator lights and check control.

6. Check turn signals, hazard warning flashers, brake lights, horns, and the headlight dimmer/flasher switch.

7. Check wiper and washer system), wiper blades, washer jet positions.

8. Check condition and function of safety belts.

9. Oil hood, trunk/tailgate, and door hinges.

10. Grease hood, trunk/tailgate and door latches. Check operation of all latches.

11. Check central locking/double lock.

12. Replace microfilter.

13. Check heater/air conditioner blower, rear window defogger.

14. Check rear view mirrors

15. Visually examine the SRS airbag units for torn cover, obvious damage or attachment of decals, decorations, or accessories.

Final Inspection

1. Road test with check of brakes, suspension, steering, clutch/manual transmission or automatic transmission.


Sursa informatiilor sunt forumurile de Z3 din USA si UK. Daca cineva are observatii sau completari, sunt bine venite.

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Inspectia I

Inspectia I este recomandata la fiecare 30.000 km. Intotdeauna se schimba uleiul si filtrul la fiecare 3 luni sau 5.000 km. Mai departe este detaliat ce se inspecteaza la Inspectia I (am si varianta in romana, insa pe alt calculator. Cine nu se descurca, sa spuna si voi posta si traducerea).



1. Change engine oil and filter oil while engine is at normal operation temperature.

2. Check transmission for leaks.

3. Check rear axle for leaks.

4. Check condition, position, and mounting of exhaust system.

5. Visually check fuel tank, lines and connections for leaks.

6. Check power steering system for leaks.

7. Check overall thickness of front and rear disc brake pads.

8. Examine brake disc surface

9. Clean brake pad contact points in calipers

10. Grease wheel center hubs.

11. Check steering for absence of play, condition of suspension track rods, front axle joints, steering linkage, and joint disc.

12. Check front control arm bushings for wear.

13. Check brake and clutch system connectors and lines for leaks, damage and incorrect positioning.

14. Check for free movement of parking brake cables. Adjust parking brake as necessary.

15. Check all tire pressures including spare tire. Correct if necessary.

16. Check condition of tires, tread wear, and pattern. Replace tires and readjust alignment as needed.

Engine Compartment

1. Read out diagnostic system codes using code reader.

2. Check engine cooling system/heater hose connections for leaks.

3. Check coolant level and anti-freeze ratio to water. Add coolant as needed.

4. Check level of brake and clutch fluid in reservoir. Add fluid as needed.

5. Check windshield washer fluid level. Add fluid as needed.

6. Check air conditioning system for operation.

7. Reset service indicator.

Body/Electrical Equipment

1. Check battery electrolyte level and add distilled water if required.

2. Perform battery load test.

3. Check lighting system, i.e. headlights, fog lights, parking, backup, license plate, interior (including map lights), glove box, flashlight, illuminated makeup mirrors, and luggage compartment lights.

4. Check instrument panel and dashboard illumination.

5. Check all warning/indicator lights, check control.

6. Check turn signals, hazard warning flashers, brake lights, horns, and the headlight dimmer/flasher switch.

7. Check wiper and washer systems, wiper blades, and washer jet positions.

8. Check condition and function of safety belts.

9. Oil trunk, hood, and door hinges.

10. Grease hood, trunk and door latches and check operation of all latches.

11. Check central locking system.

12. Replace microfilter in HVAC system

13. Check heater/air conditioner blower, rear window defogger

14. Check rear view mirrors

15. Visually examine the SRS airbag units for torn covers or damage.


Final Inspection

1. Road test with check of brakes, suspension, steering, and clutch/manual transmission or automatic transmission.


Inspectia II

Este mai detaliata, se face in general la service-ul local BMW la aprox. 60.000 km. Se vor inlocui, obligatoriu, piese precum bujiile si toate filtrele.


1. Change engine oil and filter oil while engine is at normal operating temperature.

2. Check transmission for leaks.

3. Check rear axle for leaks.

4. Visually check fuel tank, lines and connections for leaks.

5. Check condition, position, and mounting of exhaust system. Check for leaks.

6. Check power steering system for leaks.

7. Check overall thickness of front and rear disc brake pads.

8. Examine brake disc surfaces.

9. Clean brake pad contact points in calipers.

10. Grease wheel center hubs.

11. Check steering for absence of play, condition of suspension track rods, front axle joints, steering linkage, and joint disc.

12. Check front control arm bushing for wear.

13. Check brake and clutch system connectors and lines for leaks, damage, and incorrect positioning.

14. Check for free movement of the parking brake cables. Adjust parking brake as needed.

15. Check all tire pressures including spare. Correct if needed.

16. Check condition of tires, outer surfaces, tread wear and pattern; In case of uneven tread wear readjust wheel alignment if required.

17. Check thickness of parking brake linings.

18. Check CV boots for tears or damage. Replace if necessary.

Engine Compartment

1. Read out diagnostic system codes using code reader.

2. Check engine cooling system/heater hose connections for leaks.

3. Check coolant level and anti-freeze content level. Add coolant as needed.

4. Check level of brake and clutch fluid in reservoir. Add fluid if needed.

5. Check windshield washer fluid level. Add fluid if needed.

6. Check air conditioner for operation.

7. Reset service indicator

8. Replace spark plugs

9. Replace air filter

Body/Electrical Equipment

1. Check battery electrolyte level and add distilled water if needed.

2. Perform battery load test.

3. Check lighting system, i.e. headlights, fog lights, parking, backup, license plate, interior including map lights, glove box, flashlight, illuminated makeup mirrors, and luggage compartment lights.

4. Check instrument panel and dashboard illumination.

5. Check all warning/indicator lights and check control.

6. Check turn signals, hazard warning flashers, brake lights, horns, and the headlight dimmer/flasher switch.

7. Check wiper and washer system), wiper blades, washer jet positions.

8. Check condition and function of safety belts.

9. Oil hood, trunk/tailgate, and door hinges.

10. Grease hood, trunk/tailgate and door latches. Check operation of all latches.

11. Check central locking/double lock.

12. Replace microfilter.

13. Check heater/air conditioner blower, rear window defogger.

14. Check rear view mirrors

15. Visually examine the SRS airbag units for torn cover, obvious damage or attachment of decals, decorations, or accessories.

Final Inspection

1. Road test with check of brakes, suspension, steering, clutch/manual transmission or automatic transmission.


Sursa informatiilor sunt forumurile de Z3 din USA si UK. Daca cineva are observatii sau completari, sunt bine venite.

Multumesc foarte mult!Ai o masina deosebita si sa o stapanesti multi ani de acum incolo fara evenimente!

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Hardtop-ul este la vanzare chair aici pe BMW club: http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/125138-vand-hardtop-z3/page__p__1853969__fromsearch__1#entry18




Salut ,acum fac legatura... da ,l-am mai vazut.E un pret corect pt ca include chitul de montare !Dar pentru mine sunt cam "acrii strugurii"... momentan.Insa mai exista un dar,z-ul meu e negru si cu topul tau ar iesi un pinguin frumos! :) Din cauza ca sper sa am multa vreme masina asta voi fi cu ochii pe anuntul tau pana se va vinde hardul sau voi avea eu banii necesari pt investitie!

Edited by cony071
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Am studiat mai cu atentie chestia cu reviziile,pare cam tras de par sa schimbi uleiul din 3 in 3 luni.

E doar o opinie nu incerc sa schimb parerea nimanui!


O greseala de exprimare, am tot reformulat textul in graba si a iesit gresit. Intr-adevar, nu se schimba la fiecare 3 luni, ci dupa minim 3 luni de neutilizare.


Reformulez: Uleiul de motor se schimba:

- dupa cel putin 3 luni de nefolosire a masinii (mentionat in manualul BMW, la Storage, cand recomanda efectuarea Inspectiei nr 1 dupa depozitarea de cel putin 3 luni, iar Inspectia nr. 1 include schimbul de ulei);

- la fiecare 5.000 km (si eu consider ca este un termen ciudat, pe care nu l-am gasit recomandat de BMW, de aceea prefer sa folosesc un ulei SAE 5W40 LL-04, precum Mobil 1, pe care sa il schimb la 10.000 km << pana la 24.000 km sau maxim 2 ani >> ... in felul asta fiind mai mult decat preventiv). Oricum, termenul de schimb al uleiului este dat de CB al masinii, insa si in manual se fac precizari pentru schimbul de ulei "intre intervalele de service", ceea ce arata ca uleiul se schimba mai des decat te atentioneaza CB.


In cazul meu, folosind masina numai vara, procedez in felul urmator:

- primavara, inainte de prima utilizare, efectuez Inspectia 1, care include schimbul de ulei si filtru, posibil si lichidul de frana;

- rulajul meu vara nu depaseste 5.000 km (maxim 10.000 km), asa ca nu sunt nevoit sa fac alt schimb de ulei;

- cu acelasi ulei, intra in perioada de iarna, cand nu o folosesc.

- urmatorul schimb de ulei, primavara urmatoare.


Acum, eu am o nelamurire cu privire la uleiul din grupul diferential. In manual scrie ca se schimba la primul service de ulei, apoi este "lifetime", in multe discutii pe forumuri se recomanda schimbarea lui.

Ne luam dupa manualul de acum 10 ani si nu il mai schimbam sau stie cineva daca s-a mai revizuit ceva pe alocuri?

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