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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Totul despre codare


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Cum spune si titlul, fac lista cu ce functii se pot activa/dezactiva prin codare.

Cine vrea poate veni cu adaugari.Ar fi chiar util.



-bc_digital_v viteza digital

-digital_KVA consum instant digital

-Tempomat_setz_anz_dauer arata viteza setata pe pilot automat pentru 2 sec pe display



-spiegel_komfort_einklapp se inchid oglinzile din telecomanda

-tuerauf_stop_maut se inchide geamul cu usa deschisa (pentru asta trebuie nicht_aktiv)

-PWM_RL_BL_1_FKT_SL wert_o1,02,03 diferite valori pentru intensitate AE

-PWM_BLK_V wert_03 intensitate maxima pentru semnalizare

-doppelblinkimpuls_warnblk avarie cu dublu impuls


cam astea imi vin acum in minte.

daca stie cineva cum se anuleaza dongul pentru centura stanga/dreapta?!?!

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fiecare poate la inceputul postarii sa scrie modelul la care face referire.

la mine este E90 si ceea ce am scris mai sus merge la acest model, dar din cate stiu unele codari se potrivesc si la alte modele.



ai nevoie de cablu,programe instalate si e nevoie de codare pentru a si functiona.treaba nu este asa simpla,dar avem baieti care se pricep foarte bine la acest capitol.

vali mad, neo anderson si zeronoo sunt cei care ii stiu.

asa ca eu am deschis topicul pentru ca ma intereseaza pentru mine sa stiu cat mai multe despre acest subiect.in continuare ii las si pe ei sa vina cu completari care ar fi foarte utile.


toata treaba este sa vrea sa impartaseasca aceste secrete.


eu de vreo 2 luni citesc forumurile de afara unde exista topicuri dedicate si timpul care l-am petrecut pe langa cei mentionati mai sus pentru a imi coda masina m-au invatat unele lucruri simple.dar as vrea sa stiu cat mai multe pentru masina mea.

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am gasit aceste prescurtari pentru modulul de lumini.sper sa va fie cu folos.

RFS_R, RFS_L = Reverse Light

FL_R, FL_L = beam

AL_R, AL_L = cornering

SL_V_R, SL_V_L = parking light

NSW_R, NSW_L = fog

BLK_V_R, BLK_V_L = flashing front

BLK_H_R, BLK_H_L = flashing back

BL_M_1 = 3 Brake light

KZL_R, KZL_L = plate light

NSL_R, NSL_L = rear fog lamp

TFL_R, TFL_L = Daylight

SML = Side marker lamps

BL_R, BL_R = brake light

RL_BL_1_R, RL_BL_1_L = tail light brake light 1

RL_BL_2_R, RL_BL_2_L = tail light brake light 2



ce vreau sa intreb:

masina este codata pe LCI,doar ca luminile de parcare(cele care le activez, stanga sau dreapta,cu motorul oprit din semnalizare nu functioneaza cum trebuie)

adica pe fata nu se aprind deloc,iar pe spate se aprind total aiurea.si stanga si dreapta,dar fara nici o logica.stie cineva ce sa caut in FRM?ms

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  • 1 month later...

Si nu cred ca s-a gandit mult. :laugh:


Si si si...pentru e46 ? Mult as vrea sa vad mai multe chestii...


Foarte interesant.



Module Names


ABG - Airbag Module

AEWS - Immobilizer

AKMB - Instrument Cluster

ALSZ - Light Switch Center

BTM - Passenger mirror Module

CVM - Vert Module - don't touch this, apparently it's sensitive


FTM - Driver rearview mirror module

GM5 - ZKE - Central Body Electronics

GT - Navigation


LWS - Light Switch

RAD - Radio

RLS - Rain Sensor

SM - Seat Memory

UEB - Rollover Sensor




QUIT_AKUST_ENTSCH : alarm beep on unlock (two beeps)

QUIT_AKUST_SCHAERF : alarm beep on lock (one beep)

QUIT_OPT_ENTSCH : optical Acknowledge remote un-locking (two flashes)

QUIT_OPT_SCHAERF : optical Acknowledge remote locking (one flash)


ALARM_OPT_ABBLENDLICHT : alarm flashes low beam when tripped

ALARM_OPT_WARNBLINKER : " " emergency flashers when tripped

ALARM_OPT_FERNLICHT : " " high beam when tripped


ALARM_AKUSTISCH :alarm sound choices (dauerton is the US tone/intervallton is the euro)

PANIK_MODUS :Panic mode

DWA_HANDSCHUHFACHKONTAKT :Alarm glove compartment switch

BEIKLAPPEN_B_KOMFORTSCHL : press the unlock button twice, and the drivers window will open


FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_AUF :rear window power down one touch

FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_ZU : rear window power up one touch

FH_ZTR_SCHALTER_TIPP_AUF : window switch down one touch


(do these after modifying the switches)


KOMFORTOEFFNEN_FB_O_FH_HI :remote opens rear window (this has to be nicht_aktiv)

KOMFORTSCHLIE_FB_O_FH_HI : remote closes rear window (this has to be nicht_aktiv)

KOMFORTOEFFNEN_FB_O_SHD : holding open button on remote opens windows without sun roof

KOMFORTSCHLIE_FB_OHNE_SHD : holding close button on remote closes windows without sun roof

KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_FB : convertible top opens by holding the open button on remote..Or opens all windows & sun roof on non convertible

KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB : convertible top closes by holding the close button on remote..Or closes all windows &sun roof on non convertible


MAUT_N_ABBRECH_N_TUER_AUF - windows carry on opening/closing even when you open the door


VERRIEGELN_AUT_AB_X_KMH : automatic central locking after X KMH

VERRIEGELN_AUT_NACH_2_MIN : automatic central locking is re -locked after 2 MIN if you dont open a door

VERRIEGELUNGSSCHWELLE : locking Device-swells (threshold) (speed of X above)





(these all have to be aktiv for the auto central locking to work on all keys)


PANIK_MODUS - panic mode! press and hold boot button for the siren


CYCL_TI_BLK;1-touch on turn signal blinks. einmal-1 . zweimal-2 . dreimal-3.

One touch indicators, lane change.


HHS_AUTOMATIK - enable auto rear window fogger

(I haven't found the last three in any module, but I can see it in the full read-out. So if you find it, then tell!!)




SPIEGELABKLAPPEN_GM - folding mirrors with lock/unlock


ABKLAPPWERT_GM (in GM5) - mirror tilt value

ABKLAPPWERT - mirror tilt value


SPIEGELMEMORY - gives you the option to change the mirror tilt value whilst it's in reverse




HEIMLEUCHTEN : home lights activated by flashing high beam with key off

HEIMLEUCHTEN_ABBRUCH : home light stop

HEIMLEUCHTEN_AL :home lights are low beam

HEIMLEUCHTEN_BL : " " " turn signals

HEIMLEUCHTEN_FL : " " " high beam

HEIMLEUCHTEN_FUNKSCHL :lights on on closing car with remote (only on e39 )

HEIMLEUCHTEN_KL58G : home lights are interior backlighting, cluster, ashtray etc.

HEIMLEUCHTEN_KZL : " " " license plate

HEIMLEUCHTEN_NSL : " " " rear foglight

HEIMLEUCHTEN_NSW : " " " front foglight

HEIMLEUCHTEN_RFS : " " " reverse light

HEIMLEUCHTEN_SL_H :" " " rear parking lights

HEIMLEUCHTEN_SL_V :" " " forward parking lights


FL_UND_NSW_NICHT_GLEICHZ : high beam & fog lights come on together when nicht_aktiv (I haven't got this working yet)


Xenons with high beam:






(I haven't tried this yet)


BLINKIMPULS_WARNBLK to wert_04 - double impulse hazards.




Set warning tone on key in ignition.




Be warned, writing this code appears to reset the cluster, so you need to set time and date afterwards.


LED (ALSZ) upgrade:


KALTUEBERWACHUNG_BL_MI : " " " " brake light




(if these don't work, then retrofit with GT1 instead).



AUT_SPIEGELVERSTELLUNG : automatic mirror adjustment linked to specific key

AUT_SITZVERSTELLUNG :choose between automatic seat adjustment [nach_fb_entriegeln] when remote signals door open or[nach_entr_u_tuer_oeffnen] when door opened


(A bit hit and miss with these)



1. DISPLAYANZEIGE_HIGH :temp. display on ihka shows HI if aktive 32*C if not aktive

2. DISPLAYANZEIGE_LOW :temp. display on ihka shows LO if aktive 16*C if not aktive




REGENSCHLIESSEN - Rain sensor closes sunroof! (I haven't found these yet!)


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se poate si mai bine.



acum pot regla sensibiliattea senzorului de lumina.mi se parea ca se aprind prea devreme.erau pe treapta 2 din 3.acum l-am setat pe 1.sa vedem cum este.

Edited by Alex_wly
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Cu ce soft activam optiunile pe masinile noastre?

E vreo posibilitate atunci cand deblochezi usile sa se aprinda angel-eyesurile?

Se codeaza cu NCS expert.

Nu cred ca merge sa faci ce vrei tu. Pana si la E60 e nevoie ca masina sa fie mai noua de 2006.


Edited by costty
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