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Hello I'm not offering my beautiful 750. bmw is the best so far in excess of his age and miles. he now has 314,000 are on the clock but shows no wear on motor-1a (approximately every 6000-8000 km perhaps 1 liter oil, when compared to the vw is 1 liter per 1000 km of factory made in tolerance). Automatic shifts perfectly well all the passages and is a steptronikautomatik. noted what he is has absolutely no rust. he has. 3 different leather in the interior, beige top and bottom black alcantara leather of the pillars of up to since he is a INDIVIDUAL in the 20000 km I drove in my possession it (summer car) am I took him a few parts new are worn indulged, lichtmaschiene air compressor, pdc sensors, oil and filter changes, water changes, wishbone and pressure strive forward and wheel bearing rear. because the previous owner has already changed axle parts (bills available) So everything is in good order and technically fürm tüv next year no cost Solten accrue. the only thing I've found, and I know that that is not going because a sunroof relai is defective. but since I'm not a fan of sliding roofs I did not fix (about 50 € with installation). phone on which I can not say anything. everything else should work. equipment: comfort seats, 4-way heated seats, stood ventilation and heating pdc, chassis springs with abe, climate control, seat memory function, facelift since bj 98, xenon, chassis electrical dämfungs, nivauregulierung, big board computer (no pixel errors), navi, 6-cd changer, dobel glazing , phone, electric-adjustable steering wheel, multi function steering wheel, cruise control, remote control with zv and have several other electronic helferlein etc. just enough here not the place. best look. really worth it since an equipment is rare. Just ask when calling. more pictures via e-mail möglic



prin google translate .

Edited by alex230ro
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E... aici m-am pierdut si eu putin.

"chassis springs with abe, climate control, seat memory function, facelift since bj 98, xenon, chassis electrical dämfungs, nivauregulierung, big board computer (no pixel errors), navi, 6-cd changer, dobel glazing , phone, electric-adjustable steering wheel, multi function steering wheel, cruise control, remote control with zv and have several other electronic helferlein etc."


Ceva din astea (colorate) spune ca ar avea suspensie reglabila? Google Translate pare a nu cunoaste toata terminologia.

Am inceput sa ma documentez....

Poate gasesc un E38 fan sa ma indrume... :drinks:

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are edc dar nu o poti lasa din edc jos. Nu are suspensie reglabila doar ca amortizoarele care sunt pe ulei au un control electronic. . Acest sistem este pentru o mai buna stabilitate in curbe. Acest model de suspensie a fost folosit prima data pe e34 m5. Masina ori are lasata garda intentionat dar cel mai probabil sunt f uzate amortizoarele.La fel de lasata era si a mea inainte sa ii schimb amortizoarele Pretul unuia nou este 800 900 euro si nu se gasesc decat oe.

Probabil la acesti km va urma sa schimbi : brate, bucsi, bara directie, capete de bara toata ajungand la vreo 2000 euro.

La asta mai adaugi si un consum de 25 % si te alegi cu o gaura neagra in buzunar.

Edited by malasorte
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amortizoarele edc sunt cam 650 de euro bucata, * asta in DE, pe aici nu stiu cat or costa) , a mai scazut pretul intre timp.

e posibil sa fie lasata asa si de la batranetea arcurilor. in special pe fata care sunt sub sarcina non-stop

dupa niscaiva ani gen 10 sau cat o avea se lasa lejer 2 -3 cm..

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Toata lumea o sa-ti spuna ca masina aia o sa aibe cheltuieli infernale de intretinere. Sunt un mare fan E38 dar ideea de a avea un 750 ma ingrozeste. Motorul ala in Romania acum nu prea are mult sens. Timpurile au evoluat si a cam ramas un fel de dinozaur. Oricum e masina strict pentru sufletul tau daca o iei si sub nicio forma nu poate sa ma convinga cineva ca e masina de toata ziua. Daca o faci o faci doar din pasiune.

O sa te declari multumit si cu un 740i ingrijit. Zi de zi conduc un 730i si a cam inceput sa se simta uneori financiar vorbind.

La un 750 sa nu te miri daca o sa ai luni in care nu tb sa-ti pese de vreo 5000ron... Si nu ma refer doar la una pe an.

Daca totusi achizitionezi asa ceva iti doresc din tot sufletul sa te bucuri de ea!

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