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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Masina mea


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Am vandut primul BMW care l-am avut . Dar nu am putut sa rezist si am achizitionat alt e 46 cu mai multe optiuni evident fata de ce am avut pe primul . Nu stiu daca sa ii deschid alt topic sau sa continui acest topic deja deschis ? Edited by gandacu
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Va salut, ma numesc George si m-am hotarat sa-mi prezint si eu al doilea BMW .


Este vorba tot despre un BMW E 46 , 318 I din 2001 , motorizare 1995 CM 143 CP , pentru inceput o sa prezint dotarile de fabrica ale masinii:




Model description: 318i

Market: Europa

Type: AY71

E-Code: E46 (4FL)

Chassis: Limousine

Steering: links

Doors: 4

Engine: N42B20 - 2,00l (105kW)

Drive: Heckantrieb

Transmission: manuell

Body Color: Titansilber Metallic (354)

Upholstery: Stoff Tex 2000/anthrazit (J1AT)

Assembled in: MĂźnchen




Code Serienausstattung Standard Equipment


Kilometertacho Kilometer-calibrated speedometer


Sprachversion deutsch Language version German



Code Sonderausstattung Optional Equipment


Dynamische-Stabilitäts-Control Dynamic stability control


Multifunktion fĂźr Lenkrad Multifunction f steering wheel


Sport-Lederlenkrad Airbag Sports leather steering wheel


Seitenairbag fĂźr Fondpassagiere Side airbags for rear passengers


BMW LM Rad Sternspeiche 43 BMW light-alloy wheel star spokes 43


Aussenspiegel Anklappfunktion Fold-in outside mirror


Exterieurumfänge in Wagenfarbe Exterior parts in vehicle color


Klimakomfort-Frontscheibe Climate comfort windscreen


Glasdach elektrisch Glass roof, electrical


Fensterheber elektrisch vorne/hinten Window lifts,electric,front/rear


Sonnenschutzrollo hinten Sun-blind, rear


Fussmatten Velours Floor mats, velours


Warndreieck und Verbandstasche Warning triangle and first aid kit


Innenspiegel automatisch abblendend Interior mirror with automatic-dip


Raucherpaket Smoker package


Sitzverstellung elektrisch mit Memory Seat adjuster, electric, with memory


Skisack Ski bag


Armlehne vorne Armrest front


Dreipunktgurt u. KopfstĂźtze hinten Mitte 3-point belt and headrest, center rear


Scheinwerferreinigungsanlage Headlight cleaning system


Park Distance Control (PDC) Park Distance Control (PDC)


Nebelscheinwerfer Fog lights


Regensensor Rain sensor


Xenon-Licht Xenon Light


Klimaautomatik Automatic air conditioning


Bordcomputer On-board computer


Radio BMW Business (C43) Radio BMW Business (C43)


HiFi Lautsprechersystem HiFi speaker system


Dachhimmel anthrazit Headlining anthracite


Blinkleuchten weiss White direction indicator lights


Länderausfßhrung Deutschland National Version Germany


Batteriehauptschalter Battery master switch


Händlerverzeichnis Europa Retailer Directory Europe


Bordliteratur deutsch On-board vehicle literature German


Sonderkontrolle Pressefahrzeuge Special inspection press vehicles


Entfall Aussenhautkonservierung Delete clear coat



Edited by gandacu
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