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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

E46 320d


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De vanzare:

Seria 3

Model e46

Motor 2.0d, 150 hp.

Fabricatie 2002.

Pret 6700 Euro.


Am achizitionat-o acum cam 2 ani, avea 130 de mii. Nu zic ca i-am crezut dar m-a incantat masina. Intre timp am avut ocazia intamplator sa imi bag cheia intr-un aparat care citea km de pe aceasta, 150 de mii la momentul respectiv. In orice caz cica s-ar putea modifica si pe chei.

Masina are acum ~178. Nu ma apuc sa o laud cu vrajeli, ar fi de mentionat(asta mi a placut intotdeauna la ea) faptul ca motorul se prezinta bine tare, murdar doar de praf pe peste tot, scuturi, plastice, tot. Am observat aspectele astea ca am tot avut o problema cu fulia aia blestemata, e a 4-a oara cand o schimb, a 2-a pe garantie, dar de data asta dupa aproape juma de an nu da nici un semn, deci cred ca e cu noroc.

Intre timp a mai fost schimbata la ea si fata, articulatii moog, amortizoare sachs.

Masina de vreun an prezinta semne de oboseala a convertizorului, eu nu m-am incumetat( vibratiile specifice....).


V-as ruga, daca prezentati vreo urma de interes, sa nu imi propuneti schimburi cu masini. Nu ma incanta, si in plus, am deja alte planuri cu banii.


Ca optiuni,(n as fi un vanzator veritabil daca nu mi-as lauda odrasla) am gasit o jucarie mai demult pe aici pe forum - afla optiunile dupa vin, asa ca sper ca nu e nici o problema daca le torn aici.








Vehicle information



VIN WBAAS71050CJ34486

Type code AS71

Type 320D (EUR)

E series E46 (4FL)

Series 3

Type LIM

Steering LL

Doors 4

Engine M47DO1

Displacement 2.00

Power 110

Drive HECK

Transmission AUT



Prod.date 2002-10-16



Description (interface)

Description (EPC)

S205A AUTOMATIC GETRIEBE Automatic transmission

S210A DYNAMISCHE STAB. CONTROL (DSC) Dynamic stability control

S240A LEDERLENKRAD Leather steering wheel

S249A MULITFUNKTION FUER LENKRAD Multifunction f steering wheel

S423A FUSSMATTEN IN VELOURS Floor mats, velours

S428A WARNDREIECK Warning triangle and first aid kit

S431A INNENSPIEGEL,AUTOMATISCH ABBLENDEND Interior mirror with automatic-dip

S465A DURCHLADESYSTEM Through-loading system

S473A ARMAUFLAGE VORN Armrest front

S488A LORDOSENSTUETZE FAHRER/BEIFAHRER Lumbar support, driver and passenger

S494A SITZHEIZUNG FUER FAHRER/BEIFAHRER Seat heating driver/passenger

S502A SCHEINWERFER-WASCHANLAGE Headlight cleaning system

S508A PARK DISTANCE CONTROL (PDC) Park Distance Control (PDC)


S521A REGENSENSOR Rain sensor


Description (interface)

Description (EPC)

S522A XENON-LICHT Xenon Light

S534A KLIMAAUTOMATIK Automatic air conditioning

S550A BORDCOMPUTER On-board computer

S606A NAVIGATIONSSYSTEM BUSINESS Navigation system, radio

S785A WEISSE BLINKLEUCHTEN White direction indicator lights


S863A SERVICE KONTAKT-FLYER EUROPA Retailer Directory Europe

S879A DEUTSCH / BORDLITERATUR On-board vehicle literature German

P972A COMFORT PAKET Comfort Package

P981A COMFORT PLUS PAKET Comfort Plus package

Standard equipment


Description (interface)

Description (EPC)

S548A KILOMETERTACHO Kilometer-calibrated speedometer

S832A BATTERIE IM KOFFERRAUM Battery in luggage compartment

S851A SPRACHVERSION DEUTSCH Language version German





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Este cumparat acum vreun an jumate aproximativ de la userul MAS de pe forum (caruia cu ocazia asta ii fac si reclama, e super ok), au fost 250 Lei. Sunt modelul cu LED-uri smd. Tin minte ca se gaseau foarte greu atunci varianta pe galben, erau doar albe; acum nu stiu.
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