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Navigatie BMW e46

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Tot cautand navigatie 2DIN pentru masina mea (e46) am dat peste o unitate interesanta ca si specificatii.

A auzit cineva de ea?


Eway EW40

Procesor Dual Core 1,2 Ghz, Android 4.0, etc.



Pe hartie pare ok, dar in realitate, nu stiu.

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Tot cautand navigatie 2DIN pentru masina mea (e46) am dat peste o unitate interesanta ca si specificatii.

A auzit cineva de ea?


Eway EW40

Procesor Dual Core 1,2 Ghz, Android 4.0, etc.



Pe hartie pare ok, dar in realitate, nu stiu.


pare interesanta. cel mai important e la cati bani ajunge in Romania.

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Pe hartie pare ok, dar nu gasesc nicaieri review. Daca gasiti voi, va rog sa postati linkul.

Ar trebui sa se miste foarte bine Android cu procesor Dual Core de 1,2 Ghz. :D


LE: Am gasit eu ceva.



Pana acum au 2 probleme, pentru care se lucra la un firmware nou in care se presupune ca vor fi rezolvate.

Nu indica corect viteza pe GPS si se reseteaza ceasul dupa pornire. :(

Edited by Kenbobo
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Pe hartie pare ok, dar in realitate, nu stiu.

am montat eu unui tip din Ploiesti, nu mai stiu nick-ul, este tot de pe forum...

este fix identica cu Dynavin-ul, chiar ceva mai ieftina.

tipul spuna ca o are din Italia sau Spania, nu mai retin exact.

totusi grafica parca e mai altfel decat la DVN-E46


aia este alta mancare de peste...


Nu indica corect viteza pe GPS si se reseteaza ceasul dupa pornire. :(

asta e din cauza unei setari la functia RADIO (RDS ON/OFF) sau din cauza bateriei utilizatorului care a formulat acel review

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nu ma intelege gresit, mie imi place mai mult Dynavinul, are o interfata de comunicare mai prietenoasa, astalalta e un pic... altfel.


parca sunt toate inghesuite mici, pe un display de 7"


altfel functiona foarte bine, sunet ok... :rolleyes:




daca vrei o alta sugestie, mult mai interesanta mi se pare asta:




interfata e ca si la BMW-urile cu iDrive ;)


cea de care intrebai tu in primul post este doar... 376 euro (marfa se afla in UE, mai exact in UK)


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De asta ziceam eu in primul post. E diferita fata de cea pusa de tine.





Cum e cea pusa de tine in ultimul link, am vazut montata pe un e46 si era chiar ok. Dar model cum am zis eu, nu am vazut la nimeni.


Mai stau un pic sa mai studiez.

Oricum eu vreau Dynavin, doar in caz ca nu reusesc o sa iau o alternativa.


LE: Si cea cu interfata gen iDrive arata bine... Dar decat 530 euro pe aia, mai bine iau Dynavin.

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nu vad ce are aia pusa de tine e mult mai ieftina ca cea de la edotec si face cam acelasi lucru sau imi scapa mie ceva

Nu iti scapa nimic.

Sunt doar 2 diferente:

1. Nu e Dynavin.

2. Are microfonul incorporat.

In rest sunt la fel. Am butonat una si se misca chiar foarte bine. Proprietarul o are deja de aproape un an.





Un quote de la un prieten care are navigatia respectiva, model D5113.


e super faina dar are un "defect" Din pacate nu are harta GPS DOAR pentru Europa de Vest.(Ungaria , romania nu are) eu cunosc autobenziile din ungaria destul de bine , iar in romania nu prea circul,deci e ok pentru mine.In rest Softul e usor de folosit , merge brici.

eu is multumit cu el.renteaza la capitolul calitate/pret. dinavin-ul e de 2 ori mai scump si nu are cine stie ce in +




Rezolvare pentru partea cu hartile, e sa se instaleze iGo pentru ca am inteles ca ruleaza f bine.

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Pana acum, cea mai buna solutie este linkul postat de XXL adica acesta http://www.ebay.de/itm/D5113E-7-Autoradio-DVD-IPOD-GPS-Navi-Navigation-Bluetooth-HD-fur-BMW-E46-3er-/160938408285?pt=CE_Auto_Hi_Fi_Autoradios&hash=item2578ad395d merita pretul de 376E, fata de dynavin sau altele la care pretul ajunge lejer la 2000lei


Toate navigatiile dedicate pentru e46, prezentate pe acest topic sunt plug&play si functioneaza cu comenzile de pe volan?

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Pana acum, cea mai buna solutie este linkul postat de XXL adica acesta http://www.ebay.de/itm/D5113E-7-Autoradio-DVD-IPOD-GPS-Navi-Navigation-Bluetooth-HD-fur-BMW-E46-3er-/160938408285?pt=CE_Auto_Hi_Fi_Autoradios&hash=item2578ad395d merita pretul de 376E, fata de dynavin sau altele la care pretul ajunge lejer la 2000lei


Toate navigatiile dedicate pentru e46, prezentate pe acest topic sunt plug&play si functioneaza cu comenzile de pe volan?

Da. Si pe toate poti instala ca si soft de navigatie iGo. Care, consider eu, e cel mai usor de folosit, free si cu harti la zi.

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eu cred ca este mai buna decat dynavin, displayul sigur este mai bun



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exact aceste navigatii le am eu la vanzare: http://www.g-p-s.ro

Gasiti la cateva modele si filmulete cu navigatiile deja instalate pe unele modele BMW


La urmatoarea comanda voi aduce si eu modelele mai noi "EW40" cu procesor 1.2Gh


daca doriti detalii si informatii, nu ezitati sa intrebati

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Cu asta exista deja review in engleza.





My 1st concern was sound quality, of all the threads and info out there, it seemed folks were more worried about graphics and functions and nobody answered the all important question of how the sound quality compared to, and if you could even use this unit with the HK set up... and the answer is.........HELL YES!. This unit blows the stock one out of the sky!. It works just fine with the HK set up , all plug and play... I was pleasantly surprised, this thing makes it sound like I've got subs and thump going on!... crystal clear and nice rich bass. my speakers never sounded this good!... and yes, it works through all of them.

Install was easy, even though there are no included instructions.. I found some write ups online for Dynavin DIYs that did the job (shhh!) the only tools needed are screwdrivers, it's plug and play.

Took me about 4 hours total. An hour to install it and about 3 hours of vacuuming crevices and polishing removed parts, and staring at the insides of my beloved Frankenstein Bimmer.

the included navigation works great!. a few seconds and the satellites find you... and report your position to the mothership. This would not be recommended for those evading authorites.

The bluetooth works great with my phone. (It's an old cheap Cricket Android) There was some reports of microphone issues with this unit (the dynavin has an external plug in, this one is on the unit). People wrote that they had to shout to be heard on the other side, but mine worked fine. thanks to my friends that got the "Can you here me OK? calls"..Maybe the users didn't remove the peice of tape? lol.. I should say that there is a way to adjust this whole unit very slightly by the two holding screws, and mine happens to be angled to my driving position perfectly. (I have kind of a leaning pimp on the armrest posture that puts my mouth right in front of it so....)

There is some way to look at your contacts and all, but I still have to learn.

The Bluetooth can also stream audio from your phone (services too)

There was some concern about "boot up" times.. they had seconds listed on the specs that seemed long...although I didn't time it..this thing from a cold start, is turning the key, watching a BMW logo appear on the screen, and then a second or two later your up and running..

a USB mini, and other plugs in the front for IPod / mp3 players etc..

You can add a back up camera, and a TV antenna, I didn't see the need for either personally. . The back up camera may be a future project.. (but you gotta run cables till they come up with a wireless. )

DVD player works, not that I'm gonna watch any while driving, but I made a disc of a few hundred songs that works great with files displayed on the screen (and yes you can make folders and touch to play)

I should say that somehow magically, this thing knows when I'm in drive as a "screen disabled while driving" message comes up.. So for some of you new younger E46 drivers.. you may have to wait till you get in the driveway to watch "Faster to Furious VII" (Or better yet in front of the Auto Zone so you can see yourself in the car).

THE STEERING WHEEL BUTTONS WORK! there's even a "set up" feature that I believe enables you to decide what they do.

It's a dragging touch screen, and there's a "PIP" in navigation mode.. so while navigating to your fat girlfriends, you can still see a little box of porn.

CONS Nothings perfect, but let me say first that this is 900% better than my Business CD.. it would be 1000% if not for the following:

The biggest irritant is that it doesn't save the mode your in after you shut off the car.., so I'm listening to a DVD of music, shut off the car, and when I get back in, I gotta go through the welcome screen again.. once I touch DVD it remembers my place in the song (Thankfully)... but that's the number one stinker with this unit that hopefully a firmware fix or something will cure. This is going to be highly irritating for those short trips.

On install, aside from there not being any instructions, I should warn that there will be an extra plug in your car that was for the factory phone thing that looks almost like the "TV plug" on the back of the unit. It's not.

The round connectors in the harness didn't fit very snug in mine. I already whined about it, and they are sending me another harness... I could bend the wires at the plug and hear a faint cutout or static.. I checked everything and am sure this is the problem... not enough to make me send it back, but definately need to make sure the ***** harness wires are all crimped properly, as this could lead to problems down the road.

the antenna adapter is so long it bends the wire right at the antenna plug. when you push it in the dash. It's like smashed into the dash. For the longest time, I thought I had something wrong. a 1/4 of an inch and this would be perfect fit. (except there is a mass of wires to tuck in. -- many of the dynavin DIY installs were suggesting to tuck all the wires towards the drivers dies, but I found that the space underneath the single din (the screen looks double.. but the unit is a single din- if that makes sense) anyways, I found that by folding and tucking most of the wiring harness there it went very smooth.

The volume of the radio is about 2 times of everything else. (a "4" on the radio is like an "8" on a CD- not sure if there's a fix yet..

And finally.... the number one CON......

I'm scared to leave it parked anywhere. and now that I have this, I don't know what else I absolutely HAVE to have.





Un prieten mi-a gasit in Germania si a zis ca firma trimite si in Romania, costul final fiind de 1700 lei.


LE: Daca e cineva interesat, ii pot aduce. Produsul are garantie 2 ani.

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