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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Piese BMW e36


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Toate piesele sunt in stare buna de functionare, nu au defecte.


1. Chiulasa completa 318is - 700lei


2. Componente bloc motor 318is m44 (vibrochen, pistoane, biele)


3. Bloc motor 316i - 200lei



4. Termostat Behr nou 318is m44 - 100lei http://s7.postimage.org/mu89bg53r/IMG_2942.jpg


5. Vascocuplaj (e30, e36, e39, z3) - 80lei http://s7.postimage.org/uy7n82tp3/IMG_4605.jpg


6. Debitmetru 318i, 318is - 100lei http://s7.postimage.org/fe09hjjkn/download.jpg


7. Termocupla 91/99 grade (cea de pe radiator) - 30lei http://s7.postimage.org/457dls3pz/2013_01_15_23_17_26.jpghttp://s7.postimage.org/8v2d7i11z/2013_01_15_23_17_54.jpg


8. Set injectoare 318is -150 lei http://s7.postimage.org/fyeu0uvvb/2013_02_14_13_02_45.jpg


9. Set injectoare 316i -100 lei


10. Bobina inductie 316i, 318i, 318is - 80lei http://s9.postimage.org/xjwql36xn/CU1122.jpg


11. Baie ulei 316i, 318is - 80lei http://s7.postimage.org/pctyc4qtz/IMG_2948.jpg


12. Senzor ax cu came 316i, 318i m43 - 80lei http://s7.postimage.org/wfsn09hhz/2013_02_14_13_04_37.jpg


13. Senzori detonatii (knock sensor 12141247993 - 316i, 318i, 318is) - 90lei http://s3.postimage.org/v60vkede7/8369651681_259399335f_b.jpg






-mail: robyaa21@yahoo.com


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Toate piesele sunt in stare buna de functionare, nu au defecte.


1. Chiulasa completa 318is - 700lei


2. Componente bloc motor 318is m44 (vibrochen, pistoane, biele)


3. Bloc motor 316i - 200lei



4. Termostat Behr nou 318is m44 - 100lei http://s7.postimage.org/mu89bg53r/IMG_2942.jpg


5. Vascocuplaj (e30, e36, e39, z3) - 80lei http://s7.postimage.org/uy7n82tp3/IMG_4605.jpgsalut . chederul de pe stanga fata ala care culiseaza geamul pe el m-ar interesa si pe mn daca il ai si la ce pret


6. Debitmetru 318i, 318is - 100lei http://s7.postimage.org/fe09hjjkn/download.jpg


7. Termocupla 91/99 grade (cea de pe radiator) - 30lei http://s7.postimage.org/457dls3pz/2013_01_15_23_17_26.jpghttp://s7.postimage.org/8v2d7i11z/2013_01_15_23_17_54.jpg


8. Set injectoare 318is -150 lei http://s7.postimage.org/fyeu0uvvb/2013_02_14_13_02_45.jpg


9. Set injectoare 316i -100 lei


10. Bobina inductie 316i, 318i, 318is - 80lei http://s9.postimage.org/xjwql36xn/CU1122.jpg


11. Baie ulei 316i, 318is - 80lei http://s7.postimage.org/pctyc4qtz/IMG_2948.jpg


12. Senzor ax cu came 316i, 318i m43 - 80lei http://s7.postimage.org/wfsn09hhz/2013_02_14_13_04_37.jpg


13. Senzori detonatii (knock sensor 12141247993 - 316i, 318i, 318is) - 90lei http://s3.postimage.org/v60vkede7/8369651681_259399335f_b.jpg






-mail: robyaa21@yahoo.com


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