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cine ma poate ajuta sa fac un flash la transmisie(TCU) pentru un 335xi AT?

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Am gasit un tutorial aici: http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13510394

Asta pentru a face un flash la transmisie conceput de Alpina pentru 335i-uri AT resoftate de ei.

Eu am downloadat sp daten e89 v48.1(versiunea aia de 11GB) si as avea nevoie de cineva mai experimentat sa ma ajute sa fac flash-ul conform cu tutorialul.

Nu vreau sa ma complic cu treaba asta de unul singur, desi nu pare extrem de complicat, pentru ca e o treaba relativ delicata. nu as vrea sa pierd vremea cautand cabluri care chiar functioneaza, sau sa setez INPA/EDIABAS, sa import E89 Spdaten in winKFP, neavand niciun fel de experienta cu astea. Ca sa nu mai spun ca sunt care au avut ceva dificultati in a face flash-ul cu toate ca aveau un pic de experienta cu tool-urile astea.


Extras din link-ul de mai sus:

This Alpina TCU flash works for model years 3/07 till present. If your production date is before 3/07, your out of luck and cant flash your car! Before you attempt this you should have some knowledge in coding and setting software. You need to confirm INPA software is working and communicating with car. If you dont have INPA communicating, dont move beyond this point and go back and do some more research on getting it to work.. There are plenty of DIY guides for setting up INPA, Ediabas, NCSexpert and WinKFP.



You can purchase a proven cable that works...Please dont ask will this one work as it is cheaper if so...Buy one that is proven!



ONE NOTE::: Please no PMs on how to set it up. You have to do some work yourself..


Once you have configured your laptop properly, you need to download Spdaten 48.1 the full version for E89 chassis. Dont download the lite versions as it doesnt have the necessary files needed for flashing modules. There are torrent links around...Look for them! The E89 Spdaten needs to be imported to WinKFP. There are PDFs showing how to get this done, do a search! Once it correctly imported, then you may start the flash using Winkpf.



Here we go:


-Make sure your battery is good if not get a battery charger


-Open drivers door and turn ignition ON (cluster guage on)


-connect cable to obd connector of car


-Load Winkpf software


-Press (F1) comfort mode


-Press (F3) Update ZUSB


-Choose ECU GKE215


-Press (F2) Choose ZUSB


-Choose ECU GKE215 and next to it there will be ZB-Numbers..Find 7615835


-Click ok


-If you have done it correctly so far you will see at the top Assembly Identification number 7615835 and it will automatically reference the magical Alpina B3 TCU flash software 7591971


-Press (F4) Enter VIN ( make sure you double check you have entered the correct VIN numbers)


-click ok


-Press DONE (F8)


-Press (F3) Program


-Pop up window will say you can code the ECU 63 more times, click ok


-Flashing begins and you will have to wait till it reaches 100%


-once it reaches 100% it will pop up again saying you have 62 more times to program the ECU, click ok


-Programming again starts, wait until this reaches 100%


-If everything is done correctly, then you will get a pop up screen saying programming done, click ok


-Shut off car by taking key out. Lock car with key, wait 5 minutes and start the car..If everything works correctly you will not

have any warning signs or check engine lights...Enjoy your newly transformed AT Alpina B3 software


Merci mult,


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