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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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da si eu gasisem un gallardo nou, insa cand m-am dus sa il iau am constatat ca interiorul nu corespundea descrierii, practic cusatura de la piele era alba si am zis pas, asa ca si eu astept reventonu' asta nou.
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Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar desi pentru puristi un M veritabil va ramane aspirat, mie specificatiile astea mi se par geniale:


50% unique parts compared to F30/F32 Bi-turbo inline 6 cylinder (S55) 430 HP (approximately) and "far beyond" 369+ LB-FT (500 Nm) Higher than 7500 RPM redline Under 3,306 lb (1500kg) weight Fuel consumption & emissions reduced by 25% CFRP drive shaft, roof, trunk (M4), front strut brace, roof bow 6 speed manual standard, 7 speed DCT optional Active M Differential Forged Crankshaft Optional Adaptive M suspension Electric power steering 50:50 weight distribution







  • 3.0L inline 6 cylinder engine (S55) with two mono-scroll turbochargers
    • 3,027 cc (compare to 2,979 cc of N55)
    • 89.6mm bore / 80mm stroke over-square (compare to 84mm bore / 89.6mm stroke under-square of N55)
    • Derived from N55 engine
    • Direct Injection
    • Double-VANOS
    • closed-decked crankcase (4.4 lbs / 2kg lighter)
    • twin-wire arc-spray coating (instead of liners) in cylinder bores reduce engine weight
    • 20 lbs lighter than V8 S65 engine (from E90/E92 M3)

    [*]430 HP (approximately) from around 5000-7300 RPM[*]"far beyond" 369+ LB-FT (500 Nm) from under 2000 RPM to over 5000 RPM[*]See Dyno Chart[*]Slightly above 7500 RPM redline


  • Two Mitsubishi mono-scroll turbochargers
  • 18.1 PSI / 1.25 BAR max peak
  • Pre-tensioned in Sport and Sport+ modes (keep spinning at a high rate of speed even after throttle lift-off, for ultra quick response - more details)
  • Impulse charging for optimized responsiveness
  • Flow-enhanced manifolds
  • Electric wastegate actuator


  • Double-flow oil recirculation pumps
  • Turbocharger suction system
  • Main radiator plus additional radiators for the high- and low-temperature circuits, turbocharger and transmission
  • Large indirect intercooler (sits atop engine, necessitating hood bulge)
  • Low-weight magnesium oil sump (2.2 lbs / 1kg lighter)
  • Temperature-stabilizing electric water pump


  • Under 3,306 lb (1500kg) weight
    • this figure is without driver and with 90% fuel
    • BMW clarifies that "the new model is now around 80 kilograms [176 lbs] lighter than a comparably equipped predecessor model"

    • compare to E46 M3 at ~3,400 lb curb weight
    • compare to E92 M3 at ~3,600 lb curb weight
    • compare to C63 AMG at ~3,900 lb curb weight
    • compare to RS5 at ~4,000 lb curb weight

    [*]~ 7.68 lb/hp power to weight

    • compare to E92 M3 at 8.7
    • compare to C63 AMG at 8.7
    • compare to RS5 at 9.0
    • compare to E46 M3 at 10.25

    [*]Fuel consumption and emissions reduction of 25%


  • CFRP drive shaft (tested for speeds up to 205 MPH)
    • 40% weight savings over previous M3
    • increased stiffness
    • reduced rotating mass for better acceleration and throttle response

    [*]CFRP roof for both M3 and M4

    • saves 11 pounds (5kg) on M3
    • saves more than 13.2 pounds (6kg) on M4

    [*]CFRP roof bow[*]Carbon fiber trunk for M4 (11 pounds (5kg) weight savings)[*]CFRP front strut brace standard (weighs just 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg))[*]Front fenders and hood made from aluminum


  • Standard 6 speed manual transmission
    • automatic throttle blips on downshift
    • more compact and quieter than predecessor E90/E92 M3 6 speed
    • 26.4 pounds (12kg) lighter
    • carbon fiber friction linings in synchroniser rings
    • dry sump lubrication

    [*]Optional 7 speed M DCT (double clutch transmission) with launch control[*]Active M Differential with constantly variable locking (a la M5/M6), from 0 to 100 percent[*]Forged crankshaft


  • Entirely new electric power steering (EPS) unit, built by ZF
  • Specially tuned for M3/M4
  • Servotronic function electronically adjusts the level of steering assistance
  • Three modes: Comfort, Sport, Sport+
  • Will not compensate for understeer, oversteer, coarse road surface. Motor will not help unwind the steering wheel and it will self-center by by natural forces


  • Optional EDC Adaptive M suspension (with Comfort, Sport, Sport+ modes)
  • CFRP front strut brace
  • Double-joint spring strut front axle (saves 11 pounds)
  • New five-link rear axle made from forged aluminum (saves 6.6 pounds)
  • Aluminum suspension
  • Aluminium stiffening plate
  • Rear axle subframe fixed directly to body (bolted joints between the axle subframe and the body sills, without use of elastic rubber elements).


  • 18 and 19 inch options will be available
  • Lightweight forged wheels standard
  • Staggered tire sizes - 255/35 ZR front and 275/35 ZR rear
  • Prototypes fitted with Michelin Pilot Sport tires, but other tire brands will be certified as well
  • M compound brakes standard (in blue)
    • four piston front / two piston rear

    [*]M carbon ceramic brakes optional (in gold)

    • six piston front / four piston rear


  • Exhaust features electrically controlled flaps just before rear silencer to minimize exhaust back-pressure as well as giving precise feedback on engine load.
    • When closed, flow is forced into and laterally across the silencer; when open, flow is more directly through the narrow part of the silencer.

    [*]Catalysts with metal substrate (less restrictive than ceramic)[*]Exhaust always exits all four tail pipes


  • 50:50 weight distribution
  • Air Curtain
  • M gills with integrated Air Breather behind front wheels


  • Live amplification of the S55 engine's natural sounds into the passenger cabin (via stereo speakers)
  • No artificially generated sound or pre-recorded track being played


  • The M3/M4 standalone components amounts to roughly 50 per cent. This includes body, chassis and powertrain components.
  • Llithium-ion starter battery under consideration.
  • M3 and M4 to be introduced together (at Detroit NAIAS 2014 in January).
  • M3 and M4 developed with help of BMW race car drivers Bruno Spengler and Timo Glock's participation in extensive testing and set- up runs on the Nürburgring-Nordschleife circuit, focusing on assessment of the cars’ suspension, tyres and all elements of the powertrain.

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Nu sunt chiar la el in sat, ca parca era prin New York, eu sunt mai pe jos... undeva unde e benzina ceva mai ieftina... :p


P.S. De ce sa ma pozez la volanul unei masini pe care nu o detin? Hmmm... nu sunt genul ala. :) Nu sunt nici ca altii care isi puneau modelul de TV pe forum, ceasul, ochelarii de soare, pomul de Craciun, poza cu burta nevastii gravida...




JET ma ca esti bolnav mintal, desi pentru foarte scurt timp am banuit ca ti-ai revenit, insa patologia ta este una foarte complexa si degenerativa bag de seama.


Sa inteleg ca pana la urma ai reusit sa ii prostesti sa-ti dea viza de state, prima data parca ai fost singurul refuzat dintr-un grup foarte mare, gen protu' satului, pentru ca la intrebarea "de ce vrei sa vii in US", ai raspuns ceva la modul "ca sa fac bani sa imi cumpar Bemveu" :LMAO: Sau e ceva Special Visa, ca la Special Olympics, gen cum e Student Exchange, doar ca Retard Exchange ?



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3,027 cc (compare to 2,979 cc of N55)

89.6mm bore / 80mm stroke over-square (compare to 84mm bore / 89.6mm stroke under-square of N55)

In Romania, cei 27cmc peste 3000cmc costa ~560 Euro /an :)

Din cauza lor, noul M4 se va incadra in clasa maxima de impozit, care conform legii de acum inseamna ~ 1050 Euro/an. Asta pana nu s-o "actualiza cu inflatia".

Evident, multi vor spune ca daca iti iei M4 nu te mai uiti la impozit. Oare?

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In Romania, cei 27cmc peste 3000cmc costa ~560 Euro /an :)

Din cauza lor, noul M4 se va incadra in clasa maxima de impozit, care conform legii de acum inseamna ~ 1050 Euro/an. Asta pana nu s-o "actualiza cu inflatia".

Evident, multi vor spune ca daca iti iei M4 nu te mai uiti la impozit. Oare?


Nu iti face probleme :)

Stai linistit :)

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In Romania, cei 27cmc peste 3000cmc costa ~560 Euro /an :)

Din cauza lor, noul M4 se va incadra in clasa maxima de impozit, care conform legii de acum inseamna ~ 1050 Euro/an. Asta pana nu s-o "actualiza cu inflatia".

Evident, multi vor spune ca daca iti iei M4 nu te mai uiti la impozit. Oare?


Nici eu nu sunt de acord cu conceptia asta. Si da, din pacate ai dreptate cu clasa de impozit. Dar din punctul asta de vedere oricum e mai bine decat la "vechiul" M3.

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Mai, io nu mi-as lua nici de-al dracului fix din motivu asta :(


Faceti un efort si depasiti imaginea metaforica a cumparatorului zeu, imun la micimile pamantesti, pasionat doar de senzatii.

Banii COSTA oricum i-ai face


Intotdeauna sunt si exceptii. Totusi cred ca cei care isi iau o masina de 100.000 de euro au cu totul alte griji. Nu vorbeste nimeni de zei. Banii costa si pentru oamenii respectivi doar ca ei produc mult mai mult. Unii isi iau din pasiune, altii din snobism.

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Or fi si din astia, nu zic nu :)


Ciudat, cred ca eu m-am schimbat: toata lumea imi zice sa-mi iau o masina misto, insa pur si simplu mi se pare aberanta ideea. Mai mult decat un mijloc de transport n-o vad a fi. Pasiune? Lol. Daca asta e pasiunea....


Bine, o motoreta da, asta da, chiar te molfaie ca pe-o felie de portocala intr-o gura de cal dorinta asta de-ai da gaz sub soare in vant

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De o suta iti iei un velier care are si motor si cabina cu 4 paturi, sa faci mediterana dus intors.


Mai are rost sa mai zic ceva?



C.c pe ele de masini


BAG PULA :sorcerer: IMI IAU VELIER, uitati-va la mine mã. Gata, m-am decis.

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