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marius, am zis ca ca poate sunt si exceptii

si poate sunt, dar cu o floare nu se face primavara.

Gumele sunty esentiale pentru siguranta in trafic, daca stii ca nu ai stai in banca ta.


Si eu de cand am masina cred ca am dat pe gume dealungul timpului cam cat a costat ea.

Edited by DOMI
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ca idee...orice depasire pe contrasens se face:-S..altfel nu mai este depasire


serios, dar ce este ?


ia zi bai soferule, cand este permisa depasirea pe dreapta de exemplu? oricum esti praf, insa vreau sa evidentiez si mai mult aspectul asta.

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nici nu e de mirare.. un mercedes, bmw sh e usor de luat, apoi la masini de peste 150 de cai si in marea lor majoritate (de la e46 in sus nu cred ca e vreuna sub 1,4-15 t) se cumpara cauciucuri sh cu carnita....

Si de acolo......se duce dracul tot... degeaba are BMW frane, tinuta de drum, balansat 50-50 etc etc.. toate sunt anulate...

Eu personal u cred ca am vazut vreunul cu masina mai veche de 5 ani cu niste gume ca lumea de mai bine de un an

Poate exista, dar eu nu am vazut nici unul.

am gume de 1 an -cele de vara si 2 ani cele de iarna -luate de noi,dracu am crescut valoare masinii cu vreo 800 eur din manevra asta :mellow:

altfel la ce zicci tu se mai adauga si faptul ca amortizoare bucse arcuri sunt cele originale pe masinile alea,mai e treaba ca toti au impresia ca E46/E36 sunt masini de curse.am pus un post foarte misto pe aici nu stiu cati l-au citit il mai pun odata:


E34, when driving around the car feels good and grippy, though heavy. At the limit the car understeers, but when finagled through sudden lifting or trail braking, the rear end gets loose and the car feels loose and easily directable. When it oversteers, it breaks loose predictably and slowly. It also can maintain grip with some slip angle of the rear tires. Why? The E34 has an independent, semi trailing arm rear suspension. The camber and toe changes as the wheel travels up and down in the rear.


E30, It feels grippy and easily tossable. It is also a light car. The 318i has an M42 engine, which has a smooth linear torque band without too much power. The suspension design is similar to the E34, so it has similar handling characteristics. Since the car is lighter it tends to understeer less at corner entry. When the car has a little suspension work done (HR race springs and Bilstein sport shocks) the car is pretty much neutral everywhere. With stock 318i HP, it has no trouble putting power down, and E30's love slip angle in the rear. The fact that the grip level drops off so slowly in an E30 / E34, gives the driver confidence to push the limit of the car.


E36, it feels like a cross between the E30 and E34 in terms of handling (Initially ). This is mainly due to the weight increase. At the limit, the E36 chassis understeers...a lot. This can be remedied with suspension work and a square tire setup. Once you get the understeer out of the chasiss, you notice that the rear end is very grippy...until it breaks loose, much more suddenly than the E30 and E34 chassis. This is because of the multi link rear suspension design. (Thank you Mercedes for releasing the 190E). Camber still changes with wheel travel, but toe stays the same (or changes much less). This provides more ultimate grip (believe it or not), at the sacrifice of predictability, and (lower) grip levels with slip angle present in the rear tires. In short the E36 has a better rear suspension design, and is a faster car because of it, but it is harder to drive at the limit.


E46, has a very similar suspension design to the E36 (almost identical), but a stiffer chassis. It is slightly heavier, but can be slightly faster given the same power to weight ratio. The E46 driver does feel more disconnected from the car than in the E36 chassis, and the E36 feels more disconnected than the E30. However each chassis has progressively more potential as they find newer and better ways to engineer things


mai pe scurt ,desi poti merge mai tare cu un E46 decat cu un E30 E46-ele nu prea iti da multe semnale ca te apropii de limita,eventual ceva clipiri DSC multi le arunca in pom mergand pe principiul blana,personal de cand mi-am luat-o cu E30-ul m-am calmat,la E46 pot sa zic ca ceea ce scrie sus nenea in engleza e adevarat.Ma rog pe mine m-a mancat in fund sa pun H&R si alte cacaturi dar oricum masina in continuare e destul de imprevizibila daca se merge la limita.


PS:da stiu sunt destul de off topic cu postul asta :D

Edited by alex230ro
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