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dupa parerea mea, nici-o valoare nu este recomandata de producator, difere de la masina la masina.

si este prestabilita in ECU, degeaba recomanda producatorul o valoare, exemplu 750. daca motorul tau nu suporta aceasta turatie, si pur si simplu se opreste., sau trepideaza,....daca totusi vrei sa-ti dam un raspuns, o valoare ar fi aceea, cea-mai mica suportata de un motor anume. adica daca tu iti setezi la 650, si motorul se comporta ceas, si pe loc si in mers , este buna.

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Ar fi bine ca sa postati fiecare ce model de motor cati cmc aveti si cate rpm aveti la relanti . Nu uitati sa spuneti si ce model de masina este. E36,E46,E90 ... Benzina diesel... Edited by ad!tza
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Astept si alte pareri.



Altcineva, alte pareri, masinile voastre cum stau la cate rpm ?



Alte pareri serioase?



Ar fi bine ca sa postati fiecare ce model de motor cati cmc aveti si cate rpm aveti la relanti . Nu uitati sa spuneti si ce model de masina este. E36,E46,E90 ... Benzina diesel...



Altcineva alte idei, poate reuseste cineva sa ne spuna si care este turatia recomandata de producator la relanti


vrei sa fii moderator? :popcorn:

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The ECM determines idle speed by controlling an idle speed actuator (dual winding rotary

actuator) ZWD 5.

The basic functions of the idle speed control are:

• Control the initial air quantity

(at air temperatures <0 C,

the EDK is simultaneously


• Variable preset idle based on

load and inputs

• Monitor RPM feedback for

each preset position

• Lower RPM range intake air

flow (even while driving)

• Vacuum limitation

• Smooth out the transition from acceleration to deceleration

Under certain engine operating parameters, the EDK throttle control and the idle speed

actuator (ZWD) are operated simultaneously.This includes All idling conditions and the transition

from off idle to load.

As the request for load increases, the idle valve will remain open and the EDK will supply

any additional air volume required to meet the demand.

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Simile,a un prieten a cumparat o masina si avea relantiu la 1000 m-am uitat cu inpa si am vazut ca era setat la 1000 si l-am pus la 700 mai balbaie cateodata la 650 trepideaza la 750 sta prea turata si intrebam la cat e normal sa stea default.

MihaiMAN vb frumos.

Edited by ad!tza
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in alta ordine de idei si on topic daca e probleme avec cazan poti sa cauti si :




Engine Controls - Low Speed Idle Dip/Fluctuation



SI B 12 57 06

Engine Electrical Systems



January 2007

Technical Service




DME MS43 Idle Dip




E46 M54, 325i with MS43 from 9/00 to 3/03

E46 M54, 325xi with MS43 from 8/01 to 12/04

E46 M54, 330i with MS43 from 5/00 to 3/03

E46 M54, 330xi with MS43 from 8/01 to 12/04

E53 M54, X5 3.0i with MS43 from 3/00 to 9/06




Customers may complain about an idle dip/fluctuation, especially on slow turns or during parking maneuver.




DME calibration.




On a customer complaint basis only , reprogram DME using Progman V24.00.



Important note:

The improved DME software was introduced: - for E46 325i/xi vehicles in DIS V39 (9/04)

- for E46 330i/xi vehicles in DIS V43 (9/05)

- for E53 X5 3.0l vehicles in Progman V24 (12/06)

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Bai, stati asa. Va injurati dupa.


Cum adica ai modificat matale, bre, lu' amicu' ala?


Are Dacie pa carburator, sau cum? Nu-mi spune ca voi va jucati de-a injineru cu letopu' pe masinile oamenilor, ca nu pot sa cred una ca asta


Gata, s-a terminat pauza. Continuati

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on topic ca sa imi iau warn :))

relantiul la M54 sta unde vrea muschiul lui ECU

daca aveti probleme cu relantiul verificati sa nu fie problema de soft

daca vreti sa castigati 100 eur usor ...... :rolleyes:


PS:nu stiu daca MihaiMAN e din Berceni,ca sa fii bercenar tre sa ai minim 10 ani in "cartier" Paiut poa sa confirme daca e pe receptie :download:

Edited by alex230ro
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